520 research outputs found

    Review of new technologies used for meat identification

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    The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity.The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity


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    Надано процесуальну характеристику спеціальним запобіжним заходам, зокрема таким, як передання на піклування опікунам, близьким родичам або членам сім’ї з обов’язковим лікарським наглядом та поміщення до психіатричного закладу в умовах, що виключають небезпечну поведінку особи. Запропоновано на рівні КПК України передбачити окремі норми, присвячені врегулюванню поняття цих запобіжних заходів, порядку та строків їх застосування.The procedural characteristic to special preventive measures, such as the transfer to care of guardians, close relatives or family members with mandatory medical supervision and placement in a psychiatric institution in conditions that exclude the dangerous behavior, has been provided. Special attention is paid to the fact that today the current criminal procedural law does not define the concept of these preventive measures, the procedure for their selection or change, the terms of application. In this regard, it has been suggested to provide certain norms dealing with the settlement of this issue at the level of the Criminal Procedural Code (CPC) of Ukraine. The issue of medical supervision over a mentally ill person has been separately considered. It has been stated that the CPC of Ukraine does not contain provisions on the interpretation of this provision, the main points of appropriate medical supervision, the procedure, terms of provision and frequency of such supervision. In this regard, special attention was paid to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Psychiatric Aid” that the supervision may take place both in outpatient and inpatient psychiatric care. The procedure for the use of a preventive measure in the form of placing a person in a psychiatric institution in conditions that exclude the dangerous behavior has been analyzed in detail. It has been indicated that the essential shortcoming of the current CPC of Ukraine is the lack of a clear definition of the procedure for placing a person in a psychiatric institution, the terms of application of such a measure or its continuation. At the same time, this preventive measure is actually equivalent to the most severe preventive measure – detention. Besides, a person is placed to a medical institution against his will and, most often, against the will of close relatives or family members. When applying this preventive measure to a person, the person is in conditions that restrict him in the right to liberty and personal integrity. In this regard, it has been offered to establish the period of application of this preventive measure in accordance with the rules for determining the term of detention. The author has also studied the issue of the possibility of appealing the use of preventive measures for a mentally ill person. The author has offered to provide among the decisions of an investigating judge that are to be appealed during the pre-trial investigation, a decision on the application of a preventive measure in the form of placing a person in a psychiatric institution in conditions that exclude the dangerous behavior, as well as the decision to extend the term in the Art. 309 of the CPC of Ukraine

    Інститут запобіжних заходів: ретроспективний аналіз та перспективи реформування

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    The scientific approach to the reform of the legal system leads to address to the historical analysis of the formation of one of the main institutions of criminal procedural law – preventive measures. Historical approach to the study of a particular legal phenomenon, in particular preventive measures, made it possible to determine how and when this institution arose, what stages of development it passed, and on this basis – to predict the perspectives for its development. Regulatory acts of the XIX–XXI centuries have been studied, the list of preventive measures that were used in the Soviet period during the criminal judicial proceedings on the territory of our state has been determined, and the ways of reforming this institution in the modern period have been outlined. It has been established that the period from 1917 to 2012 is characterized by the formation of the institution of preventive measures under the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic of 1922, 1927 and 1960. The system of preventive measures in accordance with the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic of 1922 included a written undertaking not to leave the place, a personal and property guarantee, a pledge, house arrest and detention in custody. In 1927, the system of preventive measures, in addition to those mentioned, included such a measure as the guarantee of professional and other non-governmental organizations. According to the Criminal and Procedural Code of 1960, the system of preventive measures has been somewhat modified, since such measures as caution bail and house arrest were excluded. In this regard, the most used preventive measures were a written undertaking not to leave the place and detention in custody. Alternative preventive measures were not actually applied. In 2012, there was a new stage in the development of criminal judicial proceedings in Ukraine, which indicated the formation of a modern model of the institution of preventive measures aimed at ensuring human rights during their application. Taking into account the directions of development, we have defined the Strategy for the reform of the judicial system and related legal institutions for 2015–2020, further improvement of the institution of preventive measures should be carried out in accordance with international legal standards.Досліджено нормативно-правові акти ХІХ–ХХІ ст., визначено перелік запобіжних заходів, які застосовувались у радянський період під час здійснення кримінального судочинства на території нашої держави. Окреслено шляхи реформування цього інституту у сучасний період


