15,988 research outputs found

    Low rate flow switch can be used for gas or liquid

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    Flow switch operable at low flow rates is used for detecting the flow of a water coolant in a vacuum deposition apparatus. This switch utilizes one or more reed switches which are actuated by a sliding magnet

    Strong Shift Equivalence of C∗C^*-correspondences

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    We define a notion of strong shift equivalence for C∗C^*-correspondences and show that strong shift equivalent C∗C^*-correspondences have strongly Morita equivalent Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. Our analysis extends the fact that strong shift equivalent square matrices with non-negative integer entries give stably isomorphic Cuntz-Krieger algebras.Comment: 26 pages. Final version to appear in Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Dimensional analysis using toric ideals: Primitive invariants

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    © 2014 Atherton et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Classical dimensional analysis in its original form starts by expressing the units for derived quantities, such as force, in terms of power products of basic units M, L, T etc. This suggests the use of toric ideal theory from algebraic geometry. Within this the Graver basis provides a unique primitive basis in a well-defined sense, which typically has more terms than the standard Buckingham approach. Some textbook examples are revisited and the full set of primitive invariants found. First, a worked example based on convection is introduced to recall the Buckingham method, but using computer algebra to obtain an integer K matrix from the initial integer A matrix holding the exponents for the derived quantities. The K matrix defines the dimensionless variables. But, rather than this integer linear algebra approach it is shown how, by staying with the power product representation, the full set of invariants (dimensionless groups) is obtained directly from the toric ideal defined by A. One candidate for the set of invariants is a simple basis of the toric ideal. This, although larger than the rank of K, is typically not unique. However, the alternative Graver basis is unique and defines a maximal set of invariants, which are primitive in a simple sense. In addition to the running example four examples are taken from: a windmill, convection, electrodynamics and the hydrogen atom. The method reveals some named invariants. A selection of computer algebra packages is used to show the considerable ease with which both a simple basis and a Graver basis can be found.The third author received funding from Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellowship (1-SST-U445) and United Kingdom EPSRC grant: MUCM EP/D049993/1

    The Liouville-type theorem for integrable Hamiltonian systems with incomplete flows

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    For integrable Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom whose Hamiltonian vector fields have incomplete flows, an analogue of the Liouville theorem is established. A canonical Liouville fibration is defined by means of an "exact" 2-parameter family of flat polygons equipped with certain pairing of sides. For the integrable Hamiltonian systems given by the vector field v=(−∂f/∂w,∂f/∂z)v=(-\partial f/\partial w, \partial f/\partial z) on C2{\mathbb C}^2 where f=f(z,w)f=f(z,w) is a complex polynomial in 2 variables, geometric properties of Liouville fibrations are described.Comment: 6 page

    Decadal trends in aerosol chemical composition at Barrow, Alaska: 1976–2008

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    Aerosol measurements at Barrow, Alaska during the past 30 years have identified the long range transport of pollution associated with Arctic Haze as well as ocean-derived aerosols of more local origin. Here, we focus on measurements of aerosol chemical composition to assess (1) trends in Arctic Haze aerosol and implications for source regions, (2) the interaction between pollution-derived and ocean-derived aerosols and the resulting impacts on the chemistry of the Arctic boundary layer, and (3) the response of aerosols to a changing climate. Aerosol chemical composition measured at Barrow, AK during the Arctic haze season is compared for the years 1976–1977 and 1997–2008. Based on these two data sets, concentrations of non-sea salt (nss) sulfate (SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup>) and non-crustal (nc) vanadium (V) have decreased by about 60% over this 30 year period. Consistency in the ratios of nss SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup>/ncV and nc manganese (Mn)/ncV between the two data sets indicates that, although emissions have decreased in the source regions, the source regions have remained the same over this time period. The measurements from 1997–2008 indicate that, during the haze season, the nss SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup> aerosol at Barrow is becoming less neutralized by ammonium (NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>) yielding an increasing sea salt aerosol chloride (Cl<sup>−</sup>) deficit. The expected consequence is an increase in the release of Cl atoms to the atmosphere and a change in the lifetime of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including methane. In addition, summertime concentrations of biogenically-derived methanesulfonate (MSA<sup>−</sup>) and nss SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup> are increasing at a rate of 12 and 8% per year, respectively. Further research is required to assess the environmental factors behind the increasing concentrations of biogenic aerosol

