655 research outputs found

    Isolating crosscutting concerns in system software

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    This paper reports upon our experience in automatically migrating the crosscutting concerns of a large-scale software system, written in C, to an aspect-oriented implementation. We zoom in on one particular crosscutting concern, and show how detailed information about it is extracted from the source code, and how this information enables us to characterise this code and define an appropriate aspect automatically. Additionally, we compare the already existing solution to the aspect-oriented solution, and discuss advantages as well as disadvantages of both in terms of selected quality attributes. Our results show that automated migration is feasible, and can lead to significant improvements in source code qualit

    An evaluation of clone detection techniques for identifying crosscutting concerns

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    Code implementing a crosscutting concern is often spread over many different parts of an application. Identifying such code automatically greatly improves both the maintainability and the evolvability of the application. First of all, it allows a developer to more easily find the places in the code that must be changed when the concern changes, and thus makes such changes less time consuming and less prone to errors. Second, it allows a developer to refactor the code, so that it uses modern and more advanced abstraction mechanisms, thereby restoring its modularity. In this paper, we evaluate the suitability of clone detection as a technique for the identification of crosscutting concerns. To that end, we manually identify four specific concerns in an industrial C application, and analyze to what extent clone detection is capable of finding these concerns. We consider our results as a stepping stone toward an automated 'concern miner' based on clone detection

    Mutation Testing as a Safety Net for Test Code Refactoring

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    Refactoring is an activity that improves the internal structure of the code without altering its external behavior. When performed on the production code, the tests can be used to verify that the external behavior of the production code is preserved. However, when the refactoring is performed on test code, there is no safety net that assures that the external behavior of the test code is preserved. In this paper, we propose to adopt mutation testing as a means to verify if the behavior of the test code is preserved after refactoring. Moreover, we also show how this approach can be used to identify the part of the test code which is improperly refactored

    p21 produces a bioactive secretome that places stressed cells under immunosurveillance

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    Immune cells identify and destroy damaged cells to prevent them from causing cancer or other pathologies by mechanisms that remain poorly understood. Here, we report that the cell-cycle inhibitor p21 places cells under immunosurveillance to establish a biological timer mechanism that controls cell fate. p21 activates retinoblastoma protein (Rb)-dependent transcription at select gene promoters to generate a complex bioactive secretome, termed p21-activated secretory phenotype (PASP). The PASP includes the chemokine CXCL14, which promptly attracts macrophages. These macrophages disengage if cells normalize p21 within 4 days, but if p21 induction persists, they polarize toward an M1 phenotype and lymphocytes mount a cytotoxic T cell response to eliminate target cells, including preneoplastic cells. Thus, p21 concurrently induces proliferative arrest and immunosurveillance of cells under duress

    Ferromagnetic Properties of ZrZn2_2

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    The low Curie temperature (T_C approx 28K) and small ordered moment (M_0 approx 0.17 mu_B f.u.^-1) of ZrZn2 make it one of the few examples of a weak itinerant ferromagnet. We report results of susceptibility, magnetization, resistivity and specific heat measurements made on high-quality single crystals of ZrZn2. From magnetization scaling in the vicinity of T_C (0.001<|T-T_C|/T_C<0.08), we obtain the critical exponents beta=0.52+/-0.05 and delta=3.20+/-0.08, and T_C=27.50+/-0.05K. Low-temperature magnetization measurements show that the easy axis is [111]. Resistivity measurements reveal an anomaly at T_C and a non-Fermi liquid temperature dependence rho(T)=rho_0+AT^n, where n=1.67+/-0.02, for 1<T<14K. The specific heat measurements show a mean-field-like anomaly at T_C. We compare our results to various theoretical models.Comment: submitted to PR

    Interpretation of pre-morbid cardiac 3T MRI findings in overweight and hypertensive young adults

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    In young adults, overweight and hypertension possibly already trigger cardiac remodeling as seen in mature adults, potentially overlapping non-ischemic cardiomyopathy findings. To this end, in young overweight and hypertensive adults, we aimed to investigate changes in left ventricular mass (LVM) and cardiac volumes, and the impact of different body scales for indexation. We also aimed to explore the presence of myocardial fibrosis, fat and edema, and changes in cellular mass with extracellular volume (ECV), T(1) and T(2) tissue characteristics. We prospectively recruited 126 asymptomatic subjects (51% male) aged 27–41 years for 3T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: 40 controls, 40 overweight, 17 hypertensive and 29 hypertensive overweight. Myocyte mass was calculated as (100%–ECV) * height(2.7)-indexed LVM. Absolute LVM was significantly increased in overweight, hypertensive and hypertensive overweight groups (104 ± 23, 109 ± 27, 112 ± 26 g) versus controls (87 ± 21 g), with similar volumes. Body surface area (BSA) indexation resulted in LVM normalization in overweights (48 ± 8 g/m(2)) versus controls (47 ± 9 g/m(2)), but not in hypertensives (55 ± 9 g/m(2)) and hypertensive overweights (52 ± 9 g/m(2)). BSA-indexation overly decreased volumes in overweight versus normal-weight (LV end-diastolic volume; 80 ± 14 versus 92 ± 13 ml/m(2)), where height(2.7)-indexation did not. All risk groups had lower ECV (23 ± 2%, 23 ± 2%, 23 ± 3%) than controls (25 ± 2%) (P = 0.006, P = 0.113, P = 0.039), indicating increased myocyte mass (16.9 ± 2.7, 16.5 ± 2.3, 18.1 ± 3.5 versus 14.0 ± 2.9 g/m(2.7)). Native T(1) values were similar. Lower T(2) values in the hypertensive overweight group related to heart rate. In conclusion, BSA-indexation masks hypertrophy and causes volume overcorrection in overweight subjects compared to controls, height(2.7)-indexation therefore seems advisable
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