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    The growth in demand for fish products as a result of globalization of trade caused a risks and threats of selling poor-quality and falsified fish products. This has become a great problem both for supervising agencies and for consumers.Many countries have regulations on food labelling and safety. For example, in the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Republic of Kazakhstan has been passed the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU022/2011 “Food products in part of their labeling” that aims to prevent misinformation of consumers to ensuring realization of consumer rights to reliable information about food products, and Technical Regulation TR EAEU040/2016 “On safety of fish and fish products” requires indication of the zoological name of the species of the aquatic biological resource or the object of aquaculture.Fish species identification is traditionally carried out based on external morphological traits. However, it becomes impossible to identify species by ichthyological traits upon fish cutting, if the head and fins are removed, and the body is cut on pieces (especially, in case of fillets) and even more so upon technological processing. In this case, objective analytical methods of species identification are used, which are based on ELISA or PCR. However, DNA‑based methods have several advantages compared to ELISA methods and complement traditional morphological identification methods. This paper gives a wide overview of the most recent and used methods of fish species identification based on DNA analysis such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, species-specific PCR, real-time PCR, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP), DNA barcoding, Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing (NGS)


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    В статье рассматривается опыт практико-ориентированной профориентационной работы в системе среднего профессионального образования Свердловской области. Приведены данные социологических исследований у школьников об уровне удовлетворенности организацией работы по сопровождению профессионального самоопределения.The article discusses the experience of the practice-oriented vocational activities in secondary vocational education of Sverdlovsk region. It’s showed the data of sociological research among schoolchildren about the level of satisfaction with organization of work on maintenance of professional self-determination

    Bioactive compounds in the aboveground part of hemiephemeroid onions (Allium L.)

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    Background. Representatives of the genus Allium L. are valuable food and medicinal plants that have long been used for nutrition and human health. Modern research has proved their high biological activity. Earlier, we investigated the aboveground organs of a number of wild onion species in the consumer ripeness phase. Higher content of secondary metabolites has been observed in the hemiephemeroid species A. aflatunense B. Fedtsch., A. microdictyon Prokh., and A. rosenbachianum Regel. The aim of this work was to determine the content of bioactive compounds in the green biomass of Allium species during flowering.Materials and methods. We studied the freshly harvested raw materials – leaves and flower scapes. Dry matter content was measured by drying 1 g of raw material at 100–105°C to constant weight. The amounts of phenolic compounds, pectic substances, total sugars and carotenoids were assessed spectrophotometrically using the SF-56 (Russia) and SF Agilent 8453 (USA) instruments, and ascorbic acid was measured by the titrimetric method. The result was taken as an average of three measurements for each indicator calculated on absolute dry weight of raw material (except ascorbic acid).Results and conclusions. The green biomass of Allium species was found to contain 8,2–16,2% of dry matter; 4,5–12,0% of phenolics (catechins, flavonols and tannins); 6,9–32,4% of total sugars; 9,5–12,6% of pectic compounds (pectins and protopectins); 20,8–102,5 mg% of carotenoids, and 38,0–197,7 mg% of ascorbic acid (wet weight). A significant range of variation in the content of secondary metabolites was due to the species’ characteristics and weather conditions of the growing season. A. microdictyon had a higher content of dry matter, flavonols and tannins, whereas A. aflatunense and A. rosenbachianum were rich in ascorbic acid and sugars. The findings testify to the prospects of using Allium spp. as a source of bioactive compounds

    Procedural characteristic of preventive measures that are applied for a person in whose respect the application of compulsory measures of a medical nature is foreseen

