211 research outputs found

    Decoupling and Control of Real and Reactive Power in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power System

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    The paper presents a detailed modeling and simulation of different control schemes of the real and reactive power flows in a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) interfacing a photovoltaic (PV) generation system to the power grid. Synchronisation of the inverter and grid AC waveforms is achieved using a phase-locked-loop (PLL) circuit. An effective decoupling strategy based on proportional-integral (PI) controllers is designed to eliminate the interaction between the two current components. Finally, the influence of the grid disturbances on the PV system and the influence of the solar energy intermittency on the power grid have been tested. The overall model is implemented in Matlab and Simulink/SimPowerSystems toolboxes. Simulations results with the PV system operating with real irradiance data will be presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed decoupling and control strategies under different conditions of the power gridNon peer reviewe

    Diagnosis and localization of fault for a neutral point clamped inverter in wind energy conversion system using artificial neural network technique

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    Introduction. To attain high efficiency and reliability in the field of clean energy conversion, power electronics play a significant role in a wide range of applications. More effort is being made to increase the dependability of power electronics systems. Purpose. In order to avoid any undesirable effects or disturbances that negatively affect the continuity of service in the field of energy production, this research provides a fault detection technique for insulated-gate bipolar transistor open-circuit faults in a three-level diode-clamped inverter of a wind energy conversion system predicated on a doubly-fed induction generator. The novelty of the suggested work ensures the regulation of power exchanged between the system and the grid without faults, advanced intelligence approaches based on a multilayer artificial neural network are used to discover and locate this type of defect; the database is based on the module and phase angle of three-phase stator currents of induction generators. The proposed methods are designed for the detection of one or two open-circuit faults in the power switches of the side converter of a doubly-fed induction generator in a wind energy conversion system. Methods. In the proposed detection method, only the three-phase stator current module and phase angle are used to identify the faulty switch. The primary goal of this fault diagnosis system is to effectively detect and locate failures in one or even more neutral point clamped inverter switches. Practical value. The performance of the controllers is evaluated under different operating conditions of the power system, and the reliability, feasibility, and effectiveness of the proposed fault detection have been verified under various open-switch fault conditions. The diagnostic approach is also robust to transient conditions posed by changes in load and speed. The proposed diagnostic technique's performance and effectiveness are both proven by simulation in the SimPower /Simulink® MATLAB environment.Вступ. Для досягнення високої ефективності та надійності у галузі чистого перетворення енергії силова електроніка відіграє важливу роль у широкому спектрі застосування. Докладаються зусилля для підвищення надійності систем силової електроніки. Мета. Щоб уникнути будь-яких небажаних ефектів або перешкод, що негативно впливають на безперервність роботи в галузі виробництва енергії, у цьому дослідженні пропонується методика виявлення несправностей біполярних транзисторів із ізольованим затвором при обриві ланцюга в трирівневому інверторі з діодною фіксацією системи перетворення енергії вітру, що ґрунтується на асинхронному генераторі з подвійним живленням. Новизна запропонованої роботи забезпечує регулювання потужності, що обмінюється між системою та мережею, без збоїв, для виявлення та локалізації цього типу дефекту використовуються передові інтелектуальні підходи, засновані на багатошаровій штучній нейронній мережі; база даних заснована на модулі та фазовому куті трифазних статорних струмів асинхронних генераторів. Запропоновані методи призначені для виявлення одного або двох обривів у силових ключах бокового перетворювача асинхронного генератора подвійного живлення у системі перетворення енергії вітру. Методи. У запропонованому методі виявлення для ідентифікації несправного вимикача використовуються тільки трифазний модуль струму статора і фазовий кут. Основною метою цієї системи діагностики несправностей є ефективне виявлення та локалізація відмов в одному або навіть кількох інверторних перемикачах з фіксованою нейтральною точкою. Практична цінність. Робочі характеристики контролерів оцінюються за різних умов роботи енергосистеми, а надійність, здійсненність та ефективність запропонованого виявлення несправностей були перевірені за різних умов відмови розімкнутого вимикача. Діагностичний підхід також стійкий до перехідних станів, спричинених змінами навантаження та швидкості. Продуктивність та ефективність запропонованого діагностичного методу підтверджені моделюванням у середовищі SimPower/Simulink® MATLAB

    Fault diagnosis of power converters in a grid connected photovoltaic system using artificial neural networks

