265 research outputs found

    Professional Foreign Language Course for International Students: Approaches to Content Selection

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    The research is devoted to a pedagogical problem that is topical for modern Russian higher education - the problem of content choice of professional foreign language training for foreign students. The purpose of the paper is to justify the approach to content selection of the discipline "Professional Foreign (Russian) Language" for foreign students who specialize in different areas of studies. The research is based on the application of general pedagogical theoretical and practical methods: analysis of pedagogical theory; experience of Russian and foreign pedagogy in professional language teaching; implementation of select­ed approaches and methodologies in practice; analysis of approbation/Статья посвящена выбору содержания профессиональной иноязычной подготовки иностранных студентов в вузе

    Training practice as a modern tool of formation competitive specialist

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    The article notes that the modern quality of training, laid down in the standards of the new generation, focuses on the practical orientation of training, the joint use of the material and technical base of the educational organization and the enterprise as a future employer of graduatesВ статье отмечается, что современное качество подготовки специалистов, заложенное в стандартах нового поколения, ориентирует на практическую направленность обучения, совместное использование материально-технической базы образовательной организации и предприятия, как будущего работодателя выпускников. среды, стимулирующей процессы профессионального развити

    Improvement of organizational conditions for the development of teaching staff in the average professional education

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    Due to modernization of Russian education, in modern society the status and function of the teacher are radically changing. It leads the process of approving of new qualification requirements. The article describes the experience of Nizhny Tagil College metalworking industries and service on this problemВ связи с модернизацией российского образования в современном обществе радикально меняются статус педагога, его функции, требования к профессиональным и личным качествам, что ведет за собой процесс утверждения новых квалификационных требований. В статье представлен опыт Нижнетагильского техникума ме-таллообрабатывающих производств и сервиса по рассматриваемой проблем

    Finite-dimensional reductions of the discrete Toda chain

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    The problem of construction of integrable boundary conditions for the discrete Toda chain is considered. The restricted chains for properly chosen closure conditions are reduced to the well known discrete Painlev\'e equations dPIIIdP_{III}, dPVdP_{V}, dPVIdP_{VI}. Lax representations for these discrete Painlev\'e equations are found.Comment: Submitted to Jornal of Physics A: Math. Gen., 14 page


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    A new spectrophotometric technique has been developed for the determination of boron in the waters using berillon III and 8 % glycerol in slightly acidic reaction conditions, reaction time is 20 min. The total amount of time spent on the definition of boron, is 90 minutes. The determination range is 0.008 – 0.8 μgL-1.Keywords: boron, boric acid, spektrophotometry, berillon III, glycerol(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.016T.A. Kazakova1, O.A. Tutunnik2, Yu.M. Dedkov11 Moscow Regional State University, Moscow region, Mytischi, Russian Federation2V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of the Russian Academy Science,  Moscow, Russian FederationРазработана новая спектрофотометрическая методика определения бора в водах с помощью бериллона III в 8 %-ной по глицерину слабокислой среде. Время протекания реакции составляет 20 мин, общее время анализа - 90 мин. Диапазон определяемых содержаний бора составляет от 0.008 до 0.8 мкг/мл.Ключевые слова: бор, борная кислота, спектрофотометрия, бериллон III, глицерин DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.01

    Specificity of Author’s Modality and Representation of Russia’s Image in Claudia Erdheim’s Book “Früher war alles besser”: an Austrian View

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    The reception of a foreign cultural (Russian) code by the European (Austrian) literary consciousness on the problematic, stylistic and lexical levels are studied in the article. The main trend characteristic for the representation of the image of Russia in the book by Claudia Erdheim is revealed: a retrospective look into the “bright past”. It is emphasized that the refrain phrase “Früher war alles besser” in the title has a symbolic meaning. Five mini-stories were analyzed. Attention is paid to the stereotypes of the Russian mass consciousness. Political stereotypes, ethical canons are studied in the perception of the author-narrator. It is argued that the antinomy of the Western way of thinking and the Russian mentality is the prevailing motive in the work under study. It is proved that the problem of the Russian-Austrian cultural dialogue is realized through the prism of the fundamental components of the Austrian mentality Einfühlung (feeling) and Gemütlichkeit (comfort, tranquility). Among the mental clichés of the narrator, stereotyped ideas about the Russian character (“broad soul”, “Russian scope”, “Russian maybe”, “longing”) are found. The book by K. Erdheim is a vivid example of the representation of the “Other” / “Alien” ideas about the “Other” national character and recreates the image of the Russian people in its artistic system

    Study of antimicrobial activity and technology optimization of Calendulae flos galenicals

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    The article presents materials on optimization of manufacture technology for Calendulae flos galenicals with medium level of antibacterial activity. For antibacterial study of extracts, we used agar well diffusion method. In our research, we utilized six test-strain microorganisms: E. coli ATCC 25922, S. aureus ATCC 25923, P. vulgaris ATCC 4636, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, C. albicans ATCC 885/653, and B. subtilis ATCC 6633. We have found that the maximum level of extracts’ antimicrobial activity is achieved in the range of ethanol content in the extractant from 70 to 97 % v/

    Changes of lysozyme content in the lacrimal fluid in patients with diabetic retinopathy (pilot study)

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most common metabolic disorders in humans. Diabetes mellitus can lead to abnormalities in many tissues of the eye structure, exposing patients to the risk of developing a wide range of ocular pathologies associated with changes in its anterior and posterior segments. The most common complication is diabetic retinopathy.The aim: to assess the potential clinical significance of lacrimal lysozyme as a minimally invasive biomarker of diabetic ophthalmic disorders.Material and methods. Three groups were formed during the study. Group  1 (Control, n  =  10) included conditionally healthy people with no type  2 diabetes mellitus. Group 2 (Main 1, n = 15) included patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, but  no  diabetic manifestations in the fundus. Group  3 (Main  2, n  =  15) included patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and manifestations of diabetic retinopathy of varying degrees. In patients of all groups, the level of tear lysozyme was assessed.Results. It was found that the concentration of lacrimal fluid lysozyme in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was significantly lower than in healthy patients. In patients with diabetic retinopathy of varying degrees of manifestation (non-proliferative and proliferative forms) against the background of type  2 diabetes mellitus, significantly lower values of lysozyme were observed compared to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, but without diabetic ophthalmic manifestations.Conclusion. It is possible that local detection of lysozyme in the lacrimal fluid may be potential biomarkers of the progression of diabetic retinopathy

    The using of case-technology method to form competences of students of technical college

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    В условиях решения стратегических задач профессионального образования важнейшими качествами личности педагога становятся инициативность и профессиональная активность.In the conditions of the strategic tasks of vocational education, the most important qualities of a teacher's personality are initiative and professional activity

    Development of professional qualifications teaching staff as a factor of education quality assuranse in colledge

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    В современном обществе радикально меняются статус педагога, его функции, требования к профессиональным и личным качествам.In modern society, the status and function of the teacher are radically changing