2,381 research outputs found

    Synoptic sections of the Denmark Strait Overflow

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    We report on a rapid high-resolution survey of the Denmark Strait overflow (DSO) as it crosses the sill, the first such program to incorporate full-water-column velocity profiles in addition to conventional hydrographic measurements. Seven transects with expendable profilers over the course of one week are used to estimate volume transport as a function of density. Our observations reveal the presence of a strongly barotropic flow associated with the nearly-vertical front dividing the Arctic and Atlantic waters. The seven-section mean transport of water denser than σθ=27.8 is 2.7¹0.6Sv, while the mean transport of water colder than 2.0°C is 3.8¹0.8 Sv. Although this is larger than the 2.9 Sv of θ < 2°C water measured by a 1973 current meter array, we find that a sampling of our sections equivalent to the extent of that array also measures 2.9Sv of cold water. Both the structure and magnitude of the measured flow are reproduced well by a high-resolution numerical model of buoyancy-driven exchange with realistic topography

    A comparison of direct measurements and G.E.K. observations in the Florida Current off Miami

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    Electrical measurements represent an indirect measure of the velocity structure of an ocean current. An interpretation of such measurements requires consideration of many influences, including the distribution of the vertically averaged velocity, of the bottom topography, and of the electrical-conductivity structure of the ocean and the sea bed...

    Currents, fronts and eddy fluxes in the Canary Basin

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    Hydrographic data from two cruises in the Canary Basin (Meteor 57, July 1981; Poseidon 86, April 1982) are analysed with respect to current distribution and lateral heat flux in the Azores-Madeira region. The first part of the data base consists of long transects of XBT and G.E.K. measurements between Cape Finisterre (North West Spain) and the northern Canary Basin, where several year-long current meter records exist. Further information is obtained by thermosalinograph surface data and by expendable current profilers (XCP). Geostrophic currents are derived from XBT profiles, using the tight temperature-salinity relationship in the depth range of the Warmwassersphäre. The results compare well with the G.E.K. and XCP current observations. The second part consists of CTD data from an eddy resolving, box-shaped CTD survey (500 × 500 km2) centered at the mooring location (33°N, 22°W), The observations are supplemented by satellite-buoy trajectories. Horizontal parameter distribution is shown in terms of objectively contoured maps. Bands of spatially enhanced energetic structures, seen in the long transects are further resolved by the box survey as a deep jet-like current system cross the Canary Basin in a west-east direction. Associated with this Azores Current is a frontal zone with near-surface temperature and salinity steps of order 2 K and 0.3 practical salinity units. The dynamic topography field can be decomposed into a linear background field, a Rossby wave and a mesoscale eddy field. We find that major contributions to the meridional eddy heat flux are confined to the vicinity of the Azores current frontal zone. It is shown that the principal balance in the temperature equation is between heating by the mean horizontal advection terms and cooling by the eddy flux divergence

    A computational approach to implicit entities and events in text and discourse

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    In this paper we will focus on the notion of “implicit” or lexically unexpressed linguistic elements that are nonetheless necessary for a complete semantic interpretation of a text. We refer to “entities” and “events” because the recovery of the implicit material may affect all the modules of a system for semantic processing, from the grammatically guided components to the inferential and reasoning ones. Reference to the system GETARUNS offers one possible implementation of the algorithms and procedures needed to cope with the problem and enables us to deal with all the spectrum of phenomena. The paper will address at first the following three types of “implicit” entities and events: – the grammatical ones, as suggested by a linguistic theories like LFG or similar generative theories; – the semantic ones suggested in the FrameNet project, i.e. CNI, DNI, INI; – the pragmatic ones: here we will present a theory and an implementation for the recovery of implicit entities and events of (non-) standard implicatures. In particular we will show how the use of commonsense knowledge may fruitfully contribute to find relevant implied meanings. Last Implicit Entity only touched on, though for lack of space, is the Subject of Point of View, which is computed by Semantic Informational Structure and contributes the intended entity from whose point of view a given subjective statement is expressed

