34 research outputs found


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    The paper considers the controllability problem of essentially various-speed singularly perturbed dynamic system consisting of three subsystems of different dimensions, containing a small parameter to a variable degree as a multiplier for derivatives.   A method for studying complete and relative controllability of such systems has been proposed in the paper. The method is based on investigation of a controllability matrix rank. The matrix is composed of solution components of algebraic recurrent equations, which are drawn directly in accordance with the studied system of differential equations. The obtained effective algebraic conditions of controllability, expressed through parameters of the investigated system are obtained are illustrated by the case of essentially various-speed singularly perturbed dynamic system of fifth order with rational powers of small parameter.Исследуется проблема управляемости существенно разнотемповой сингулярно возмущенной динамической системы (РСВДС), состоящей из трех подсистем разных размерностей, содержащих в качестве множителя при производных малый параметр в различных степенях. Предложен метод исследования полной относительной управляемости таких систем. Он основан на исследовании ранга матрицы управляемости, составленной из компонент решений матричных алгебраических рекуррентных уравнений, записанных непосредственно по виду изучаемой системы дифференциальных уравнений. Полученные эффективные алгебраические условия управляемости, выраженные через параметры исследуемой системы, иллюстрируются случаем РСВДС пятого порядка с рациональными степенями малого параметра

    Neurofibrillary tangle-bearing neurons are functionally integrated in cortical circuits in vivo

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is pathologically characterized by the deposition of extracellular amyloid-β plaques and intracellular aggregation of tau protein in neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) (1, 2). Progression of NFT pathology is closely correlated with both increased neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in AD (3) and other tauopathies, such as frontotemporal dementia (4, 5). The assumption that mislocalization of tau into the somatodendritic compartment (6) and accumulation of fibrillar aggregates in NFTs mediates neurodegeneration underlies most current therapeutic strategies aimed at preventing NFT formation or disrupting existing NFTs (7, 8). Although several disease-associated mutations cause both aggregation of tau and neurodegeneration, whether NFTs per se contribute to neuronal and network dysfunction in vivo is unknown (9). Here we used awake in vivo two-photon calcium imaging to monitor neuronal function in adult rTg4510 mice that overexpress a human mutant form of tau (P301L) and develop cortical NFTs by the age of 7–8 mo (10). Unexpectedly, NFT-bearing neurons in the visual cortex appeared to be completely functionally intact, to be capable of integrating dendritic inputs and effectively encoding orientation and direction selectivity, and to have a stable baseline resting calcium level. These results suggest a reevaluation of the common assumption that insoluble tau aggregates are sufficient to disrupt neuronal function

    Increased mitochondrial calcium levels associated with neuronal death in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Mitochondria contribute to shape intraneuronal Ca2+ signals. Excessive Ca2+ taken up by mitochondria could lead to cell death. Amyloid beta (A beta) causes cytosolic Ca2+ overload, but the effects of A beta on mitochondrial Ca2+ levels in Alzheimer's disease (AD) remain unclear. Using a ratiometric Ca2+ indicator targeted to neuronal mitochondria and intravital multiphoton microscopy, we find increased mitochondrial Ca2+ levels associated with plaque deposition and neuronal death in a transgenic mouse model of cerebral beta -amyloidosis. Naturally secreted soluble A beta applied onto the healthy brain increases Ca2+ concentration in mitochondria, which is prevented by blockage of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter. RNA-sequencing from post-mortem AD human brains shows downregulation in the expression of mitochondrial influx Ca2+ transporter genes, but upregulation in the genes related to mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux pathways, suggesting a counteracting effect to avoid Ca2+ overload. We propose lowering neuronal mitochondrial Ca2+ by inhibiting the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter as a novel potential therapeutic target against AD. Calvo-Rodriguez et al. show elevated calcium levels in neuronal mitochondria in a mouse model of cerebral beta -amyloidosis after plaque deposition, which precede rare neuron death events in this model. The mechanism involves toxic extracellular A beta oligomers and the mitochondrial calcium uniporter

    Are tangles as toxic as they look?

