853 research outputs found

    Crustal structure beneath the Trondelag Platform and adjacent areas of the Mid-Norwegian margin, as derived from wide-angle seismic and potential field data

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    The outer mid-Norwegian margin is characterized by strong breakup magmatism and has been extensively surveyed. The crustal structure of the inner continental shelf, however, is less studied, and its relation to the onshore geology, Caledonian structuring, and breakup magmatism remains unclear. Two Ocean Bottom Seismometer profiles were acquired across the Trøndelag Platform in 2003, as part of the Euromargins program. Additional-land stations recorded the marine shots. The P-wave data were modeled by ray-tracing, supported by gravity modeling. Older multi-channel seismic data allowed for interpretation of stratigraphy down to the top of the Triassic. Crystalline basement velocity is ~6 km s-1 onshore. Top basement is difficult to identify offshore, as velocities (5.3-5.7 km s-1) intermediate between typical crystalline crust and Mesozoic sedimentary strata appear 50-80 km from the coast. This layer thickens towards the Klakk-Ytreholmen Fault Complex and predates Permian and later structur-ing. The velocities indicate sedimentary rocks, most likely Devonian. Onshore late- to post-Caledonian detachments have been proposed to extend offshore, based on the magnetic anomaly pattern. We do not find the expected correlation between upper basement velocity structure and detachments. However, there is a distinct, dome-shaped lower-crustal body with a velocity of 6.6-7.0 km s-1. This is thickest under the Froan Basin, and the broad magnetic anomaly used to delineate the detachments correlates with this. The proposed offshore continuation of the detachments thus appears- unreliable. While we find indications of high density and velocity (~7.2 km s-1) lower crust under the Rüs Basin, similar to the proposed igneous underplating of the outer margin, this is poorly constrained near the end of our profiles. The gravity field indicates that this body may be continuous from the pre-breakup basement structures of the Utgard High to the Frøya High, suggesting that it could be an island arc or oceanic terrane-accreted during the Caledonian orogeny. Thus, we find no clear evidence of early Cenozoic igneous underplating of the inner part of the shelf

    A novel approach to computing super observations for probabilistic wave model validation

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordIn the field of wave model validation, the use of super observations is a common strategy to smooth satellite observations and match the simulated spatiotemporal scales. An approach based on averaging along track is widely applied because it is straightforward to implement and adjustable. However, the choice of an appropriate length scale for obtaining the averages can be ambiguous, affecting subsequent analyses. Despite this dilemma, no uncertainty for the validation metric is provided when proceeding with wave model validation. We show that super observations computed from averaging data points applying an inappropriate length scale can lead to a misrepresentation of the wave field which can introduce errors into the wave model validation. Modelling the mean of observations as a Gaussian Process mitigates those errors and reliably identifies outliers by exploiting information hidden in the observational time series. Moreover, the uncertainty accompanying the validation statistic is readily accessible in the Gaussian Process framework. The flexibility of a Gaussian process makes it an attractive candidate for the probabilistic validation of wave models with steadily increasing horizontal resolution. Moreover, this approach can be applied to measurements from other platforms (e.g. buoys) and other variables (e.g. wind).Copernicus Marine Environmental and Monitoring Servic

    Ocean wave tracing v.1: a numerical solver of the wave ray equations for ocean waves on variable currents at arbitrary depths

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    Lateral changes in the group velocity of waves propagating in oceanic or coastal waters cause a deflection in their propagation path. Such refractive effects can be computed given knowledge of the ambient current field and/or the bathymetry. We present an open-source module for solving the wave ray equations by means of numerical integration in Python v3. The solver is implemented for waves on variable currents and arbitrary depths following the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The ray tracing module is implemented in a class structure, and the output is verified against analytical solutions and tested for numerical convergence. The solver is accompanied by a set of ancillary functions such as retrieval of ambient conditions using OPeNDAP, transformation of geographical coordinates, and structuring of data using community standards. A number of use examples are also provided.</p

    Cataclysmic variables are a key population of gravitational wave sources for LISA

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    The gravitational wave (GW) signals from the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables (CVs) have yet to be carefully assessed. Here, we estimate these signals and evaluate their significance for Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). First, we find that at least three known systems are expected to produce strong enough signals to be individually resolved within the first four years of LISA’s operation. Secondly, CVs will contribute significantly to the LISA Galactic binary background, limiting the mission’s sensitivity in the relevant frequency band. Third, we predict a spike in the unresolved GW background at a frequency corresponding to the CV minimum orbital period. This excess noise may impact the detection of other systems near this characteristic frequency. Fourth, we note that the excess noise spike amplitude and location associated with Pmin ∼ 80 min can be used to measure the CV space density and period bounce location with complementary and simple GW biases compared to the biases and selection effects plaguing samples selected from electromagnetic signals. Our results highlight the need to explicitly include the Galactic CV population in the LISA mission planning, both as individual GW sources and generators of background noise, as well as the exciting prospect of characterising the CV population through their GW emission