    Inferring density from temperature via a density-ratio relation

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    A method is presented for determining salinity and density from temperature data in conjunction with historical or contemporaneous (but not collocated) CTD observations. The horizontal density ratio r(z) is determined from the temperature and salinity differences at each depth (δT, δS) between pairs or ensembles of profiles. These differences are expressed as a density ratio r=αδT/βδS, where α and β are the expansion coefficients for temperature and salinity, respectively. Salinity at a site where only temperature is measured, as with an expendable bathythermograph (XBT), is computed based on the temperature and salinity at a reference station (SR,TR); that is, S=SR+(T−TR)δS/δT. The method is restrictive in its application because it is most accurate when all water masses in the region of a survey are linear extrapolations from the water masses at each of the reference stations. In reality, it provides useful results when the T and S fields are not simply linear functions of horizontal distance. This approach is particularly useful in regions where, the T(z)−S(z) relation is nonunique, as in the Mediterranean Water in the North Atlantic. The corresponding expression for the lateral density difference for an observed temperature difference (δT) is δρ=−αρ0δT(1−r−1). Observations from regions offshore and along the coast of Portugal are used to evaluate the method. Errors of less than 0.05 psu are exhibited in the evaluation of salinity determined from T-5 XBT drops compared with nearly simultaneous CTD casts. A comparison of water properties and cyclostrophic velocities is made using XCP temperatures and XCP velocities in a meddy

    Toward a simulation approach for alkene ring-closing metathesis : scope and limitations of a model for RCM

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    A published model for revealing solvent effects on the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of di-Et diallylmalonate 7 has been evaluated over a wider range of conditions, to assess its suitability for new applications. Unfortunately, the model is too flexible and the published rate consts. do not agree with exptl. studies in the literature. However, by fixing the values of important rate consts. and restricting the concn. ranges studied, useful conclusions can be drawn about the relative rates of RCM of different substrates, precatalyst concn. can be simulated accurately and the effect of precatalyst loading can be anticipated. Progress has also been made toward applying the model to precatalyst evaluation, but further modifications to the model are necessary to achieve much broader aims

    The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation

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    Anomaly mediation is a ubiquitous source of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking which appears in almost every theory of supergravity. In this paper, we show that anomaly mediation really consists of two physically distinct phenomena, which we dub "gravitino mediation" and "Kahler mediation". Gravitino mediation arises from minimally uplifting SUSY anti-de Sitter (AdS) space to Minkowski space, generating soft masses proportional to the gravitino mass. Kahler mediation arises when visible sector fields have linear couplings to SUSY breaking in the Kahler potential, generating soft masses proportional to beta function coefficients. In the literature, these two phenomena are lumped together under the name "anomaly mediation", but here we demonstrate that they can be physically disentangled by measuring associated couplings to the goldstino. In particular, we use the example of gaugino soft masses to show that gravitino mediation generates soft masses without corresponding goldstino couplings. This result naively violates the goldstino equivalence theorem but is in fact necessary for supercurrent conservation in AdS space. Since gravitino mediation persists even when the visible sector is sequestered from SUSY breaking, we can use the absence of goldstino couplings as an unambiguous definition of sequestering.Comment: 21 pages, 1 table; v2, references added, extended discussion in introduction and appendix; v3, JHEP versio

    Preparation of amino-substituted indenes and 1,4-dihydronaphthalenes using a one-pot multireaction approach: total synthesis of oxybenzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids

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    Allylic trichloroacetimidates bearing a 2-vinyl or 2-allylaryl group have been designed as substrates for a one-pot, two-step multi-bond-forming process leading to the general preparation of aminoindenes and amino-substituted 1,4-dihydronaphthalenes. The synthetic utility of the privileged structures formed from this one-pot process was demonstrated with the total synthesis of four oxybenzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids, oxychelerythrine, oxysanguinarine, oxynitidine, and oxyavicine. An intramolecular biaryl Heck coupling reaction, catalyzed using the Hermann–Beller palladacycle was used to effect the key step during the synthesis of the natural products
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