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    Introduction. The widespread use of photovoltaic systems in various applications has spotlighted the pressing requirement for reliability, efficiency and continuity of service. The main impediment to a more effective implementation has been the reliability of the power converters. Indeed, the presence of faults in power converters that can cause malfunctions in the photovoltaic system, which can reduce its performance. Novelty. This paper presents a technique for diagnosing open circuit failures in the switches (IGBTs) of power converters (DC-DC converters and three-phase inverters) in a grid-connected photovoltaic system. Purpose. To ensure supply continuity, a fault-diagnosis process is required throughout all phases of energy production, transfer, and conversion. Methods. The diagnostic approach is based on artificial neural networks and the extraction of features corresponding to the open circuit fault of the IGBT switch. This approach is based on the Clarke transformation of the three-phase currents of the inverter output as well as the calculation of the average value of these currents to determine the exact angle of the open circuit fault. Results. This method is able to effectively identify and localize single or multiple open circuit faults of the DC-DC converter IGBT switch or the three-phase inverter IGBT switches.Вступ. Широке використання фотоелектричних систем у різних застосуваннях висунуло на перший план нагальні вимоги до надійності, ефективності та безперервності обслуговування. Основною перешкодою для ефективнішого застосування була надійність силових перетворювачів. Справді, наявність несправностей у силових перетворювачах може спричинити збої в роботі фотоелектричної системи, що може знизити її продуктивність. Новизна. У цій статті представлена методика діагностики обриву кола в перемикачах (IGBT) силових перетворювачів (перетворювачів постійного струму та трифазних інверторів) у фотоелектричній системі, підключеній до мережі. Мета. Для забезпечення безперервності постачання потрібен процес діагностики несправностей на всіх етапах виробництва, передачі та перетворення енергії. Методи. Діагностичний підхід заснований на штучних нейронних мережах та вилучення ознак, що відповідають обриву кола IGBT-перемикача. Цей підхід ґрунтується на перетворенні Кларка трифазних струмів на виході інвертора, а т акож розрахунку середнього значення цих струмів для визначення точного кута обриву кола. Результати. Цей метод дозволяє ефективно ідентифікувати та локалізувати одиночні або множинні несправності розімкнутого кола IGBT-перемикача DC-DC перетворювача або IGBT-перемикача трифазного інвертора

    Fault diagnosis of power converters in a grid connected photovoltaic system using artificial neural networks

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    Introduction. The widespread use of photovoltaic systems in various applications has spotlighted the pressing requirement for reliability, efficiency and continuity of service. The main impediment to a more effective implementation has been the reliability of the power converters. Indeed, the presence of faults in power converters that can cause malfunctions in the photovoltaic system, which can reduce its performance. Novelty. This paper presents a technique for diagnosing open circuit failures in the switches (IGBTs) of power converters (DC-DC converters and three-phase inverters) in a grid-connected photovoltaic system. Purpose. To ensure supply continuity, a fault-diagnosis process is required throughout all phases of energy production, transfer, and conversion. Methods. The diagnostic approach is based on artificial neural networks and the extraction of features corresponding to the open circuit fault of the IGBT switch. This approach is based on the Clarke transformation of the three-phase currents of the inverter output as well as the calculation of the average value of these currents to determine the exact angle of the open circuit fault. Results. This method is able to effectively identify and localize single or multiple open circuit faults of the DC-DC converter IGBT switch or the three-phase inverter IGBT switches

    Characterization of the Promoter, MxiE Box and 5′ UTR of Genes Controlled by the Activity of the Type III Secretion Apparatus in Shigella flexneri

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    Activation of the type III secretion apparatus (T3SA) of Shigella flexneri, upon contact of the bacteria with host cells, and its deregulation, as in ipaB mutants, specifically increases transcription of a set of effector-encoding genes controlled by MxiE, an activator of the AraC family, and IpgC, the chaperone of the IpaB and IpaC translocators. Thirteen genes carried by the virulence plasmid (ospB, ospC1, ospD2, ospD3, ospE1, ospE2, ospF, ospG, virA, ipaH1.4, ipaH4.5, ipaH7.8 and ipaH9.8) and five genes carried by the chromosome (ipaHa-e) are regulated by the T3SA activity. A conserved 17-bp MxiE box is present 5′ of most of these genes. To characterize the promoter activity of these MxiE box-containing regions, similar ∼67-bp DNA fragments encompassing the MxiE box of 14 MxiE-regulated genes were cloned 5′ of lacZ in a promoter probe plasmid; β-galactosidase activity detected in wild-type and ipaB strains harboring these plasmids indicated that most MxiE box-carrying regions contain a promoter regulated by the T3SA activity and that the relative strengths of these promoters cover an eight-fold range. The various MxiE boxes exhibiting up to three differences as compared to the MxiE box consensus sequence were introduced into the ipaH9.8 promoter without affecting its activity, suggesting that they are equally efficient in promoter activation. In contrast, all nucleotides conserved among MxiE boxes were found to be involved in MxiE-dependent promoter activity. In addition, we present evidence that the 5′ UTRs of four MxiE-regulated genes enhance expression of the downstream gene, presumably by preventing degradation of the mRNA, and the 5′ UTRs of two other genes carry an ancillary promoter

    Power management and control strategies for off-grid hybrid power systems with renewable energies and storage