    Using assignment data to analyse a blended information literacy intervention: a quantitative approach

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    This research sought to determine whether a blended information literacy learning and teaching intervention could statistically significantly enhance undergraduates’ information discernment compared to standard face-to-face delivery. A mixture of face-to-face and online activities, including online social media learning, was used. Three interventions were designed to develop the information literacies of first-year undergraduates studying Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University and focused on one aspect of information literacy: the ability to evaluate source material effectively. An analysis was devised where written evaluations of found information for an assessment were converted into numerical scores and then measured statistically. This helped to evaluate the efficacy of the interventions and provided data for further analysis. An insight into how the information literacy pedagogical intervention and the cognitive processes involved in enabling participants to interact critically with information is provided. The intervention which incorporated social media learning proved to be the most successful learning and teaching approach. The data indicated that undergraduate students’ information literacy can be developed. However, additional long-term data is required to establish whether this intervention would have a lasting impact

    On the short-term response of entrained air bubbles in the upper ocean: a case study in the north Adriatic Sea

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    Air bubbles in the upper ocean are generated mainly by waves breaking at the air–sea interface. As such, after the waves break, entrained air bubbles evolve in the form of plumes in the turbulent flow, exchange gas with the surrounding water, and may eventually rise to the surface. To shed light on the short-term response of entrained bubbles in different stormy conditions and to assess the link between bubble plume penetration depth, mechanical and thermal forcings, and the air–sea transfer velocity of CO2, a field experiment was conducted from an oceanographic research tower in the north Adriatic Sea. Air bubble plumes were observed using high-resolution echosounder data from an upward-looking 1000 kHz sonar. The backscatter signal strength was sampled at a high resolution, 0.5 s in time and 2.5 cm along the vertical direction. Time series profiles of the bubble plume depth were established using a variable threshold procedure applied to the backscatter strength. The data show the occurrence of bubbles organized into vertical plume-like structures, drawn downwards by wave-generated turbulence and other near-surface circulations, and reaching the seabed at 17 m depth under strong forcing. We verify that bubble plumes adapt rapidly to wind and wave conditions and have depths that scale approximately linearly with wind speed. Scaling with the wind–wave Reynolds number is also proposed to account for the sea-state severity in the plume depth prediction. Results show a correlation between measured bubble depths and theoretical air–sea CO2 transfer velocity parametrized with wind-only and wind/wave formulations. Further, our measurements corroborate previous results suggesting that the sinking of newly formed cold-water masses helps bring bubbles to greater depths than those reached in stable conditions for the water column. The temperature difference between air and sea seems sufficient for describing this intensification at the leading order of magnitude. The results presented in this study are relevant for air–sea interaction studies and pave the way for progress in CO2 gas exchange formulations.</p

    No peaks without valleys: The stable mass transfer channel for gravitational-wave sources in light of the neutron star-black hole mass gap

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    Gravitational-wave (GW) detections are starting to reveal features in the mass distribution of double compact objects. The lower end of the black hole (BH) mass distribution is especially interesting as few formation channels contribute here and because it is more robust against variations in the cosmic star formation than the high mass end. In this work we explore the stable mass transfer channel for the formation of GW sources with a focus on the low-mass end of the mass distribution. We conduct an extensive exploration of the uncertain physical processes that impact this channel. We note that, for fiducial assumptions, this channel reproduces the peak at ∼9M⊙\sim9 \mathrm{M_{\odot}} in the GW-observed binary BH mass distribution remarkably well, and predicts a cutoff mass that coincides with the upper edge of the purported neutron star BH mass gap. The peak and cutoff mass are a consequence of unique properties of this channel, namely (1) the requirement of stability during the mass transfer phases, and (2) the complex way in which the final compact object masses scale with the initial mass. We provide an analytical expression for the cutoff in the primary component mass and show that this adequately matches our numerical results. Our results imply that selection effects resulting from the formation channel alone can provide an explanation for the purported neutron star--BH mass gap in GW detections. This provides an alternative to the commonly adopted view that the gap emerges during BH formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ associated code is available at https://github.com/LiekeVanSon/LowMBH_and_StableChanne
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