20,963 research outputs found

    Impact of European Water Framework Directive Article 7 on Drinking Water Directive compliance for pesticides: challenges of a prevention-led approach

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    Article 7 of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) promotes a prevention-led approach to European Drinking Water Directive (DWD) compliance for those parameters that derive from anthropogenic influences on raw water quality. However, the efficacy of pollution prevention interventions is currently uncertain and likely to be variable, which makes absolute compliance with the drinking water standard a significant challenge. Member State governments, the WFD competent authority, the DWD competent authority, water suppliers and agriculture are all affected by and have a different perspective on the nature of this challenge. This paper presents a discussion of these perspectives applicable to stakeholders in all European Member States; the analysis is supported with examples from England and Wales. Improved understanding of the challenges faced by each group is needed if these groups are to achieve the shared goals of WFD Article 7 compliance and DWD compliance without a disproportionately negative impact on agricultural productivity. In addition, the European Commission needs to be aware of and address a potential incompatibility between WFD Article 7 and the DWD. With this in mind, targeted recommendations for action are presented for each stakeholder group

    Arkansas Small-Grain Cultivar Performance Tests 2004-2005

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    Small-grain cultivar performance tests are conducted each year in Arkansas by the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences. The tests provide information to companies developing cultivars and/or marketing seed within the state and aid the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service in formulating cultivar recommendations for smallgrain producers

    Application of pushbroom altimetry from space using large space antennas

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    The capabilities of multibeam altimetry are discussed and an interferometric multibeam technique for doing precision altimetry is described. The antenna feed horn arrangement and the resulting footprint lube pattern are illustrated. Plans for a shuttle multibeam altimetry mission are also discussed

    Discussion of spectrophotometric determination of marine-plant pigments, with revised equations for ascertaining chlorophylls and carotenoids

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    A number of discrepancies in the spectrophotometric determination of plant pigments with the Richards with Thompson method have been reported. A revised set of equations for the determination of plant chlorophylls and a new equation for the approximate estimation of plant carotenoids are presented

    Practical experience using a computational model for the design of heterogeneous distributed software

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    Heterogeneous cluster environments are becoming an increasing popular platform for executing parallel applications. Efficient heterogeneous programs must account for the differences inherent in such an environment. We propose the HBSP(1) model of computation as a framework for developing applications for heterogeneous clusters of workstations. The utility of the model is demonstrated through the design and analysis of the scatter and one-to-all broadcast algorithms. Extensive experimentation illustrates the benefits of using the model for heterogeneous program development. By hiding the non-uniformity of the underlying system, the HBSP(1) model provides a framework that embraces the heterogeneity of the underlying system

    The evolutionary state of short-period magnetic white dwarf binaries

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    We present phase-resolved spectroscopy of two new short-period low accretion rate magnetic binaries, SDSS J125044.42+154957.3 (Porb= 86 min) and SDSS J151415.65+074446.5 (Porb= 89 min). Both systems were previously identified as magnetic white dwarfs from the Zeeman splitting of the Balmer absorption lines in their optical spectra. Their spectral energy distributions exhibit a large near-infrared excess, which we interpret as a combination of cyclotron emission and possibly a late-type companion star. No absorption features from the companion are seen in our optical spectra. We derive the orbital periods from a narrow, variable Hα emission line which we show to originate on the companion star. The high radial velocity amplitude measured in both systems suggests a high orbital inclination, but we find no evidence for eclipses in our data. The two new systems resemble the polar EF Eri in its prolonged low state and also SDSS J121209.31+013627.7, a known magnetic white dwarf plus possible brown dwarf binary, which was also recovered by our method

    Misfit strain relaxation and dislocation formation in supercritical strained silicon on virtual substrates

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    Relaxation of strained silicon on 20% linear graded virtual substrates was quantified using high resolution x-ray diffraction and a defect etching technique. The thickness of strained silicon was varied between 10 and 180 nm. Relaxation was observed in layers below the critical thickness but increased to only 2% relaxation in the thickest layers even with annealings up to 950 °C. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy revealed stacking faults present in layers thicker than 25 nm, and nucleated 90° Shockley partial dislocations forming microtwins in the thickest layer. These features are implicated in the impediment of the relaxation process

    Seeded vs Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrass

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    Last updated: 6/12/200
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