1,669 research outputs found

    Filaments as Possible Signatures of Magnetic Field Structure in Planetary Nebulae

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    We draw attention to the extreme filamentary structures seen in high-resolution optical images of certain planetary nebulae. We determine the physical properties of the filaments in the nebulae IC 418, NGC 3132, and NGC 6537, and based on their large length-to-width ratios, longitudinal coherence, and morphology, we suggest that they may be signatures of the underlying magnetic field. The fields needed for the coherence of the filaments are probably consistent with those measured in the precursor circumstellar envelopes. The filaments suggest that magnetic fields in planetary nebulae may have a localized and thread-like geometry.Comment: 26 pages with 7 figures. To be published in PASP. For full resolution images see http://physics.nyu.edu/~pjh

    Solid state television camera system Patent

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    Solid state television camera system consisting of monolithic semiconductor mosaic sensor and molecular digital readout system

    A CO Survey of Young Planetary Nebulae

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    We report the results of a sensitive survey of young planetary nebulae in the CO J=2-1 line that significantly increases the available data on warm, dense, molecular gas in the early phases of planetary nebula formation. The observations were made using the IRAM 30 m telescope with the 3 by 3 pixel Heterodyne Receiver Array (HERA). The array provides an effective means of discriminating the CO emission of planetary nebulae in the galactic plane from contaminating emission of interstellar clouds along the line of sight. 110 planetary nebulae were observed in the survey and 40 were detected. The results increase the number of young planetary nebulae with known CO emission by approximately a factor of two. The CO spectra yield radial velocities for the detected nebulae, about half of which have uncertain or no velocity measurements at optical wavelengths. The CO profiles range from parabolic to double-peaked, tracing the evolution of structure in the molecular gas. The line widths are significantly larger than on the Asymptotic Giant Branch, and many of the lines show extended wings, which probably result from the effects on the envelopes of high velocity jets.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures (with multiple panels), to be published in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Neutral carbon in the Egg Nebula (AFGL 2688)

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    A search for sub-mm C I emission from seven stars that are surrounded by dense molecular gas shells led to the detection, in the case of the "Egg Nebula' (AFGL 2688), of an 0.9 K line implying a C I/CO value greater than 5. The material surrounding this star must be extremely carbon-rich, and it is suggested that the apparently greater extent of the C I emission region may be due to the effects of the galactic UV field on the shell's chemistry, as suggested by Huggins and Glassgold (1982)

    The detection of the J = 3-2 lines of HCN, HNC, and HCO^+ in the Orion molecular cloud

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    We report the first measurements of the 1.1 mm (J = 3-2) lines of HCN, HNC, and HCO^+ in the Orion molecular cloud. The low-intensity broad velocity wings seen in the (1-0) lines of HCN and HCO^+ are greatly enhanced in the HCN (3-2) line but not in HCO^+ (3-2). No broad wings are seen in the HNC (3-2) line. The HCN observations suggest molecular hydrogen densities ~ 10^6 cm^(-3) in the broad wing source, and the differences between the lines of HCN and HCO^+ suggest that the lines may be formed in different regions within the source

    Gauge Independent Trace Anomaly for Gravitons

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    We show that the trace anomaly for gravitons calculated using the usual effective action formalism depends on the choice of gauge when the background spacetime is not a solution of the classical equation of motion, that is, when off-shell. We then use the gauge independent Vilkovisky-DeWitt effective action to restore gauge independence to the off-shell case. Additionally we explicitly evaluate trace anomalies for some N-sphere background spacetimes.Comment: 19 pages, additional references and title chang

    Zeta-Functions for Non-Minimal Operators

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    We evaluate zeta-functions ζ(s)\zeta(s) at s=0s=0 for invariant non-minimal 2nd-order vector and tensor operators defined on maximally symmetric even dimensional spaces. We decompose the operators into their irreducible parts and obtain their corresponding eigenvalues. Using these eigenvalues, we are able to explicitly calculate ζ(0)\zeta(0) for the cases of Euclidean spaces and NN-spheres. In the NN-sphere case, we make use of the Euler-Maclaurin formula to develop asymptotic expansions for the required sums. The resulting ζ(0)\zeta(0) values for dimensions 2 to 10 are given in the Appendix.Comment: 26 pages, additional reference

    Multiple Molecular H2 Outflows in AFGL 618

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    We report high spatial (0.5 arcsec) and high spectral (9 km/s) resolution spectro-imaging of the 2.12 micron H2 1-0 S(1) line in the proto-planetary nebula AFGL 618 using BEAR at the CFHT. The observations reveal the presence of multiple, high-velocity, molecular outflows that align with the remarkable optical jets seen in HST images. The structure and kinematics of the outflows show how jets interact with circumstellar gas and shape the environment in which planetary nebulae form.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letter