24,913 research outputs found

    Body fluid volume and electrolyte derangements in fasting semiannual report no. 1, dec. 1, 1964 - mar. 31, 1965

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    Electrolyte balance studies on rats maintained in metabolism cages - body fluid volume and electrolyte derangements by fasting in col

    Is There An Alberta Folk Music?

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    Le Professeur T. B. Rogers parle de l’absence d'une collection de chants folkloriques Canadiens-Anglais en Alberta et,fait un relevé des chants de cette Province lesquels sont mentionnés en d ’autres collections à l'extérieur de l'Alberta. Si. en cette Pro vince, il existe une riche tradition de contes d'une longueur remarquable, de poèmes et de musique commerciale, le Professeur Rogers croit que beaucoup de chants de l’Alberta n ont jamais été recueillis. Il parle de l'urgence d un projet de collection intensive et de l'étude d ’une interaction de musique commerciale et traditionnelle en Alberta

    Internal Gravity Waves Modulate the Apparent Misalignment of Exoplanets around Hot Stars

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    We propose that the observed misalignment between extra-solar planets and their hot host stars can be explained by angular momentum transport within the host star. Observations have shown that this misalignment is preferentially around hot stars, which have convective cores and extended radiative envelopes. This situation is amenable to substantial angular momentum transport by internal gravity waves (IGW) generated at the convective-radiative interface. Here we present numerical simulations of this process and show that IGW can modulate the surface rotation of the star. With these two- dimensional simulations we show that IGW could explain the retrograde orbits observed in systems such as HAT-P-6 and HAT-P-7, however, extension to high obliquity objects will await future three- dimensional simulations. We note that these results also imply that individual massive stars should show temporal variations in their v sini measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Vitrification and determination of the crystallization time scales of the bulk-metallic-glass-forming liquid Zr58.5Nb2.8Cu15.6Ni12.8Al10.3

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    The crystallization kinetics of Zr58.5Nb2.8Cu15.6Ni12.8Al10.3 were studied in an electrostatic levitation (ESL) apparatus. The measured critical cooling rate is 1.75 K/s. Zr58.5Nb2.8Cu15.6Ni12.8Al10.3 is the first bulk-metallic-glass-forming liquid that does not contain beryllium to be vitrified by purely radiative cooling in the ESL. Furthermore, the sluggish crystallization kinetics enable the determination of the time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram between the liquidus and the glass transition temperatures. The shortest time to reach crystallization in an isothermal experiment; i.e., the nose of the TTT diagram is 32 s. The nose of the TTT diagram is at 900 K and positioned about 200 K below the liquidus temperature

    Energy Scaling of Minimum-Bias Tunes

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    We propose that the flexibility offered by modern event-generator tuning tools allows for more than just obtaining "best fits" to a collection of data. In particular, we argue that the universality of the underlying physics model can be tested by performing several, mutually independent, optimizations of the generator parameters in different physical regions. For regions in which these optimizations return similar and self-consistent parameter values, the model can be considered universal. Deviations from this behavior can be associated with a breakdown of the modeling, with the nature of the deviations giving clues as to the nature of the breakdown. We apply this procedure to study the energy scaling of a class of minimum-bias models based on multiple parton interactions (MPI) and pT-ordered showers, implemented in the Pythia 6.4 generator. We find that a parameter controlling the strength of color reconnections in the final state is the most important source of non-universality in this model.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    On the flow-level stability of data networks without congestion control: the case of linear networks and upstream trees

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    In this paper, flow models of networks without congestion control are considered. Users generate data transfers according to some Poisson processes and transmit corresponding packet at a fixed rate equal to their access rate until the entire document is received at the destination; some erasure codes are used to make the transmission robust to packet losses. We study the stability of the stochastic process representing the number of active flows in two particular cases: linear networks and upstream trees. For the case of linear networks, we notably use fluid limits and an interesting phenomenon of "time scale separation" occurs. Bounds on the stability region of linear networks are given. For the case of upstream trees, underlying monotonic properties are used. Finally, the asymptotic stability of those processes is analyzed when the access rate of the users decreases to 0. An appropriate scaling is introduced and used to prove that the stability region of those networks is asymptotically maximized