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    Фоміна, Т. Г. Процесуальна характеристика запобіжних заходів, що обираються до особи, стосовно якої передбачається застосування примусових заходів медичного характеру / Т. Г. Фоміна // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 2 (65). – С. 101-107.Фоміна Т. Г. "Процесуальна характеристика запобіжних заходів, що обираються до особи, стосовно якої передбачається застосування примусових заходів медичного характеру." Право і Безпека 2 (2017): 101-107.Fomina, T.G. (2017), “Procedural characteristic of preventive measures that are applied for a person in whose respect the application ofcompulsory measures of a medical nature is foreseen” [“Protsesualna kharakterystyka zapobizhnykh zakhodiv, shcho obyraiutsia dlia osoby, stosovno yakoi peredbachaetsia zastosuvannia prymusovykh zakhodiv medychnoho kharakteru”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 101–107.Надано процесуальну характеристику спеціальним запобіжним заходам, зокрема таким, як передання на піклування опікунам, близьким родичам або членам сім’ї з обов’язковим лікарським наглядом та поміщення до психіатричного закладу в умовах, що виключають небезпечну поведінку особи. Запропоновано на рівні КПК України передбачити окремі норми, присвячені врегулюванню поняття цих запобіжних заходів, порядку та строків їх застосування.The procedural characteristic to special preventive measures, such as the transfer to care of guardians, close relatives or family members with mandatory medical supervision and placement in a psychiatric institution in conditions that exclude the dangerous behavior, has been provided. Special attention is paid to the fact that today the current criminal procedural law does not define the concept of these preventive measures, the procedure for their selection or change, the terms of application. In this regard, it has been suggested to provide certain norms dealing with the settlement of this issue at the level of the Criminal Procedural Code (CPC) of Ukraine. The issue of medical supervision over a mentally ill person has been separately considered. It has been stated that the CPC of Ukraine does not contain provisions on the interpretation of this provision, the main points of appropriate medical supervision, the procedure, terms of provision and frequency of such supervision. In this regard, special attention was paid to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Psychiatric Aid” that the supervision may take place both in outpatient and inpatient psychiatric care. The procedure for the use of a preventive measure in the form of placing a person in a psychiatric institution in conditions that exclude the dangerous behavior has been analyzed in detail. It has been indicated that the essential shortcoming of the current CPC of Ukraine is the lack of a clear definition of the procedure for placing a person in a psychiatric institution, the terms of application of such a measure or its continuation. At the same time, this preventive measure is actually equivalent to the most severe preventive measure – detention. Besides, a person is placed to a medical institution against his will and, most often, against the will of close relatives or family members. When applying this preventive measure to a person, the person is in conditions that restrict him in the right to liberty and personal integrity. In this regard, it has been offered to establish the period of application of this preventive measure in accordance with the rules for determining the term of detention. The author has also studied the issue of the possibility of appealing the use of preventive measures for a mentally ill person. The author has offered to provide among the decisions of an investigating judge that are to be appealed during the pre-trial investigation, a decision on the application of a preventive measure in the form of placing a person in a psychiatric institution in conditions that exclude the dangerous behavior, as well as the decision to extend the term in the Art. 309 of the CPC of Ukraine.Предоставлена процессуальная характеристика специальных мер пресечения, таких как передача на попечение опекунам, близким родственникам или членам семьи с обязательным врачебным наблюдением и помещение в психиатрическое учреждение в условиях, исключающих опасное поведение лица. Предложено на уровне УПК Украины предусмотреть отдельные нормы, посвящённые урегулированию понятия данных мер пресечения, порядка и сроков их применения

    Сутність процесуального порядку застосування запобіжного заходу

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    Фоміна, Т. Сутність процесуального порядку застосування запобіжного заходу / Тетяна Фоміна // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 207-211.Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню сутності процесуального порядку застосування запобіжних заходів, встановленню змісту таких процесуальних рішень, як обрання, зміна, продовження дії, скасування та припинення дії запобіжного заходу. На підставі системного аналізу норм КПК України та вивчення судової практики розкрито зміст процесу застосування запобіжних заходів із визначенням його початкового та кінцевого моменту.The article is focused on the clarification of the essence of procedure for the application of preventive measures, establishment of the content of such procedural decisions, such as election, change, extension, cancellation and termination of preventive measures. Based on the systematic analysis of the norms of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine and the study of judicial practice, the author has revealed the content of the process of applying preventive measures with the determination of its initial and final moment.Статья посвящена выяснению сущности процессуального порядка применения мер пресечения, установлению содержания таких процессуальных решений, как избрание, изменение, продление действия, отмена и прекращение действия меры пресечения. На основании системного анализа норм УПК Украины и изучения судебной практики раскрыто содержание процесса применения мер пресечения с определением его начального и конечного момента

