26 research outputs found

    Kaon squeeze-out in heavy ion reactions

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    The squeeze-out phenomenon of K+K^+ and K−K^- mesons, i.e. the azimuthal asymmetry of K+K^+ and K−K^- mesons emitted at midrapidity in heavy ion reactions, is investigated for beam energies of 1-2 A.GeV. It is found that the squeeze-out signal is strongly affected by in-medium potentials of these mesons. The repulsive K+K^+-nucleus potential gives rise to a pronounced out-of-plane emission of K+K^+'s at midrapidity. With the K+K^+ potential we reproduce well the experimental data of the K+K^+ azimuthal distribution. It is found that the attractive K−K^--nucleus potential cancels to a large extent the influence of rescattering and reabsorption of the K−K^- mesons on the projectile and target residuals (i.e. shadowing). This results in an azimuthally isotropic emission of the midrapidity K−K^- mesons with transverse momentum up to 0.8 GeV/c. Since it is well accepted that the shadowing alone would lead to a significant out-of-plane preference of particle emission, in particular at high transverse momenta, the disappearance of the out-of-plane preference for the K−K^- mesons can serve as an unambiguous signal of the attractive K−K^- potential. We also apply a covariant formalism of the kaon dynamics to the squeeze-out phenomenon. Discrepancies between the theory and the experiments and possible solutions are discussed.Comment: 24 pages Latex using Elsevier style, 7 PS figures, accepted for publication in Euro. Phys. Jour.

    Nuclear stopping and flow in heavy ion collisions and the in-medium NN cross section

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    We present transport calculations for heavy ion reactions in which the mean field and the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section are consistently based on the same effective interaction, i.e. the in-medium T-matrix from microscopic Dirac-Brueckner calculations. Doing so, the stopping in central reactions in terms of the recently proposed vartlvar_{\rm tl} observable and the correlation to the behavior of the directed flow is investigated. The relation to the nuclear shear viscosity is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Asymmetric nuclear matter : a variational approach

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    We discuss here a self-consistent method to calculate the properties of the cold asymmetric nuclear matter. In this model, the nuclear matter is dressed with s-wave pion pairs and the nucleon-nucleon (N-N) interaction is mediated by these pion pairs, ω\omega and ρ\rho mesons. The parameters of these interactions are calculated self-consistently to obtain the saturation properties like equilibrium binding energy, pressure, compressibility and symmetry energy. The computed equation of state is then used in the Tolman- Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation to study the mass and radius of a neutron star in the pure neutron matter limit.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl

    Asymmetric Colliding Nuclear Matter Approach in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The early stage of a heavy ion collision is governed by local non-equilibrium momentum distributions which have been approximated by colliding nuclear matter configurations, i.e. by two Lorentz elongated Fermi ellipsoids. This approach has been extended from the previous assumption of symmetric systems to asymmetric 2-Fermi sphere configurations, i.e. to different densities. This provides a smoother transition from the limiting situation of two interpenetrating currents to an equilibrated system. The model is applied to the dynamical situations of heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies within the framework of relativistic transport (RBUU) calculations. We find that the extended colliding nuclear matter approach is more appropriate to describe collective reaction dynamics in terms of flow observables, in particular, for the elliptic flow at low energies.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Covariant representations of the relativistic Brueckner T-matrix and the nuclear matter problem

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    We investigate nuclear matter properties in the relativistic Brueckner approach. The in-medium on-shell T-matrix is represented covariantly by five Lorentz invariant amplitudes from which we deduce directly the nucleon self-energy. We discuss the ambiguities of this approach and the failure of previously used covariant representations in reproducing the nucleon self-energies on the Hartree-Fock level. To enforce correct Hartree-Fock results we develop a subtraction scheme which treats the bare nucleon-nucleon potential exactly in accordance to the different types of meson exchanges. For the remaining ladder kernel, which contains the higher order correlations, we employ then two different covariant representations in order to study the uncertainty inherent in the approach. The nuclear matter bulk properties are only slightly sensitive on the explicit representation used for the kernel. However, we obtain new Coester lines for the various Bonn potentials which are shifted towards the empirical region of saturation. In addition the nuclear equation-of-state turns out to be significantly softer in the new approach.Comment: 39 pages Latex using Elsevier style, 16 PS figure