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    Neurofibrillary tangles are intracellular accumulations of hyperphosphorylated and misfolded tau protein characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. Classic cross-sectional studies of Alzheimer patient brains showed associations of tangle accumulation with neuronal loss, synapse loss, and dementia, which led to the supposition that tangles are toxic to neurons. More recent advances in imaging techniques and mouse models have allowed the direct exploration of the question of toxicity of aggregated versus soluble tau and have surprisingly challenged the view of tangles as toxic species in the brain. Here, we review these recent experiments on the nature of the toxicity of tau with particular emphasis on our experiments imaging tangles in the intact brain through a cranial window, which allows observation of tangle formation and longitudinal imaging of the fate of tangle-bearing neurons. Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were first described in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer based on Bielschowsky silver staining of the brain of his demented patient Auguste D (Alzheimer 1907; Goedert and Spillantini 2006). These intraneuronal aggregates have subsequently been found to be composed primarily of hyperphosphorylated tau protein and are definitive pathological lesions not only in Alzheimer's disease but also in a class of neurodegenerative tauopathies (Goedert et al. 1988; Spires-Jones et al. 2009). NFT pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD) correlates closely with cognitive decline and synapse and neuronal loss (Braak and Braak 1997; Bretteville and Planel 2008; Congdon and Duff 2008; Mocanu et al. 2008b; Spires-Jones et al. 2009). As a result, NFT have long been considered indicative of impending neuronal cell death. More recent evidence, however, opposes this classical view. Here we review evidence addressing the question of whether NFT cause structural or functional neuronal damage

    Эпидемиология и результаты терапии первой линии ВИЧ-ассоциированной лимфомы Ходжкина

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    Introduction. The risk of developing Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) with HIV infection is higher than in the general population, and the course of the disease itself is more aggressive. Currently, there is no unified approach to the treatment of HIV-related HL, and data on its epidemiology in the Russian Federation are limited.The objective was to study epidemiological characteristics, the used therapeutic tactics and the results of treatment for HIV-related HL.Methods and materials. The multicenter retrospective study included 46 patients with HIV- related HL treated in 9 centers of the Russian Federation. Descriptive statistics methods were used, the analysis of overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) was performed using the Kaplan–Meier method.Results. HIV-related HL is more often represented by an advanced stage, B-symptoms, and extranodal lesions. The ABVD regimen was used as the first-line therapy in 60 % for HIV-related HL. The overall response to therapy was 81.6 %, and the 2-year OS and PFS were 85 % and 49 %, respectively. Factors that worsened OS were CD4+˂266 cells/mcL and general somatic status ECOG≥2. Введение. Вероятность развития лимфомы Ходжкина (ЛХ) на фоне ВИЧ-инфекции выше, чем в общей популяции, а течение заболевания имеет более агрессивный характер. В настоящий момент отсутствует единый подход к терапии ЛХ на фоне ВИЧ, а данные об ее эпидемиологии в Российской Федерации ограничены.Цель – изучить эпидемиологическую характеристику, применяемую терапевтическую тактику и результаты лечения лимфомы Ходжкина на фоне ВИЧ-инфекции.Методы и материалы. В многоцентровое ретроспективное исследование были включены 46 пациентов с диагнозом «ЛХ» на фоне ВИЧ, получавших лечение в девяти центрах Российской Федерации. Применяли методы описательной статистки, анализ общей выживаемости (ОВ) и беспрогрессивной выживаемости (БПВ) выполняли с использованием метода Каплана – Мейера.Результаты. ЛХ на фоне ВИЧ чаще представлена распространенной стадией, В-симптомами и экстранодальным поражением. В качестве терапии первой линии ЛХ на фоне ВИЧ в 60 % случаев использовалась схема ABVD. Общий ответ на терапию составил 81,6 %, а 2-летняя ОВ и БПВ составили 85 и 49 % соответственно. Факторами, снижающими ОВ, являлись уровень CD4+<266 кл/мкл и общесоматический статус ECOG≥2. Ключевые слова: лимфома Ходжкина, ВИЧ, CD4+, ECOG, многоцентровое исследование, терапия первой линии>˂ 266 кл/мкл и общесоматический статус ECOG≥2.

    Soluble forms of tau are toxic in Alzheimer's disease

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    Accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), intracellular inclusions of fibrillar forms of tau, is a hallmark of Alzheimer Disease. NFT have been considered causative of neuronal death, however, recent evidence challenges this idea. Other species of tau, such as soluble misfolded, hyperphosphorylated, and mislocalized forms, are now being implicated as toxic. Here we review the data supporting soluble tau as toxic to neurons and synapses in the brain and the implications of these data for development of therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease and other tauopathies


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    The paper considers the controllability problem of essentially various-speed singularly perturbed dynamic system consisting of three subsystems of different dimensions, containing a small parameter to a variable degree as a multiplier for derivatives.   A method for studying complete and relative controllability of such systems has been proposed in the paper. The method is based on investigation of a controllability matrix rank. The matrix is composed of solution components of algebraic recurrent equations, which are drawn directly in accordance with the studied system of differential equations. The obtained effective algebraic conditions of controllability, expressed through parameters of the investigated system are obtained are illustrated by the case of essentially various-speed singularly perturbed dynamic system of fifth order with rational powers of small parameter