83 research outputs found

    A root's ability to retain K+ correlates with salt tolerance in wheat

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    Most work on wheat breeding for salt tolerance has focused mainly on excluding Na+ from uptake and transport to the shoot. However, some recent findings have reported no apparent correlation between leaf Na+ content and wheat salt tolerance. Thus, it appears that excluding Na+ by itself is not always sufficient to increase plant salt tolerance and other physiological traits should also be considered. In this work, it was investigated whether a root's ability to retain K+ may be such a trait, and whether our previous findings for barley can be extrapolated to species following a ‘salt exclusion’ strategy. NaCl-induced kinetics of K+ flux from roots of two bread and two durum wheat genotypes, contrasting in their salt tolerance, were measured under laboratory conditions using non-invasive ion flux measuring (the MIFE) technique. These measurements were compared with whole-plant physiological characteristics and yield responses from plants grown under greenhouse conditions. The results show that K+ flux from the root surface of 6-d-old wheat seedlings in response to salt treatment was highly correlated with major plant physiological characteristics and yield of greenhouse-grown plants. This emphasizes the critical role of K+ homeostasis in plant salt tolerance and suggests that using NaCl-induced K+ flux measurements as a physiological ‘marker’ for salt tolerance may benefit wheat-breeding programmes

    Homeostatic control of slow vacuolar channels by luminal cations and evaluation of the channel-mediated tonoplast Ca2+ fluxes in situ

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    Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ activities in red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vacuoles were evaluated using conventional ion-selective microelectrodes and, in the case of Ca2+, by non-invasive ion flux measurements (MIFE) as well. The mean vacuolar Ca2+ activity was ∼0.2 mM. Modulation of the slow vacuolar (SV) channel voltage dependence by Ca2+ in the absence and presence of other cations at their physiological concentrations was studied by patch-clamp in excised tonoplast patches. Lowering pH at the vacuolar side from 7.5 to 5.5 (at zero vacuolar Ca2+) did not affect the channel voltage dependence, but abolished sensitivity to luminal Ca2+ within a physiological range of concentrations (0.1–1.0 mM). Aggregation of the physiological vacuolar Na+ (60 mM) and Mg2+ (8 mM) concentrations also results in the SV channel becoming almost insensitive to vacuolar Ca2+ variation in a range from nanomoles to 0.1 mM. At physiological cation concentrations at the vacuolar side, cytosolic Ca2+ activates the SV channel in a voltage-independent manner with Kd=0.7–1.5 μM. Comparison of the vacuolar Ca2+ fluxes measured by both the MIFE technique and from estimating the SV channel activity in attached patches, suggests that, at resting membrane potentials, even at elevated (20 μM) cytosolic Ca2+, only 0.5% of SV channels are open. This mediates a Ca2+ release of only a few pA per vacuole (∼0.1 pA per single SV channel). Overall, our data suggest that the release of Ca2+ through SV channels makes little contribution to a global cytosolic Ca2+ signal

    Competition between uptake of ammonium and potassium in barley and Arabidopsis roots: molecular mechanisms and physiological consequences

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    Plants can use ammonium (NH4+) as the sole nitrogen source, but at high NH4+ concentrations in the root medium, particularly in combination with a low availability of K+, plants suffer from NH4+ toxicity. To understand the role of K+ transporters and non-selective cation channels in K+/NH4+ interactions better, growth, NH4+ and K+ accumulation and the specific fluxes of NH4+, K+, and H+ were examined in roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Arabidopsis seedlings. Net fluxes of K+ and NH4+ were negatively correlated, as were their tissue concentrations, suggesting that there is direct competition during uptake. Pharmacological treatments with the K+ transport inhibitors tetraethyl ammonium (TEA+) and gadolinium (Gd3+) reduced NH4+ influx, and the addition of TEA+ alleviated the NH4+-induced depression of root growth in germinating Arabidopsis plants. Screening of a barley root cDNA library in a yeast mutant lacking all NH4+ and K+ uptake proteins through the deletion of MEP1–3 and TRK1 and TRK2 resulted in the cloning of the barley K+ transporter HvHKT2;1. Further analysis in yeast suggested that HvHKT2;1, AtAKT1, and AtHAK5 transported NH4+, and that K+ supplied at increasing concentrations competed with this NH4+ transport. On the other hand, uptake of K+ by AtHAK5, and to a lesser extent via HvHKT2;1 and AtAKT1, was inhibited by increasing concentrations of NH4+. Together, the results of this study show that plant K+ transporters and channels are able to transport NH4+. Unregulated NH4+ uptake via these transporters may contribute to NH4+ toxicity at low K+ levels, and may explain the alleviation of NH4+ toxicity by K+

