1,325 research outputs found
When renormalizability is not sufficient: Coulomb problem for vector bosons
The Coulomb problem for vector bosons W incorporates a known difficulty; the
boson falls on the center. In QED the fermion vacuum polarization produces a
barrier at small distances which solves the problem. In a renormalizable SU(2)
theory containing vector triplet (W^+,W^-,gamma) and a heavy fermion doublet F
with mass M the W^- falls on F^+, to distances r ~ 1/M, where M can be made
arbitrary large. To prevent the collapse the theory needs additional light
fermions, which switch the ultraviolet behavior of the theory from the
asymptotic freedom to the Landau pole. Similar situation can take place in the
Standard Model. Thus, the renormalizability of a theory is not sufficient to
guarantee a reasonable behavior at small distances for non-perturbative
problems, such as a bound state problem.Comment: Four page
Endoscopic and surgical treatment of the Mirizzi syndrome
Academia Medicală de Studii Postuniversitare, Harkov, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Sindromul Mirizzi se caracterizează prin compresia căii biliare de către colecist sau formarea unei fistule între
acestea, care corespunde tipului Mirizzi I şi II (McSherry, 1984). Diagnosticul se confirmă prin ERCP. Corecţia chirurgicală este
complexă şi adesea în cazurile de Mirizzi II este necesară aplicarea hepaticojejunostomiei.
Scop: Evaluarea oportunităţilor tratamentului endoscopic şi chirurgical al sindromului Mirizzi pentru păstrarea pasajului bilei
spre duoden.
Material şi metode: Dintre 2144 pacienţi cu litiază biliară, obstrucţia căilor biliare a fost evidențiată la 328 (15,3%). Sindromul
Mirizzi a fost diagnosticat în 21 (6,4%) cazuri: de tip I – la 6 (28,6%) pacienţi, de tip II – la 15 (71,4%).
Rezultate: În două cazuri de Mirizzi I iniţial a fost practicat drenajul biliar transnazal, într-un caz – stentarea ductului biliar
comun. Colecistectomia laparoscopică s-a efectuat la 5 pacienţi şi deschisă – la unul. La 2 din 15 (13,3%) pacienţi cu Mirizzi II
s-a reuşit litotripsia, la un bolnav a fost realizată stentarea biliară. Pentru a reduce icterul în 12 cazuri a fost aplicat drenajul biliar
transnazal. Ulterior, 9 pacienţi au suportat colecistectomie cu plastia defectului ductului biliar comun, la 2 bolnavi s-a efectuat
colecistectomie laparoscopică cu extragerea calculilor biliari, şi într-un caz s-a practicat hepaticojejunostomia. Astfel, la 14 din
15 (93,3%) bolnavi cu Mirizzi II pasajul biliar fiziologic a fost restabilit cu succes. Mortalitatea postoperatorie a constituit 0,
morbiditatea – 19% (4 pacienţi).
Concluzie: Aplicarea tratamentului endoscopic şi chirurgical la pacienţii cu Mirizzi II a permis restabilirea pasajul biliar fiziologic
în 93% din cazurile noastre.Introduction: The Mirizzi syndrome is characterized by compression of bile duct by gallbladder or fistula formation between
them, that corresponds to the Mirizzi type I and type II (McSherry, 1984). The diagnosis confirms by ERCP. Surgical correction
is complex and often needs hepaticojejunostomy in cases of Mirizzi II.
Aim: Evaluate opportunities of the endoscopic and surgical treatment of Mirizzi syndrome in the preservation of bile passage to
the duodenum.
Material and methods: Among 2144 patients with cholelithiasis, biliary tract obstruction occurred in 328 (15.3%). Mirizzi
syndrome was diagnosed in 21 (6.4%): type I – in 6 (28.6%) patients, type II – in 15 (71.4%).
Results: In two cases of Mirizzi I initially transnasal biliary drainage was performed and in one – the common bile duct stenting.
In 5 patients laparoscopic and in one open cholecystectomy was performed. In 2 of 15 (13.3%) patients with Mirizzi II lithotr ipsy
was successful; in one bile duct stenting was performed. To reduce jaundice in 12 cases transnasal biliary drainage was
introduced. Thereafter, 9 patients underwent cholecystectomy with the common bile duct defect plasty, 2 patients underwent
laparoscopic cholecystolitotomy with bile duct stones extraction, and in one case hepaticojejunostomy was formed. Thus, in 14
of 15 (93.3%) of Mirizzi II physiological bile passage was successfully restored. Postoperative mortality was 0, morbidity was
19% (4 patients).