    Деякі аспекти забезпечення прав підозрюваного під час застосування запобіжних заходів

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    Fomina, T.G. (2015), “Some aspects of guaranteeing the rights of the suspect while using the preventive measures” [“Deiaki aspekty zabezpechennia prav pidozriuvanoho pid chas zastosuvannia zapobizhnykh zakhodiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 65–71.Фоміна, Т. Г. Деякі аспекти забезпечення прав підозрюваного під час застосування запобіжних заходів // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 1 (56). - С. 65-71.Наведено перелік запобіжних заходів згідно з кримінальним процесуальним законодавством України. Визначено засоби забезпечення прав підозрюваного під час їхнього застосування. Окремо досліджено обов’язки слідчого, прокурора, слідчого судді під час вирішення питання про застосування запобіжних заходів. Указано на недоліки нормативної регламентації. У зв’язку з тим запропоновано певні напрямки удосконалення процесуального законодавства України.Persons involved in criminal proceedings as suspects and defendants suffer significant limitations of the rights. Due to this fact the special urgency are the issue of guaranteeing their rights during criminal proceedings, and especially while using the preventive measures. The duties of an investigator, prosecutor, investigating judge while taking the decision on using preventive measures are studied in the article. It is indicated that an important way to guarantee the rights of the suspect is a requirement of the law to an investigator and prosecutor to initiate preventive measure, if there are relevant reason, because it is important for the suspect, which of the listed grounds provided an investigator, prosecutor, investigating judge the right to limit his rights. At the same time it is stressed that it is not enough only to state the reason for using preventive measures. It is necessary that these grounds are confirmed by relevant materials of the criminal proceedings. Besides, the duty of an investigating judge to consider all the circumstances affecting the choice of preventive measure is studied. It is indicated that the law provides provisions for giving the copies of the motion and materials for the suspect, which ground the need for preventive measure or its change. However, the Code does not state, who must hand a copy of the motion and indicated materials. Therefore, the author has offered to put this responsibility on the person who issued the motion (prosecutor or investigator), and therefore the part 2 of the Art. 184 and the part 3 of the Art. 200 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine should be clarified. Besides, in order to improve the provisions on guaranteeing the rights of the suspect it is suggested to amend the point 7 of the part 2 of the Art. 193 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine concerning the clarification to the suspect, the accused the right to file a motion to change the preventive measure. Consolidation of the relevant provisions in the current legislation, of course, will contribute to guaranteeing the rights of the suspect.Приведён перечень мер пресечения согласно уголовному процессуальному законодательству Украины. Определены средства обеспечения прав подозреваемого при их применении. Отдельно исследованы обязанности следователя, прокурора, следственного судьи при решении вопроса о применении мер пресечения. Указано на недостатки нормативной регламентации. В связи с тем предложено определенные направления совершенствования процессуального законодательства Украины


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    The data of an empirical study are presented, the purpose of which was to verify the hypothesis about the indirect influence of the level of development of students’ conscious self-regulation on the relationship between personal factors (the Big Five model) and subjective well-being. The results allow us to conclude that self-regulation is a facilitator of the positive contribution to the well-being of adolescents of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience and reduces the negative effect of the influence of neuroticism.Приводятся данные эмпирического исследования, целью которого являлась верификация гипотезы об опосредованном влиянии уровня развития осознанной саморегуляции обучающихся на взаимосвязь личностных факторов (модель Большая пятерка) и субъективного благополучия. Результаты позволяют сделать вывод о том, что саморегуляция выступает фасилитатором позитивного вклада в благополучие подростков экстраверсии, доброжелательности, добросовестности и открытости опыту и снижает негативный эффект влияния нейротизма