2,307 research outputs found

    Evaluating various composite sampling modes for detecting pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 virus in raw sewage

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    Inadequate sampling approaches to wastewater analyses can introduce biases, leading to inaccurate results such as false negatives and significant over- or underestimation of average daily viral concentrations, due to the sporadic nature of viral input. To address this challenge, we conducted a field trial within the University of Tennessee residence halls, employing different composite sampling modes that encompassed different time intervals (1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, and 24 h) across various time windows (morning, afternoon, evening, and late-night). Our primary objective was to identify the optimal approach for generating representative composite samples of SARS-CoV-2 from raw wastewater. Utilizing reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, we quantified the levels of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) RNA in raw sewage. Our findings consistently demonstrated that PMMoV RNA, an indicator virus of human fecal contamination in water environment, exhibited higher abundance and lower variability compared to pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Significantly, both SARS-CoV-2 and PMMoV RNA exhibited greater variability in 1 h individual composite samples throughout the entire sampling period, contrasting with the stability observed in other time-based composite samples. Through a comprehensive analysis of various composite sampling modes using the Quade Nonparametric ANCOVA test with date, PMMoV concentration and site as covariates, we concluded that employing a composite sampler during a focused 6 h morning window for pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 RNA is a pragmatic and cost-effective strategy for achieving representative composite samples within a single day in wastewater-based epidemiology applications. This method has the potential to significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of data collected at the community level, thereby contributing to more informed public health decision-making during a pandemic

    Comparison of Thaumarchaeotal populations from four deep sea basins.

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    The nitrogen cycle in the marine environment is strongly affected by ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota. In some marine settings, Thaumarchaeotes can comprise a large percentage of the prokaryotic population. To better understand the biogeographic patterns of Thaumarchaeotes, we sought to investigate differences in their abundance and phylogenetic diversity between geographically distinct basins. Samples were collected from four marine basins (The Caspian Sea, the Great Australian Bight, and the Central and Eastern Mediterranean). The concentration of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes and archaeal amoA genes were assessed using qPCR. Minimum entropy decomposition was used to elucidate the fine-scale diversity of Thaumarchaeotes. We demonstrated that there were significant differences in the abundance and diversity of Thaumarchaeotes between these four basins. The diversity of Thaumarchaeotal oligotypes differed between basins with many oligotypes only present in one of the four basins, which suggests that their distribution showed biogeographic patterning. There were also significant differences in Thaumarchaeotal community structure between these basins. This would suggest that geographically distant, yet geochemically similar basins may house distinct Thaumarchaeaotal populations. These findings suggest that Thaumarchaeota are very diverse and that biogeography in part contributes in determining the diversity and distribution of Thaumarchaeotes

    Detection of Siderite (FeCO3) in Glen Torridon Samples by the Mars Science Laboratory Rover

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    Siderite (FeCO3) has been detected in Gale Crater for the first time by the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity and is seen in multiple samples in the Glen Torridon (GT) region. The identification of siderite is based on evolved gas analysis (EGA) data from the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument and X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument. Curiosity descended off of the Vera Rubin ridge (VRR) into the Glen Torridon region on Sol 2300. Glen Torridon is of particular interest because a strong clay mineral signature had been detected by orbital instruments [1]. To date, four drilled samples have been collected at two different drill locations: Kilmarie and Aberlady from adjacent blocks at the base of the south side of VRR in the Jura member and Glen Etive 1 and 2 on the same block in the Knockfarril member

    Mineralogy of Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin instrument

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    Gale crater was selected as the landing site for the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover because of orbital evidence for a variety of secondary minerals in the lower slopes of Aeolis Mons (aka Mount Sharp) that indicate changes in aqueous conditions over time. Distinct units demonstrate orbital spectral signatures of hematite, phyllosilicate (smectite), and sulfate minerals, which suggest that ancient aqueous environments in Gale crater varied in oxidation potential, pH, and water activity. Vera Rubin ridge (VRR) is the first of these units identified from orbit to have been studied by Curiosity. Orbital near-infrared data from VRR show a strong band at 860 nm indicative of hematite. Before Curiosity arrived at VRR, the hypotheses to explain the formation of hematite included (1) precipitation at a redox interface where aqueous Fe2+ was oxidized to Fe3+, and (2) acidic alteration of olivine in oxic fluids. Studying the composition and sedimentology of the rocks on VRR allow us to test and refine these hypotheses and flesh out the depositional and diagenetic history of the ridge. Here, we focus on the mineralogical results of four rock powders drilled from and immediately below VRR as determined by CheMin