    Aspects of particle production in isospin asymmetric matter

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    The production/absorption rate of particles in compressed and heated asymmetric matter is studied using a Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) transport model with an isospin dependent collision term. Just from energy conservation in the elementary production/absorption processes we expect to see a strong dependence of the yields on the basic Lorentz structure of the isovector effective interaction, due to isospin effects on the scalar and vector self-energies of the hadrons. This will be particularly evident for the ratio of the rates of particles produced with different charges: results are shown for \pi(+)/\pi(-), K(+)/K(0) yields. In order to simplify the analysis we perform RMF cascade simulations in a box with periodic boundary conditions. In this way we can better pin down all such fine relativistic effects in particle production, that could likely show up even in realistic heavy ion collisions. In particular, K(+,0) production is expected to be directly related to the high density behaviour of the symmetry energy, since kaons are produced very early during the high density stage of the collision and their mean free path is rather large. We show that the K(+)/K(0) ratio reflects important isospin contributions on the production rates just because of the large sensitivity around the threshold. The results are very promising for the possibility of a direct link between particle production data in exotic Heavy Ion Collisions and the isospin dependent part of the Equation of State at high baryon densities.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures; Nucl.Phys. A, accepte

    Consequences of kinetic non-equilibrium for the nuclear equation-of-state in heavy ion collision

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    Highly compressed nuclear matter created in relativistic heavy collisions is to large extent governed by local non-equilibrium. As an idealized scenario colliding nuclear matter configurations are studied within both, relativistic mean field theory and using more realistic in-medium interactions based on the Dirac-Brueckner T-matrix. The equation of state in anisotropic matter is thereby governed by two competing effects: The enlarged phase space volume in colliding matter tends to soften the internal potential energy of the subsystems whereas the relative motion of the two currents leads to a strong additional repulsion in the system. An effective EOS constructed for anisotropic momentum configurations shows a significant net softening compared to ground state nuclear matter. This effect is found to be to large extend independent on the particular choice of the nuclear interaction. A critical discussion of standard transport approaches with respect to the considered non-equilibrium effects is given.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Lambda collective flow in heavy ion reactions

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    Collective flow of Lambda hyperons in heavy ion reactions at SIS energies is investigated. It is found that a Λ\Lambda mean field constructed on the basis of the quark model leads to a good description of the experimental data of the in-plane transverse flow of Λ\Lambda's. The attractive mean field can also give rise to an additional "virtual" Λ\Lambda radial flow directed inwards, which is reflected by a "concave" structure of the transverse mass spectrum of the Λ\Lambda hyperons emitted at midrapidity. The Λ\Lambda radial flow is found to exhibit a strong mass dependence: The flow is visible in the Ni+Ni system, but is strongly reduced in the system of Au on Au.Comment: 18 pages LeTex, using Elsevier style, 6 PS-figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Fragment Formation in Central Heavy Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energies

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    We perform a systematic study of the fragmentation path of excited nuclear matter in central heavy ion collisions at the intermediate energy of 0.4AGeV0.4 AGeV. The theoretical calculations are based on a Relativistic Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (RBUURBUU) transport equation including stochastic effects. A Relativistic Mean Field (RMFRMF) approach is used, based on a non-linear Lagrangian, with coupling constants tuned to reproduce the high density results of calculations with correlations. At variance with the case at Fermi energies, a new fast clusterization mechanism is revealed in the early compression stage of the reaction dynamics. Fragments appear directly produced from phase-space fluctuations due to two-body correlations. In-medium effects of the elastic nucleon-nucleon cross sections on the fragmentation dynamics are particularly discussed. The subsequent evolution of the primordial clusters is treated using a simple phenomenological phase space coalescence algorithm. The reliability of the approach, formation and recognition, is investigated in detail by comparing fragment momentum space distributions {\it and simultaneously} their yields with recent experimental data of the FOPIFOPI collaboration by varying the system size of the colliding system, i.e. its compressional energy (pressure, radial flow). We find an excellent agreement between theory and experiment in almost all the cases and, on the other hand, some limitations of the simple coalescence model. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of the fragment structure is explored with a clear evidence of an earlier formation of the heavier clusters, that will appear as interesting relicsrelics of the high density phase of the nuclear Equation of State (EoSEoS).Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, Latex Elsart Style, minor corrections in p.7, two refs. added, Nucl.Phys.A, accepte