    Tissue material properties and computational modelling of the human tibiofemoral joint: a critical review

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    Understanding how structural and functional alterations of individual tissues impact on whole-joint function is challenging, particularly in humans where direct invasive experimentation is difficult. Finite element (FE) computational models produce quantitative predictions of the mechanical and physiological behaviour of multiple tissues simultaneously, thereby providing a means to study changes that occur through healthy ageing and disease such as osteoarthritis (OA). As a result, significant research investment has been placed in developing such models of the human knee. Previous work has highlighted that model predictions are highly sensitive to the various inputs used to build them, particularly the mathematical definition of material properties of biological tissues. The goal of this systematic review is two-fold. First, we provide a comprehensive summation and evaluation of existing linear elastic material property data for human tibiofemoral joint tissues, tabulating numerical values as a reference resource for future studies. Second, we review efforts to model tibiofemoral joint mechanical behaviour through FE modelling with particular focus on how studies have sourced tissue material properties. The last decade has seen a renaissance in material testing fuelled by development of a variety of new engineering techniques that allow the mechanical behaviour of both soft and hard tissues to be characterised at a spectrum of scales from nano- to bulk tissue level. As a result, there now exists an extremely broad range of published values for human tibiofemoral joint tissues. However, our systematic review highlights gaps and ambiguities that mean quantitative understanding of how tissue material properties alter with age and OA is limited. It is therefore currently challenging to construct FE models of the knee that are truly representative of a specific age or disease-state. Consequently, recent tibiofemoral joint FE models have been highly generic in terms of material properties even relying on non-human data from multiple species. We highlight this by critically evaluating current ability to quantitatively compare and model (1) young and old and (2) healthy and OA human tibiofemoral joints. We suggest that future research into both healthy and diseased knee function will benefit greatly from a subject- or cohort-specific approach in which FE models are constructed using material properties, medical imagery and loading data from cohorts with consistent demographics and/or disease states

    Strong-Segregation Theory of Bicontinuous Phases in Block Copolymers

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    We compute phase diagrams for AnBmA_nB_m starblock copolymers in the strong-segregation regime as a function of volume fraction Ï•\phi, including bicontinuous phases related to minimal surfaces (G, D, and P surfaces) as candidate structures. We present the details of a general method to compute free energies in the strong segregation limit, and demonstrate that the gyroid G phase is the most nearly stable among the bicontinuous phases considered. We explore some effects of conformational asymmetry on the topology of the phase diagram.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 21 figures, to appear in Macromolecule

    Primordial helium recombination III: Thomson scattering, isotope shifts, and cumulative results

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    Upcoming precision measurements of the temperature anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at high multipoles will need to be complemented by a more complete understanding of recombination, which determines the damping of anisotropies on these scales. This is the third in a series of papers describing an accurate theory of HeI and HeII recombination. Here we describe the effect of Thomson scattering, the 3^3He isotope shift, the contribution of rare decays, collisional processes, and peculiar motion. These effects are found to be negligible: Thomson and 3^3He scattering modify the free electron fraction xex_e at the level of several ×10−4\times 10^{-4}. The uncertainty in the 23Po−11S2^3P^o-1^1S rate is significant, and for conservative estimates gives uncertainties in xex_e of order 10−310^{-3}. We describe several convergence tests for the atomic level code and its inputs, derive an overall CℓC_\ell error budget, and relate shifts in xe(z)x_e(z) to the changes in CℓC_\ell, which are at the level of 0.5% at ℓ=3000\ell =3000. Finally, we summarize the main corrections developed thus far. The remaining uncertainty from known effects is ∼0.3\sim 0.3% in xex_e.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, to be submitted to PR
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