Conclusion: The use of endoscopic and surgical treatment in cases of Mirizzi II allowed restoring the physiological bile
passage in 93% of cases
Monopole Vector Spherical Harmonics
Eigenfunctions of total angular momentum for a charged vector field
interacting with a magnetic monopole are constructed and their properties
studied. In general, these eigenfunctions can be obtained by applying vector
operators to the monopole spherical harmonics in a manner similar to that often
used for the construction of the ordinary vector spherical harmonics. This
construction fails for the harmonics with the minimum allowed angular momentum.
These latter form a set of vector fields with vanishing covariant curl and
covariant divergence, whose number can be determined by an index theorem.Comment: 21 pages, CU-TP-60
Flux- and volume-limited groups/clusters for the SDSS galaxies: catalogues and mass estimation
We provide flux-limited and volume-limited galaxy group and cluster
catalogues, based on the spectroscopic sample of the SDSS data release 10
galaxies. We used a modified friends-of-friends (FoF) method with a variable
linking length in the transverse and radial directions to identify as many
realistic groups as possible. The flux-limited catalogue incorporates galaxies
down to m_r = 17.77 mag. It includes 588193 galaxies and 82458 groups. The
volume-limited catalogues are complete for absolute magnitudes down to M_r =
-18.0, -18.5, -19.0, -19.5, -20.0, -20.5, and -21.0; the completeness is
achieved within different spatial volumes, respectively. Our analysis shows
that flux-limited and volume-limited group samples are well compatible to each
other, especially for the larger groups/clusters. Dynamical mass estimates,
based on radial velocity dispersions and group extent in the sky, are added to
the extracted groups. The catalogues can be accessed via http://cosmodb.to.ee
and the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS).Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&
Topological surface state under graphene for two-dimensional spintronics in air
Spin currents which allow for a dissipationless transport of information can
be generated by electric fields in semiconductor heterostructures in the
presence of a Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling. The largest Rashba effects occur
for electronic surface states of metals but these cannot exist but under
ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Here, we reveal a giant Rashba effect ({\alpha}_R
~ 1.5E-10 eVm) on a surface state of Ir(111). We demonstrate that its spin
splitting and spin polarization remain unaffected when Ir is covered with
graphene. The graphene protection is, in turn, sufficient for the spin-split
surface state to survive in ambient atmosphere. We discuss this result along
with evidences for a topological protection of the surface state.Comment: includes supplementary informatio
Atomic clocks with suppressed blackbody radiation shift
We develop a nonstandard concept of atomic clocks where the blackbody
radiation shift (BBRS) and its temperature fluctuations can be dramatically
suppressed (by one to three orders of magnitude) independent of the
environmental temperature. The suppression is based on the fact that in a
system with two accessible clock transitions (with frequencies v1 and v2) which
are exposed to the same thermal environment, there exists a "synthetic"
frequency v_{syn} (v1-e12 v2) largely immune to the BBRS. As an example, it is
shown that in the case of ion 171Yb+ it is possible to create a clock in which
the BBRS can be suppressed to the fractional level of 10^{-18} in a broad
interval near room temperature (300\pm 15 K). We also propose a realization of
our method with the use of an optical frequency comb generator stabilized to
both frequencies v1 and v2. Here the frequency v_{syn} is generated as one of
the components of the comb spectrum and can be used as an atomic standard.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Observation of Surface-Avoiding Waves: A New Class of Extended States in Periodic Media
Coherent time-domain optical experiments on GaAs-AlAs superlattices reveal
the exis-tence of an unusually long-lived acoustic mode at ~ 0.6 THz, which
couples weakly to the environment by evading the sample boundaries. Classical
as well as quantum states that steer clear of surfaces are generally shown to
occur in the spectrum of periodic struc-tures, for most boundary conditions.
These surface-avoiding waves are associated with frequencies outside forbidden
gaps and wavevectors in the vicinity of the center and edge of the Brillouin
zone. Possible consequences for surface science and resonant cavity
ap-plications are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure
Possibilities of prophylaxis of purulent complications in patients with acute intestinal obstruction
Academia Medicală de Studii Postuniversitare, Harkov, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Mortalitatea postoperatorie prin complicaţii septice acute ce survin la 50-85% dintre pacienţii cu ocluzii intestinale
acute (OIA) ajunge pînă la 17-21%. Injectarea intraluminală a antibioticelor, terapia parenterală empirică cu antibiotice, cît şi
intubarea intestinului urmată de lavaj nu îmbunătăţesc parametrii indicaţi mai sus.
Scopul studiului: Definirea rolului antibioticilor, care reprezintă cel mai răspîndit grup, în profilaxia complicaţiilor purulente
septice în OIA.
