25 research outputs found

    Physical Bounds to the Entropy-Depolarization Relation in Random Light Scattering

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    We present a theoretical study of multi-mode scattering of light by optically random media, using the Mueller-Stokes formalism which permits to encode all the polarization properties of the scattering medium in a real 4×44 \times 4 matrix. From this matrix two relevant parameters can be extracted: the depolarizing power DMD_M and the polarization entropy EME_M of the scattering medium. By studying the relation between EME_M and DMD_M, we find that {\em all} scattering media must satisfy some {\em universal} constraints. These constraints apply to both classical and quantum scattering processes. The results obtained here may be especially relevant for quantum communication applications, where depolarization is synonymous with decoherence.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral ergodicity and normal modes in ensembles of sparse matrices

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    We investigate the properties of sparse matrix ensembles with particular regard for the spectral ergodicity hypothesis, which claims the identity of ensemble and spectral averages of spectral correlators. An apparent violation of the spectral ergodicity is observed. This effect is studied with the aid of the normal modes of the random matrix spectrum, which describe fluctuations of the eigenvalues around their average positions. This analysis reveals that spectral ergodicity is not broken, but that different energy scales of the spectra are examined by the two averaging techniques. Normal modes are shown to provide a useful complement to traditional spectral analysis with possible applications to a wide range of physical systems.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure

    Developments in Random Matrix Theory

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    In this preface to the Journal of Physics A, Special Edition on Random Matrix Theory, we give a review of the main historical developments of random matrix theory. A short summary of the papers that appear in this special edition is also given.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Statistics of eigenfunctions in open chaotic systems: a perturbative approach

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    We investigate the statistical properties of the complexness parameter which characterizes uniquely complexness (biorthogonality) of resonance eigenstates of open chaotic systems. Specifying to the regime of isolated resonances, we apply the random matrix theory to the effective Hamiltonian formalism and derive analytically the probability distribution of the complexness parameter for two statistical ensembles describing the systems invariant under time reversal. For those with rigid spectra, we consider a Hamiltonian characterized by a picket-fence spectrum without spectral fluctuations. Then, in the more realistic case of a Hamiltonian described by the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, we reveal and discuss the r\^ole of spectral fluctuations

    A maximum likelihood method to correct for missed levels based on the Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) statistic

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    The Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) statistic of Random Matrix Theory is defined as the average of a set of random numbers {δ}\{\delta\}, derived from a spectrum. The distribution p(δ)p(\delta) of these random numbers is used as the basis of a maximum likelihood method to gauge the fraction xx of levels missed in an experimental spectrum. The method is tested on an ensemble of depleted spectra from the gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), and accurately returned the correct fraction of missed levels. Neutron resonance data and acoustic spectra of an aluminum block were analyzed. All results were compared with an analysis based on an established expression for Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) for a depleted GOE spectrum. The effects of intruder levels is examined, and seen to be very similar to that of missed levels. Shell model spectra were seen to give the same p(δ)p(\delta) as the GOE.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Stochastic mean-field dynamics for fermions in the weak coupling limit

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    Assuming that the effect of the residual interaction beyond mean-field is weak and has a short memory time, two approximate treatments of correlation in fermionic systems by means of Markovian quantum jump are presented. A simplified scenario for the introduction of fluctuations beyond mean-field is first presented. In this theory, part of the quantum correlations between the residual interaction and the one-body density matrix are neglected and jumps occur between many-body densities formed of pairs of states D=Φa><Φb/D=| \Phi_a > < \Phi_b |/ where Φa>| \Phi_a > and Φb>| \Phi_b > are antisymmetrized products of single-particle states. The underlying Stochastic Mean-Field (SMF) theory is discussed and applied to the monopole vibration of a spherical 40^{40}Ca nucleus under the influence of a statistical ensemble of two-body contact interaction. This framework is however too simplistic to account for both fluctuation and dissipation. In the second part of this work, an alternative quantum jump method is obtained without making the approximation on quantum correlations. Restricting to two particles-two holes residual interaction, the evolution of the one-body density matrix of a correlated system is transformed into a Lindblad equation. The associated dissipative dynamics can be simulated by quantum jumps between densities written as D=Φ>D = | \Phi > is a normalized Slater determinant. The associated stochastic Schroedinger equation for single-particle wave-functions is given.Comment: Enlarged version, 10 pages, 2 figure