164 research outputs found

    Vertical profile of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) from MIPAS-STR measurements over Brazil in February 2005 and its contribution to tropical UT NOy partitioning

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    We report on the retrieval of PAN (CH<sub>3</sub>C(O)OONO<sub>2</sub>) in the upper tropical troposphere from limb measurements by the remote-sensor MIPAS-STR on board the Russian high altitude research aircraft M55-Geophysica. The measurements were performed close to Araçatuba, Brazil, on 17 February 2005. The retrieval was made in the spectral range 775–820 cm<sup>&minus;1</sup> where PAN exhibits its strongest feature but also more than 10 species interfere. Especially trace gases such as CH<sub>3</sub>CCl<sub>3</sub>, CFC-113, CFC-11, and CFC-22, emitting also in spectrally broad not-resolved branches, make the processing of PAN prone to errors. Therefore, the selection of appropriate spectral windows, the separate retrieval of several interfering species and the careful handling of the water vapour profile are part of the study presented. <br><br> The retrieved profile of PAN has a maximum of about 0.14 ppbv at 10 km altitude, slightly larger than the lowest reported values (&lt;0.1 ppbv) and much lower than the highest reported in the literature (0.65 ppbv). Besides the NO<sub>y</sub> constituents measured by MIPAS-STR (HNO<sub>3</sub>, ClONO<sub>2</sub>, HO<sub>2</sub>NO<sub>2</sub>, PAN), the in situ instruments aboard the Geophysica provide simultaneous measurements of NO, NO<sub>2</sub>, and the sum NO<sub>y</sub>. Comparing the sum of in-situ and remotely derived NO+NO<sub>2</sub>+HNO<sub>3</sub>+ClONO<sub>2</sub>+HO<sub>2</sub>NO<sub>2</sub>+PAN with total NO<sub>y</sub> a deficit of 30–40% (0.2–0.3 ppbv) in the troposphere remains unexplained whereas the values fit well in the stratosphere

    All-optical ion generation for ion trap loading

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    We have investigated the all-optical generation of ions by photo-ionisation of atoms generated by pulsed laser ablation. A direct comparison between a resistively heated oven source and pulsed laser ablation is reported. Pulsed laser ablation with 10 ns Nd:YAG laser pulses is shown to produce large calcium flux, corresponding to atomic beams produced with oven temperatures greater than 650 K. For an equivalent atomic flux, pulsed laser ablation is shown to produce a thermal load more than one order of magnitude smaller than the oven source. The atomic beam distributions obey Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics with most probable speeds corresponding to temperatures greater than 2200 K. Below a threshold pulse fluence between 280 mJ/cm^2 and 330 mJ/cm^2, the atomic beam is composed exclusively of ground state atoms. For higher fluences ions and excited atoms are generated.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Coherence of qubits based on single Ca+^+ ions

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    Two-level ionic systems, where quantum information is encoded in long lived states (qubits), are discussed extensively for quantum information processing. We present a collection of measurements which characterize the stability of a qubit based on the S1/2S_{1/2}--D5/2D_{5/2} transition of single 40^{40}Ca+^+ ions in a linear Paul trap. We find coherence times of \simeq1 ms, discuss the main technical limitations and outline possible improvements.Comment: Proceedings of "Trapped charged particles and fundamental interactions" submitted to Journal of Physics B (IoP

    Efficient photoionization for barium ion trapping using a dipole-allowed resonant two-photon transition

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    Two efficient and isotope-selective resonant two-photon ionization techniques for loading barium ions into radio-frequency (RF)-traps are demonstrated. The scheme of using a strong dipole-allowed transition at \lambda=553 nm as a first step towards ionization is compared to the established technique of using a weak intercombination line (\lambda=413 nm). An increase of two orders of magnitude in the ionization efficiency is found favoring the transition at 553 nm. This technique can be implemented using commercial all-solid-state laser systems and is expected to be advantageous compared to other narrowband photoionization schemes of barium in cases where highest efficiency and isotope-selectivity are required.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Laser ablation loading of a radiofrequency ion trap

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    The production of ions via laser ablation for the loading of radiofrequency (RF) ion traps is investigated using a nitrogen laser with a maximum pulse energy of 0.17 mJ and a peak intensity of about 250 MW/cm^2. A time-of-flight mass spectrometer is used to measure the ion yield and the distribution of the charge states. Singly charged ions of elements that are presently considered for the use in optical clocks or quantum logic applications could be produced from metallic samples at a rate of the order of magnitude 10^5 ions per pulse. A linear Paul trap was loaded with Th+ ions produced by laser ablation. An overall ion production and trapping efficiency of 10^-7 to 10^-6 was attained. For ions injected individually, a dependence of the capture probability on the phase of the RF field has been predicted. In the experiment this was not observed, presumably because of collective effects within the ablation plume.Comment: submitted to Appl. Phys. B., special issue on ion trappin

    Photoionisation loading of large Sr+ ion clouds with ultrafast pulses

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    This paper reports on photoionisation loading based on ultrafast pulses of singly-ionised strontium ions in a linear Paul trap. We take advantage of an autoionising resonance of Sr neutral atoms to form Sr+ by two-photon absorption of femtosecond pulses at a wavelength of 431nm. We compare this technique to electron-bombardment ionisation and observe several advantages of photoionisation. It actually allows the loading of a pure Sr+ ion cloud in a low radio-frequency voltage amplitude regime. In these conditions up to 4x10^4 laser-cooled Sr+ ions were trapped

    Financial Sector Crisis and Restructuring: Lessons from Asia

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    Dynamical localization simulated on a few qubits quantum computer

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    We show that a quantum computer operating with a small number of qubits can simulate the dynamical localization of classical chaos in a system described by the quantum sawtooth map model. The dynamics of the system is computed efficiently up to a time tt\geq \ell, and then the localization length \ell can be obtained with accuracy ν\nu by means of order 1/ν21/\nu^2 computer runs, followed by coarse grained projective measurements on the computational basis. We also show that in the presence of static imperfections a reliable computation of the localization length is possible without error correction up to an imperfection threshold which drops polynomially with the number of qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    A self-consistent empirical model atmosphere, abundance and stratification analysis of the benchmark roAp star alpha Circini

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    Chemically peculiar (CP) stars are unique natural laboratories for investigation of the microscopic diffusion processes of chemical elements. The element segregation under the influence of gravity and radiation pressure leads to the appearance of strong abundance gradients in the atmospheres of CP stars. Consequently, the atmospheric temperature-pressure structure of these objects could deviate significantly from the atmospheres of normal stars with homogeneous abundances. In this study we performed a self-consistent, empirical model atmosphere study of the brightest rapidly oscillating Ap star alpha Cir. We account for chemical stratification in the model atmosphere calculations and assess the importance of non-uniformed vertical element distribution on the model structure, energy distribution and hydrogen line profiles. Based on an iterative procedure of the chemical abundance analysis of 52 ions of 35 elements, stratification modeling of 4 elements (Si, Ca, Cr and Fe) and subsequent re-calculations of the atmospheric structure, we derived a new model atmosphere of alpha Cir, which is consistent with the inferred atmospheric chemistry of the star. We find Teff=7500 K, logg=4.1, and demonstrate that chemical stratification has a noticeable impact on the model structure and modifies the formation of the hydrogen Balmer lines. Our spectroscopically determined Teff of alpha Cir agrees with the fundamental effective temperature of this star. This shows that temperatures inferred in detailed spectroscopic analyses of cool magnetic CP stars are not affected by a large systematic bias.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic