897 research outputs found

    On increasing of the competitiveness of the garment industry in Siberian Federal District on the basis of the industrial cluster establishment

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    The issue of the development prospects of the Russian economy and the economy of its individual branches in the regions is highly relevant in terms of the increasing crises and economic development challenges. The scope of the study is a garment industry of the Siberian Federal District, which includes 12 subjects, and only six of them develop the garment industry actively. There are the regions of Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Republic of Khakassia. The subject matter of the research is the state and prospects of the garment industry of the Siberian Federal District. It also includes the assessment of the garment industry as one of the sub-sectors of the light industry in terms of its competitiveness in the domestic market. The purpose of the comprehensive study is to determine the conditions and factors affecting the development of the industry, as well as to identify its development reserves and competitiveness on the basis of industrial cluster’s generation. The hypothesis of this study is that in the Siberian Federal District, there are a need and reserves to create a cluster of the garment industry. The main methods of the study are the comparative analysis, the expert assessment of the sector in certain regions of the Siberian Federal District, as well as the assessment of possible formation of the industrial cluster in the region. The results of the study are the evaluation of the competitiveness and prospects of the garment industry in Russia and the Siberian Federal District (a low level of development and competitiveness); the evaluation of the development level of the garment industry in the Federal District, which have showed the demand for apparel products from the population and enterprises, as well as the conditions for the provision of clothing manufacture with natural fabrics and synthetic materials, labor resources and research and development achievements; also the justification of the existing potential for development of a sectoral cluster by means of pooling together the productions and economic communications of the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions at the initial stage. The obtained results should be used to strengthen works for the development of regional industrial cluster (with a creation of a working group at the regional governments, the garment industry development programs, and practical measures for its realization), as well as a creation of conditions for stimulation of investment activity of entrepreneurs. The research has confirmed the hypothesis, that in the Siberian Federal District, there are a need and reserves to create a cluster of the garment industry

    Exciton spin dynamics and photoluminescence polarization of CdSe/CdS dot-in-rod nanocrystals in high magnetic fields

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    The exciton spin dynamics and polarization properties of the related emission are investigated in colloidal CdSe/CdS dot-in-rod (DiR) and spherical core/shell nanocrystal (NC) ensembles by magneto-optical photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy in magnetic fields up to 15 T. It is shown that the degree of circular polarization (DCP) of the exciton emission induced by the magnetic field is affected by the NC geometry as well as the exciton fine structure and can provide information on nanorod orientation. A theory to describe the circular and linear polarization properties of the NC emission in magnetic field is developed. It takes into account phonon mediated coupling between the exciton fine structure states as well as the dielectric enhancement effect resulting from the anisotropic shell of DiR NCs. This theoretical approach is used to model the experimental results and allows us to explain most of the measured features. The spin dynamics of the dark excitons is investigated in magnetic fields by time-resolved photoluminescence. The results highlight the importance of confined acoustic phonons in the spin relaxation of dark excitons. The bare core surface as well as the core/shell interface give rise to an efficient spin relaxation channel, while the surface of core/shell NCs seems to play only a minor role.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Least action principle for envelope functions in abrupt heterostructures

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    We apply the envelope function approach to abrupt heterostructures starting with the least action principle for the microscopic wave function. The interface is treated nonperturbatively, and our approach is applicable to mismatched heterostructure. We obtain the interface connection rules for the multiband envelope function and the short-range interface terms which consist of two physically distinct contributions. The first one depends only on the structure of the interface, and the second one is completely determined by the bulk parameters. We discover new structure inversion asymmetry terms and new magnetic energy terms important in spintronic applications.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Psychological features of personal development of younger adolescents in the process of leisure activities

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    The article presents the results of analysis of younger adolescents’ psychological characteristics and provides a description of a comprehensive program created in order to ensure effective personal development of children in this age group in the process of carrying out leisure activities. To test the program, a sample was formed consisting of 60 adolescents studying at Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution “School No. 134” in Nizhny Novgorod. The results of the study indicate significant changes among all criteria analyzed for the experimental and the control groups. The scientific significance of the data obtained lies in the expansion of the idea of younger adolescents’ personal qualities’ multidimensionality and the opportunity provided to study the phenomenon in more detail. Indicators obtained during the course of the study can be used to organise extracurricular activities for adolescents, hold seminars and personal development trainings as well as develop methodological manuals on personality psychology

    Assay strategies for the discovery and validation of therapeutics targeting <i>Brugia pahangi</i> Hsp90

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    The chemotherapy of lymphatic filariasis relies upon drugs such as diethylcarbamazine and ivermectin that largely target the microfilarial stages of the parasite, necessitating continued treatment over the long reproductive life span of the adult worm. The identification of compounds that target adult worms has been a long-term goal of WHO. Here we describe a fluorescence polarization assay for the identification of compounds that target Hsp90 in adult filarial worms. The assay was originally developed to identify inhibitors of Hsp90 in tumor cells, and relies upon the ability of small molecules to inhibit the binding of fluorescently labelled geldanamycin to Hsp90. We demonstrate that the assay works well with soluble extracts of Brugia, while extracts of the free-living nematode C. elegans fail to bind the probe, in agreement with data from other experiments. The assay was validated using known inhibitors of Hsp90 that compete with geldanamycin for binding to Hsp90, including members of the synthetic purine-scaffold series of compounds. The efficacy of some of these compounds against adult worms was confirmed in vitro. Moreover, the assay is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate between binding of purine-scaffold compounds to human and Brugia Hsp90. The assay is suitable for high-throughput screening and provides the first example of a format with the potential to identify novel inhibitors of Hsp90 in filarial worms and in other parasitic species where Hsp90 may be a target