    A pharmacological analysis of high-affinity sodium transport in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): a 24Na+/42K+ study

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    Soil sodium, while toxic to most plants at high concentrations, can be beneficial at low concentrations, particularly when potassium is limiting. However, little is known about Na+ uptake in this ‘high-affinity’ range. New information is provided here with an insight into the transport characteristics, mechanism, and ecological significance of this phenomenon. High-affinity Na+ and K+ fluxes were investigated using the short-lived radiotracers 24Na and 42K, under an extensive range of measuring conditions (variations in external sodium, and in nutritional and pharmacological agents). This work was supported by electrophysiological, compartmental, and growth analyses. Na+ uptake was extremely sensitive to all treatments, displaying properties of high-affinity K+ transporters, K+ channels, animal Na+ channels, and non-selective cation channels. K+, NH4+NH4+, and Ca2+ suppressed Na+ transport biphasically, yielding IC50 values of 30, 10, and <5 μM, respectively. Reciprocal experiments showed that K+ influx is neither inhibited nor stimulated by Na+. Sodium efflux constituted 65% of influx, indicating a futile cycle. The thermodynamic feasibility of passive channel mediation is supported by compartmentation and electrophysiological data. Our study complements recent advances in the molecular biology of high-affinity Na+ transport by uncovering new physiological foundations for this transport phenomenon, while questioning its ecological relevance

    Non-reciprocal interactions between K+ and Na+ ions in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    The interaction of sodium and potassium ions in the context of the primary entry of Na+ into plant cells, and the subsequent development of sodium toxicity, has been the subject of much recent attention. In the present study, the technique of compartmental analysis with the radiotracers 42K+ and 24Na+ was applied in intact seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to test the hypothesis that elevated levels of K+ in the growth medium will reduce both rapid, futile Na+ cycling at the plasma membrane, and Na+ build-up in the cytosol of root cells, under saline conditions (100 mM NaCl). We reject this hypothesis, showing that, over a wide (400-fold) range of K+ supply, K+ neither reduces the primary fluxes of Na+ at the root plasma membrane nor suppresses Na+ accumulation in the cytosol. By contrast, 100 mM NaCl suppressed the cytosolic K+ pool by 47–73%, and also substantially decreased low-affinity K+ transport across the plasma membrane. We confirm that the cytosolic [K+]:[Na+] ratio is a poor predictor of growth performance under saline conditions, while a good correlation is seen between growth and the tissue ratios of the two ions. The data provide insight into the mechanisms that mediate the toxic influx of sodium across the root plasma membrane under salinity stress, demonstrating that, in the glycophyte barley, K+ and Na+ are unlikely to share a common low-affinity pathway for entry into the plant cell

    Effect of supplemental Ca2+ on NaCl-stressed castor plants (Ricinus communis L.)

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    Greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the effects of supplemental Ca2+ in salinised soil on germination and plant growth response of castor plant (Ricinus communis L. Var. Avani-31, Euphorbiaceae). NaCl amounting to 390 g was thoroughly mixed with soil of seven lots, of 100 kg each, to give electrical conductivity of 4.1 dS m–1. Further, Ca(NO3)2 × 4H20 to the quantity of 97.5, 195, 292.5, 390, 487.5, and 585 g was separately mixed with soil of six lots to give 1:0.25, 1:0.50, 1:0.75, 1:1, 1:1.25, and 1:1.50 Na+/Ca2+ ratios, respectively. The soil of the seventh lot contained only NaCl and its Na+/Ca2+ ratio was 1:0. Soil without addition of NaCl and Ca (NO3)2 × 4H20 served as control, with a 0:0 Na+/Ca2+ ratio. Salinity significantly retarded seed germination and plant growth, but the deleterious effects of NaCl on seed germination were ameliorated and plant growth was restored with Ca2+ supply at the critical level (1:0.25 Na+/Ca2+ ratio) to salinised soil. Supply of Ca2+ above the critical level further retarded seed germination and plant growth due to the increased soil salinity. Salt stress reduced N, P, K+ and Ca2+ content in plant tissues, but these nutrients were restored by addition of Ca2+ at the critical level to saline soil. In contrast, Na+ content in plant tissues significantly increased in response to salinity, but significantly decreased with increasing Ca2+ supply to saline soil. The results are discussed in terms of the beneficial effects of Ca2+ supply on the plant growth of Ricinus communis grown under saline conditions