4,308 research outputs found

    Assessing digital preservation frameworks: the approach of the SHAMAN project

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    How can we deliver infrastructure capable of supporting the preservation of digital objects, as well as the services that can be applied to those digital objects, in ways that future unknown systems will understand? A critical problem in developing systems is the process of validating whether the delivered solution effectively reflects the validated requirements. This is a challenge also for the EU-funded SHAMAN project, which aims to develop an integrated preservation framework using grid-technologies for distributed networks of digital preservation systems, for managing the storage, access, presentation, and manipulation of digital objects over time. Recognising this, the project team ensured that alongside the user requirements an assessment framework was developed. This paper presents the assessment of the SHAMAN demonstrators for the memory institution, industrial design and engineering and eScience domains, from the point of view of user’s needs and fitness for purpose. An innovative synergistic use of TRAC criteria, DRAMBORA risk registry and mitigation strategies, iRODS rules and information system models requirements has been designed, with the underlying goal to define associated policies, rules and state information, and make them wherever possible machine-encodable and enforceable. The described assessment framework can be valuable not only for the implementers of this project preservation framework, but for the wider digital preservation community, because it provides a holistic approach to assessing and validating the preservation of digital libraries, digital repositories and data centres


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    Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing mempunyai posisi yang sangat strategis di era globalisasi saat ini. Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris menjadi sangat penting untuk dapat beradaptasi dan mengikuti arus perkembangan global yang semakin maju, terutama bagi  generasi muda yang dituntut untuk mampu berbahasa inggris agar dapat t mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Maka dari itu pelatihan Bahasa Inggris bagi staff Dinas Pariwisata Kebudayaan, Pemuda dan Olahraga ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris komunikasi dan memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana etika berbahasa Inggris dalam pergaulan internasional. Kegiatan PKM ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26-29 Agustus 2019 yang bertempat di Gedung Perpustakaan Unirow, Tuban lantai 3. Pihak-pihak yang mengikuti pelatihan adalah para staff bagian Kepemudaan Disparbudpora, dan Komunitas Pemuda Kreatif yang termasuk calon duta pemuda kreatif dan inovatif, Kabupaten Tuban. Jumlah peserta adalah 35 orang.Materi pelatihan meliputi Introduction on a speech, describing something (tourism destination, historical sites, and popular places), and welcoming visitors. Penyampaian materi dilakukan melalui ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab dan dialog praktek dialog maupun monolog. Pelaksanaan dari penelitian ini yang meliputi perencanaan, proses dan hasil  secara umum dinilai peserta sangat baik (54%).  Evaluasi dilakukan dihari terakhir dengan memberikan tes berupa dialog practice. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ini dirasa memberikan manfaat bagi para pemuda, terutama untuk pengembangan skill peserta dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan orang asin

    Adaptive control with neural networks-based disturbance observer for a spherical UAV

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    This paper develops a control scheme for a Spherical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which can be used in complex scenarios where traditional navigation and communications systems would not succeed. The proposed scheme is based on the nonlinear control theory combined with Adaptive Neural-Networks Disturbance Observer (NN-DOB) and controls the attitude and altitude of the UAV in presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances. The NN-DOB can effectively estimate the uncertainties without the knowledge of their bounds and the control system stability is proven using Lyapunov’s stability theorems. Numerical simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method on the UAV under model uncertainties and external disturbances

    Spectromicroscopy of electronic phase separation in Kx_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 superconductor

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    Structural phase separation in Ax_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 system has been studied by different experimental techniques, however, it should be important to know how the electronic uniformity is influenced, on which length scale the electronic phases coexist, and what is their spatial distribution. Here, we have used novel scanning photoelectron microscopy (SPEM) to study the electronic phase separation in Kx_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2, providing a direct measurement of the topological spatial distribution of the different electronic phases. The SPEM results reveal a peculiar interconnected conducting filamentary phase that is embedded in the insulating texture. The filamentary structure with a particular topological geometry could be important for the high Tc_c superconductivity in the presence of a phase with a large magnetic moment in Ax_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 materials.Comment: 14 pages,3 figure

    Vision After Early-Onset Lesions of the Occipital Cortex: I. Neuropsychological and Psychophysical Studies

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    We analyzed the visual functions of two patients (MS, FJ) with bilateral lesion of the primary visual cortex, which occurred at gestational age 33 wk in MS and at postnatal month 7 in FJ. In both patients basic visual functions— visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color, form, motion perception—are similarly preserved or modestly impaired. Functions requiring higher visual processing, particularly figure-ground segregation based on textural cues, are severely impaired. In MS, studied longitudinally, the deficits attenuated between the ages of 4.5 and 8 y, suggesting that the developing visual system can display a considerable degree of adaptive plasticity several years after the occurrence of a lesion. In FJ (age 18:9 to 20:6 y), who is more impaired, the recovery, if any, was less

    Vision After Early-Onset Lesions of the Occipital Cortex: II. Physiological Studies

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    In one of two patients (MS and FJ) with bilateral, early-onset lesion of the primary visual cortex, Kiper et al. (2002) observed a considerable degree of functional recovery. To clarify the physiological mechanisms involved in the recovery, we used fMRI and quantitative EEG to study both patients. The fMRI investigations indicated that in both patients, isolated islands of the primary visual cortex are functioning, in the right hemisphere in MS and in the left in FJ. The functional recovery observed in MS roughly correlated with the functional maturation of interhemispheric connections and might reflect the role of corticocortical connectivity in visual perception. The functionality of interhemispheric connections was assessed by analyzing the changes in occipital inter-hemispheric coherence of EEG signals (ICoh) evoked by moving gratings. In the patient MS, this ICoh response was present at 7:11 y and was more mature at 9:2 y. In the more visually mpaired patient, FJ, a consistent increase in ICoh to visual stimuli could not be obtained, possibly because of the later occurrence of the lesion

    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition of the cytosolic and tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II and IX with some 1,3,4-oxadiazole- and 1,2,4-triazole-thiols

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    Novel mercapto-1,3,4-oxadiazole and -1,2,4-triazole derivatives were synthesized by various pathways starting from 4-(4-halogeno-phenylsulfonyl)benzoic acid hydrazides which were reacted with carbon disulfide or isothiocyanates. The heterocyclic mercaptans prepared in this way were assayed as inhibitors of three physiologically relevant isoforms of the zinc enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, i.e., the cytosolic CA I and II, and the tumor-associated, transmembrane isozyme CA IX. Interesting biological activity was detected for some of the new mercaptans, with inhibition constants in the low micromolar range