    Intrinsic electric polarization in spin-orbit coupled semiconductor heterostructures

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    We present Maxwell equations with source terms for the electromagnetic field interacting with a moving electron in a spin-orbit coupled semiconductor heterostructure. We start with the eight--band kp{\bm k}{\bm p} model and derive the electric and magnetic polarization vectors using the Gordon--like decomposition method. Next, we present the kp{\bm k}{\bm p} effective Lagrangian for the nonparabolic conduction band electrons interacting with electromagnetic field in semiconductor heterostructures with abrupt interfaces. This Lagrangian gives rise to the Maxwell equations with source terms and boundary conditions at heterointerfaces as well as equations for the electron envelope wave function in the external electromagnetic field together with appropriate boundary conditions. As an example, we consider spin--orbit effects caused by the structure inversion asymmetry for the conduction electron states. We compute the intrinsic contribution to the electric polarization of the steady state electron gas in asymmetric quantum well in equilibrium and in the spin Hall regime. We argue that this contribution, as well as the intrinsic spin Hall current, are not cancelled by the elastic scattering processes.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic energy band parameters of CuInSe2 : Landau levels in magnetotransmission spectra

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    Magnetotransmission (MT) at magnetic fields up to 29 T was used to study the electronic structure of CuInSe2 in thin polycrystalline films. The zero field absorption spectra exhibited resolved A, B, and C free excitons. Quantum oscillations, due to diamagnetic excitons comprising electrons and holes from Landau levels quantized in the conduction and valence band, respectively, appeared in the MT spectra at fields over 5 T. Spectral energies of Landau levels and binding energies of the corresponding diamagnetic excitons, theoretically calculated assuming a quasicubic approximation of the CuInSe2 tetragonal lattice structure, helped to identify the character of the experimentally observed diamagnetic excitons. Spectral energies of diamagnetic excitons in the MT spectra with different circular polarizations were used to determine the electron and light hole effective masses, whereas heavy hole masses as well as the γ and γ1 Luttinger parameters, Ep Kane energy, and F parameter of the influence of remote bands, as well as their polaron values, were calculated using the Luttinger theory

    Dynamics of Intraband and Interband Auger Processes in Colloidal Core-Shell Quantum Dots.

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    Conventional colloidal quantum dots (QDs) suffer from rapid energy losses by nonradiative (Auger) processes, leading to sub-ns lifetimes in all excited states but the lowest-energy single exciton. Suppression of interband Auger decay, such as biexciton Auger recombination, has been achieved with the design of heterostructured core-shell QDs. Auger-like processes are also believed to be responsible for rapid intraband hot-electron cooling in QDs. However, the simultaneous effect of shell growth on interband Auger recombination and intraband hot-electron cooling has not been addressed. Here we investigate how the growth of a CdS shell affects these two relaxation processes in CdSe/CdS core-shell QDs. Using a combination of ultrafast pump-push-probe spectroscopy on the QD ensemble and analysis of the photon statistics from single QDs, we find that Auger losses in the biexciton state are suppressed with increasing shell thickness, while hot-electron cooling remains unaffected. Calculations conducted within an eight-band k·p model confirm the experimental dependence of the biexciton Auger decay on the shell thickness, and provide insights into the factors determining the cooling rate of hot carriers.This work is part of the research program of the ”Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM)”, which is financially supported by the ”Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)”. A.L.E. acknowledges the financial support of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) through the Naval Research Laboratory Basic Research Program.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.5b0449

    Theoretical issues of language contacts, borrowings and interference

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    The article is devoted to the theoretical problem of language contacts in modern linguistics. The problem of the relationship between language and consciousness has been comprehensively discussed: various studies of the language picture of the world are carried out by the speakers of a particular language, associative dictionaries of different languages are created, this gives rich material for studying the real perception within a particular cultur

    Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Acetylsalicylic Acid for Prediction of Potential Nephrotoxic Effects

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid, can have a dose-dependent nephrotoxic effect. The study of the pharmacokinetics of acetylsalicylic acid products will contribute to timely detection and correction of side effects caused by this medicinal product.The aim of the study was to evaluate potential nephrotoxic effects following a single oral administration of 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, based on the analysis of the pharmacokinetic parameters.Materials and methods: the study involved 24 healthy volunteers who received 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid (tablets) once orally. The measurement of the active metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid—salicylic acid—in blood plasma was performed by HPLC/MS using an Agilent 1200 liquid chromatography system coupled to an Agilent 6140 tandem mass spectrometer. Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18 column (4.6 mm×150 mm; 5.0 μm) was used for chromatographic separation. The test procedure used in the study was validated. The results obtained were used to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters: Cmax (maximum concentration), Tmax (time to maximum concentration), T1/2 (half-life of the drug), AUC0-t (area under the pharmacokinetic curve from 0 to the last time point of the curve), AUC0-∞ (total area under the pharmacokinetic curve from 0 to ∞), MRT (mean residence time of the drug in the blood), Kel (elimination rate constant), Cl/F (total clearance), Vd/F (apparent volume of distribution). The Statistics ( software was used for statistical processing of the results.Results: T1/2 of salicylic acid in blood plasma was determined to be 1.6 ± 0.5 h, Cmax was 4523.0 ± 725.0 ng/mL, and Tmax was 0.98 ± 0.4 h. AUC0–t was equal to 16183.0 ± 3823.0 ng×h/m, Vd/F was 12.0 ± 3.1 L/kg, and MRT was 2.9 ± 0.6 h.Conclusions: the analysis of the pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated a high absorption rate, intensive distribution, and moderate elimination rate of salicylic acid (the main metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid), indicating a low risk of nephrotoxic effects associated with the studied dose of the drug