Material şi metode: Au fost analizate rezultatele tratamentului a 176 pacienţi, inclusiv a 62 cazuri diagnosticate cu OIA;
obturaţie – în 82 cazuri, iar în 32 cazuri cauza a fost hernia strangulată. Primul grup a inclus 81 pacienţi, 41 dintre care au
beneficiat de tratament parenteral cu preparate din grupul aminoglicozidelor şi 40 – preparate din seria penicilinelor. Al doilea
grup a inclus 95 pacienţi, la 48 dintre care li s-au administrat preparate din grupul fluorochinolonelor şi 47 – preparate din seria
cefalosporinelor. Alegerea preparatelor antibacteriene s-a bazat pe rezultatele studiului experimental de acumulare a
antibioticelor în peretele intestinal inflamat.
Rezultate: Eficacitatea terapiei antibacteriene a fost estimată prin frecvenţa ritmului cardiac, temperatura corpului, timpul de
restabilire a peristalticii, normalizarea indicilor clinici ai sîngelui şi urinei, caracterul şi calitatea complicaţiilor purulente. În
ambele grupuri nu au fost stabilite diferenţe semnificative referitoare la temperatura corpului şi timpul de restabilire a peristalticii.
Au fost atestate deosebiri semnificative între grupuri în ceea ce priveşte timpul de normalizare a frecvenţei ritmului cardiac,
formula sîngelui şi rata complicaţiilor purulente. În grupul al doilea de pacienţi numărul complicaţiilor inflamatorii purulente a fost
de 21%, iar în primul grup, în care pacienţilor li s-au administrat preparate aminoglicozide – 33,3%.
Concluzii: Utilizarea parenterală a fluorochinolonelor şi cefalosporinelor a influenţat rezultatele experimentului, diminuînd
esenţial complicaţiile purulente septice asociate cu OIA.Introduction: Post-operative mortality with acute-septic complications in patients with acute intestinal obstruction (AIO) as its
reason in 50-85% cases comprises 17-21%. Intraluminal introduction of antibiotics, empirical parenteral antibiotic therapy as
well as intestinal intubation with further lavage did not improve the parameters mentioned above.
The aim of study: Definition of antibiotics role, the most widespread groups, in septic complications prophylaxis in AIO.
Material and methods: There were analyzed the results of treatment of 176 patients, including 62 cases with diagnosed AIO of
adhesive genesis, obstructive – in 82 cases and 32 cases with strangulated hernia. The first group included 81 patients, 41 –
have incurred preparations with parenteral aminoglycosides and 40 – preparations with penicillin series. The second group
included 95 patients, 48 of them followed preparations with fluoroquinolones and 47 – with cephalosporin. The choice of
antibacterial preparations was based on the data of experimental trial on antibiotics cumulation in the wall of inflamed intestine.
Results: Efficacy of antibacterial therapy was estimated considering heart rate frequency, body temperature, and terms of
peristaltic restoration, normalization of blood and urine tests, character and quality of purulent complications. In the second
group of patients (fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins preparations) the number of purulent inflammatory complications was
21%, but in the first group (aminoglycosides) – 33.3%.
Conclusion: Parenteral indication of fluoroquinolones and cephalosporines in patients with acute intestinal obstruction
influence on the results essentially decreases the number of purulent complications correlated with AIO
The origin of purulent-septic complications in the obturation ileus
Objective. To establish the origin of the purulent complications developing in obturative ileus in experiment.
Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on 24 white rats of the Wistar line, in whom obturative ileus was simulated.
Results. The data about dynamical changes of the intestinal wall histostructure above the obstruction and concerning its seeding degree were obtained. In 12 h from the obstruction occurrence the destructive changes in intestinal wall, consisting of mucosal phlegmonous inflammation, occurr, while the bacterial seeding level of the intestinal wall raises from 104 CFU/g of the tissue (the initial) up to 1011 CFU/g. In 36 hours of the ileus persistence the purulent inflammation spreads on submucosal and muscular layers, and translocation of microflora into submucosal layer occurs, the level of microbial seeding of intestinal wall in these terms raises up to 1010-1011 CFU/g of the tissue.
Conclusion. Phlegmonous enteritis develops in durable persistence of obturative ileus in intestinal wall, localized above the obstruction. After elimination of obturative ileus, the intestinal lumen and abdominal cavity sanation the main origin of purulent complications persists in intestinal wall above the obstruction
Six-body Light-Front Tamm-Dancoff approximation and wave functions for the massive Schwinger model
The spectrum of the massive Schwinger model in the strong coupling region is
obtained by using the light-front Tamm-Dancoff (LFTD) approximation up to
including six-body states. We numerically confirm that the two-meson bound
state has a negligibly small six-body component. Emphasis is on the usefulness
of the information about states (wave functions). It is used for identifying
the three-meson bound state among the states below the three-meson threshold.
We also show that the two-meson bound state is well described by the wave
function of the relative motion.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures are available upon request; Minor errors
have been corrected; Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.
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