2,265 research outputs found

    Venus Radar Mapper (VRM): Multimode radar system design

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    The surface of Venus has remained a relative mystery because of the very dense atmosphere that is opaque to visible radiation and, thus, normal photographic techniques used to explore the other terrestrial objects in the solar system are useless. The atmosphere is, however, almost transparent to radar waves and images of the surface have been produced via Earth-based and orbital radars. The technique of obtaining radar images of a surface is variously called side looking radar, imaging radar, or synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The radar requires a moving platform in which the antenna is side looking. High resolution is obtained in the cross-track or range direction by conventional radar pulse encoding. In the along-track or azimuth direction, the resolution would normally be the antenna beam width, but for the SAR case, a much longer antenna (or much sharper beam) is obtained by moving past a surface target as shown, and then combining the echoes from many pulses, by using the Doppler data, to obtain the images. The radar design of the Venus Radar Mapper (VRM) is discussed. It will acquire global radar imagery and altimetry data of the surface of Venus

    Galactic Escape Speeds in Mirror and Cold Dark Matter Models

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    The mirror dark matter (MDM) model of Berezhiani et al. has been shown to reproduce observed galactic rotational curves for a variety of spiral galaxies, and has been presented as an alternative to cold dark matter (CDM) models. We investigate possible additional tests involving the properties of stellar orbits, which may be used to discriminate between the two models. We demonstrate that in MDM and CDM models fitted equally well to a galactic rotational curve, one generally expects predictable differences in escape speeds from the disc. The recent radial velocity (RAVE) survey of the Milky Way has pinned down the escape speed from the solar neighbourhood to vesc=54446+64v_{esc}=544^{+64}_{-46} km s1^{-1}, placing an additional constraint on dark matter models. We have constructed an MDM model for the Milky Way based on its rotational curve, and find an escape speed that is just consistent with the observed value given the current errors, which lends credence to the viability of the MDM model. The Gaia-ESO spectroscopic survey is expected to lead to an even more precise estimate of the escape speed that will further constrain dark matter models. However, the largest differences in stellar escape speeds between both models are predicted for dark matter dominated dwarf galaxies such as DDO 154, and kinematical studies of such galaxies could prove key in establishing, or abolishing, the validity of the MDM model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    Prenatal zinc nutrition and behavioral development in rhesus monkeys

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    Examining Healthy Community Design Characteristics and Its Influence on Physical Health

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    Current trends in obesity rates associated with the community layout constitutes research towards understanding the interaction between the two in order to improve the public\u27s physical health. Successes in healthy community planning studies for the public can be harnessed and implemented within the microcosm of military bases to yield similar results. Four factors were recognized through an in-depth academic literature review that showed positive influence on physical health and physical activity. They are access to green space, highly connected pedestrian and bicycle networks, access to public transportation, and integrated mixed land use. The four healthy planning strategies formed the necessary background to analyze the Healthy Base Initiative survey. A priori data from the Air Force Civil Engineer Center was examined for reliability, validity, and consistency. The results uncovered the fact that the exploratory nature of the Healthy Base Initiative survey was too wide-ranged in its questions leading to an inconclusive and undesirable outcome. The new DoD Healthy Activity Public Planning Investigative survey addresses the issues of the Healthy Base Initiative survey by reducing the most applicable healthy planning factors to the four strategies highlighted from the literature review. The novel survey combines questions pertaining to existing healthy base infrastructure with a validated World Health Organization Global Physical Activity Questionnaire to examine the causal relationship between physical health and environment. Altogether, the significance of this research presents four concise healthy planning strategies for the Air Force Civil Engineer Center and the Department of Defense, as well as a recommendation for a way forward on understanding how to improve base occupant\u27s physical health through healthy community planning


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    This study investigates the determinants of crawfish consumption in South Louisiana using a generalized limited dependent variable model that accounts for both participation and consumption decisions. Income, Catholic, white, and household size increase the likelihood of crawfish consumption but not the conditional level of consumption. Education and employment status are among the other household characteristics that determine the conditional level of consumption.Box-Cox transformation, Crawfish consumption, Double-hurdle model, South Louisiana, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Winter Wheat: Cooperative Experiments with the United States Department of Agriculture

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    Variety Tests of Winter Wheat in 1902, 1903, and 1904 -- Cooperative Tests of Knarkof and Beloglina Wheats -- Nature and Causes of Yellow Berry in Hard Winter Wheat -- Running Out of Seed Wheat -- Importance of Good Tillage -- Variations in Wheat from Different Regions and in Different Season

    Evaluasi dan Usaha Optimalisasi Algoritma Depth First Search dan Breadth First Search dengan Penerapan pada Aplikasi Rat Race dan Web Peta

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    Rat Race is a maze game. There is a rat with a main task to search an exit in the maze. The rat is provide with two blind search algorithm, that is Depth First Search and Breadth First Search. The main goal is to find an exit with minimum steps. In this application, Depth First Search has fewer steps to reach an exit than Breadth First Search algorithm. That is because Breadth First Search algorithm had so many backward steps. The blind search algortihm also can be use in another application. Web Peta is an application that use Depth First Search algorithm. The main purpose of this application are to search a route from one place to another place in map. The application also must provide alternative route and the shortest route

    Regeneration of vitamin E in rat polymorphonuclear leucocytes

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    AbstractThe objectives of this study were to determine whether the recycling of tocopherol occurs in elicited rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes and if so, whether the recycling process is anzymic or chemical. When incubated with hemoglobin. tocopherol was oxidized in cell homogenates in a time-and concentration-dependent manner. The oxidized tocopherol could be regenerated by addition of ascorbate, glutathione or nordihydroguaiaretic acid. Time course studies showed a rapid regeneration of tocopherol which peaked at 1 min after the addition of reductants. Determination of the regeneration reaction in the presence of CHCl3 and MeOH indicated that under these enzyme-denaturing conditions, a considerable amount of tocopherol was still regenerated, suggesting that the regeneration reaction is predominantly a chemical reaction. This study provided direct evidence from mass analysis that oxidized vitamin E can be regenerated by cellular water-soluble reductants such as ascorbate and glutathione


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    This study examined the lesson planning competency of English major sophomore university students enrolled in a government higher education institution in Cebu City, Philippines. We employed a descriptive survey research design utilizing primary and secondary data gathered from the study respondents and from online peer reviewed research journals. Data analysis included assessing the strength, weakness and extent of lesson planning competencies as well as lesson planning outcomes. The study is anchored on the experiential learning theory (ELT) which contends that experience plays a central role during the holistic adaptive process of learning. ELT merges experience, perception, cognition and behaviour. As a process, ELT considers learning as knowledge creation through the transformation of experience. Findings revealed that common lesson planning pitfalls include limited teacher experience and access to instructional materials, poor students’ interests; less spontaneity in the classroom, limited freedom, teacher’s struggle upon starting a lesson, and assessment not matching the learning objectives which often confuses the pre-service teachers. University sophomore students manifested strength towards lesson planning competency with very high capability to construct an effective lesson plan. The study also found out that lesson planning competencies are highly useful for pre-service teachers in developing their potentials. In conclusion, exposure towards improving instructional planning helps sophomore students recognise opportunities towards developing strategies which enable to overcome challenging situations in the teaching practice. Moreover, becoming aware of the challenges toward lesson planning allows sophomore students to be prepared of their tasks in the actual setting. Well-executed lesson plan brings about competent teachers who become effective and efficient educators. We recommend that lesson planning activity should partake through a series of analysis commencing from instructional planning.  Article visualizations