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript of the following article: Belkacem Belabbas, Tayeb Allaoui, Mohamed Tadjine, and Mouloud Denai, 'Power management and control strategies for off-grid hybrid power systems with renewable energies and storage', Energy Systems, September 2017. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 19 September 2018. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s12667-017-0251-y.This paper presents a simulation study of standalone hybrid Distributed Generation Systems (DGS) with Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). The DGS consists of Photovoltaic (PV) panels as Renewable Power Source (RPS), a Diesel Generator (DG) for power buck-up and a BESS to accommodate the surplus of energy, which may be employed in times of poor PV generation. While off-grid DGS represent an efficient and cost-effective energy supply solution particularly to rural and remote areas, fluctuations in voltage and frequency due to load variations, weather conditions (temperature, irradiation) and transmission line short-circuits are major challenges. The paper suggests a hierarchical Power Management (PM) and controller structure to improve the reliability and efficiency of the hybrid DGS. The first layer of the overall control scheme includes a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) to adjust the voltage and frequency at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) and a Clamping Bridge Circuit (CBC) which regulates the DC bus voltage. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller based on FLC is designed to extract the optimum power from the PV. The second control layer coordinates among PV, DG and BESS to ensure reliable and efficient power supply to the load. MATLAB Simulink is used to implement the overall model of the off-grid DGS and to test the performance of the proposed control scheme which is evaluated in a series of simulations scenarios. The results demonstrated the good performance of the proposed control scheme and effective coordination between the DGS for all the simulation scenarios considered.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    HpaC Controls Substrate Specificity of the Xanthomonas Type III Secretion System

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    The Gram-negative bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria employs a type III secretion (T3S) system to inject bacterial effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm. One essential pathogenicity factor is HrpB2, which is secreted by the T3S system. We show that secretion of HrpB2 is suppressed by HpaC, which was previously identified as a T3S control protein. Since HpaC promotes secretion of translocon and effector proteins but inhibits secretion of HrpB2, HpaC presumably acts as a T3S substrate specificity switch protein. Protein–protein interaction studies revealed that HpaC interacts with HrpB2 and the C-terminal domain of HrcU, a conserved inner membrane component of the T3S system. However, no interaction was observed between HpaC and the full-length HrcU protein. Analysis of HpaC deletion derivatives revealed that the binding site for the C-terminal domain of HrcU is essential for HpaC function. This suggests that HpaC binding to the HrcU C terminus is key for the control of T3S. The C terminus of HrcU also provides a binding site for HrpB2; however, no interaction was observed with other T3S substrates including pilus, translocon and effector proteins. This is in contrast to HrcU homologs from animal pathogenic bacteria suggesting evolution of distinct mechanisms in plant and animal pathogenic bacteria for T3S substrate recognition

    Histone Methylation by NUE, a Novel Nuclear Effector of the Intracellular Pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis

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    Sequence analysis of the genome of the strict intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis revealed the presence of a SET domain containing protein, proteins that primarily function as histone methyltransferases. In these studies, we demonstrated secretion of this protein via a type III secretion mechanism. During infection, the protein is translocated to the host cell nucleus and associates with chromatin. We therefore named the protein nuclear effector (NUE). Expression of NUE in mammalian cells by transfection reconstituted nuclear targeting and chromatin association. In vitro methylation assays confirmed NUE is a histone methyltransferase that targets histones H2B, H3 and H4 and itself (automethylation). Mutants deficient in automethylation demonstrated diminished activity towards histones suggesting automethylation functions to enhance enzymatic activity. Thus, NUE is secreted by Chlamydia, translocates to the host cell nucleus and has enzymatic activity towards eukaryotic substrates. This work is the first description of a bacterial effector that directly targets mammalian histones

    Structure-Function Analysis of the HrpB2-HrcU Interaction in the Xanthomonas citri Type III Secretion System

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    Bacterial type III secretion systems deliver protein virulence factors to host cells. Here we characterize the interaction between HrpB2, a small protein secreted by the Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri type III secretion system, and the cytosolic domain of the inner membrane protein HrcU, a paralog of the flagellar protein FlhB. We show that a recombinant fragment corresponding to the C-terminal cytosolic domain of HrcU produced in E. coli suffers cleavage within a conserved Asn264-Pro265-Thr266-His267 (NPTH) sequence. A recombinant HrcU cytosolic domain with N264A, P265A, T266A mutations at the cleavage site (HrcUAAAH) was not cleaved and interacted with HrpB2. Furthermore, a polypeptide corresponding to the sequence following the NPTH cleavage site also interacted with HrpB2 indicating that the site for interaction is located after the NPTH site. Non-polar deletion mutants of the hrcU and hrpB2 genes resulted in a total loss of pathogenicity in susceptible citrus plants and disease symptoms could be recovered by expression of HrpB2 and HrcU from extrachromossomal plasmids. Complementation of the ΔhrcU mutant with HrcUAAAH produced canker lesions similar to those observed when complemented with wild-type HrcU. HrpB2 secretion however, was significantly reduced in the ΔhrcU mutant complemented with HrcUAAAH, suggesting that an intact and cleavable NPTH site in HrcU is necessary for total functionally of T3SS in X. citri subsp. citri. Complementation of the ΔhrpB2 X. citri subsp. citri strain with a series of hrpB2 gene mutants revealed that the highly conserved HrpB2 C-terminus is essential for T3SS-dependent development of citrus canker symptoms in planta