36 research outputs found

    Anabolic activity of leuzea and cranberry meal plant extracts composition

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    Еhe anabolic properties of a new composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts in a ratio of 7:50, containing ecdisten and ursolic acid, respectively, have been investigates on a model of isolated overload of the skeletal muscle of the rats leg by the method of excision. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted on Wistar stock rats of both sexes weighing 220–250 g. At the beginning of the experiment, all animals underwent musculus gastrocnemius tenotomy (m.gastrocnemius), and then the composition has been intragastrically administered for 14 days. At the end of the experiment, the rats were decapitated, blood was taken to determine biochemical parameters (creatine phosphokinase activity, glucose and lactate level) and muscles from both legs were separated to determine the difference between the mass of the musculus soleus (m. soleus) operated on and the mass m.soleus of a non-operated paw. Results and discussion. A dose-dependent anabolic effect was established for the composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts. A gender difference was found, which was confirmed by the obtained values of creatine phosphokinase activity and glucose/lactate ratio. Conclusions. The composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts exhibits a dose-dependent anabolic effect in males and increase physical endurance in female rats on the model of isolated overload of the skeletal muscle of the leg of rats with tenotomy operation

    EBSD study of superplastically strained Al-Mg-Li alloy

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    In this study, electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) was employed to examine the microstructure evolved during superplastic deformation of advanced Al-Mg-Li alloy. In contrast to the widely-accepted conception of superplasticity, the microstructure was found to be characterized by elongated grains, a notable fraction of low-angle boundaries, and a distinct (though a very weak) crystallographic texture. All these observations suggested a significant activity of intragranular slip

    Timing of AR CrB eclipses

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    AR CrB is a short-period low-mass eclipsing binary. We conducted photometric observations of the system in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, and obtained times of its light curves minima. The timing of eclipses (our times of minima combined with data from the literature) shows that the orbital period of AR CrB could possess periodical variations that can be explained by the gravitational influence of a third companion in a highly eccentric orbit around the central binary

    Light equation on eclipsing binary CV Boo

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    Короткопериодическая затменная двойная звезда CV Boo изучена методом светового уравнения. Были использованы данные о моментах минимумов из литературы и из наших наблюдений в мае июле 2014 г. Была найдена периодическая вариация орбитального периода системы с периодом ≈ 75 дней. Эта вариация может быть объяснена гравитационным воздействием третьего тела с массой ≈ 0.4 M⊙ на вытянутой орбите с эксцентриситетом e ≈ 0.9. Также обсуждается возможность изменения орбитального периода на больших шкалах времени. Предлагаемое третье тело находится близко к хаотической зоне вокруг центральной двойной, поэтому оно может быть интересно для изучения его динамической эволюции.A short period eclipsing binary star CV Boo is tested for the possible existence of new bodies in the system with a help of the light equation method. We use data about moments of minima from the literature and our observations during May—July 2014. A periodical variation of CV Boo’s orbital period is found, the variation’s period is ≈ 75 days. This variation can be explained by the gravitational influence of a third star with a mass ≈ 0.4M⊙ in an eccentric orbit with e ≈ 0.9. A possibility for orbital period changes in long time scales is discussed. The suggested tertiary companion is near the chaotic zone around the central binary, so it is an interesting example to test its dynamical evolution


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    Introduction. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease of unknown etiology, characterized by increased resistance of pulmonary vessels, which leads to right ventriculae heart failure and, eventually, death. At the same time, according to the literature, it has been established that the presence of an atrial septum defect in patients with idiopathic PAH (iPAH), is accompanied by a longer life expectancy, improves its quality and is the prevention of sudden death due to the development of a pulmonary hypertensive crisis. We decided to perform an operation to create an atrial septum communication (ASC) in patients with iPAH.Materials and methods. Clinical cases showed efficiency in creating interatrial septum fenestration by implantation of intentionally fenestrated occluder in patients with PAH.Results. It was in studies revealing that the advantage of this method as compared to others is close good fixation of the device on interatrial baffle which reduces possibility for the device to migrate from fixed position in the heart cavity and to reduce intra-operative complication. After implantation of fenestrated occluder the patients showed significant improvement of life quality: decrement of breathlessness, higher tolerance to physical exertion, less swelling in lower limbs, absence of syncopal condition. Such procedure perhaps prolongs life time.Conclusion. Implantation of fenestrated occluder, modified in intra-operative conditions, can be an adequate method to help patients with iPAH, under conditions of unavailability of special devices in the market. Введение. Легочная артериальная гипертензия (ЛАГ) является прогрессирующим смертельным синдромом, характеризующимся повышенным сопротивлением легочных сосудов, что приводит к правосторонней сердечной недостаточности и в итоге — смерти. Вместе с тем было доказано, что наличие открытого овального окна у больных с идиопатической легочной артериальной гипертензией (иЛАГ) сопровождается большей продолжительностью жизни и значительно более высоким ее качеством. Это является обоснованием исследований по созданию межпредсердного сообщения (МПС) у больных с иЛАГ. Цель создания адекватного МПС — профилактика внезапной смерти вследствие развития легочно-гипертензионного криза.Материалы и методы. На клинических случаях продемонстрирована эффективность cоздания межпредсердного сообщения путем имплантации намеренно фенестрированных окклюдеров пациентам с ЛАГ.Результаты. Установлено, что преимуществом данного метода перед другими является плотная хорошая фиксация устройства на межпредсердной перегородке, что уменьшает возможность миграции устройства из фиксированного положения в полости сердца и интраоперационных осложнений. После имплантации фенестрированного окклюдера у пациентов наблюдалось значительное улучшение качества жизни: снижение одышки, повышение толерантности к физической нагрузке, уменьшение отеков нижних конечностей, отсутствие синкопальных состояний. Данная процедура предположительно способствует увеличению продолжительности жизни.Заключение. Имплантация фенестрированного окклюдера, модифицированного в интраоперационных условиях, может быть адекватным методом помощи пациентам с иЛАГ в условиях недоступности специальных устройств на рынке.

    Microstructural evolution during superplastic deformation of Al-Mg-Li alloy : dynamic recrystallization or grain-boundary sliding?

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    In this work, advanced capabilities of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) were applied to evaluate the role played dynamic recrystallization during superplastic deformation of a typical fine-grained material. It was found that the dynamic recrystallization occurred only locally and thus provided only minor contribution to microstructural evolution. Hence, the preservation of the nearly-equiaxed grain morphology, inherent to the superplasticity phenomenon, cannot be attributed to the dynamic recrystallization