277,849 research outputs found

    Proton-proton and deuteron-gold collisions at RHIC

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    We try to understand recent data on proton-proton and deuteron-gold collisions at RHIC, employing a modified parton model approach.Comment: Invited talk, given at the XXth Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 200

    Characterizing Some Gaia Alerts with LAMOST and SDSS

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    Gaia is regularly producing Alerts on objects where photometric variability has been detected. The physical nature of these objects has often to be determined with the complementary observations from ground-based facilities. We have compared the list of Gaia Alerts (until 20181101) with archival LAMOST and SDSS spectroscopic data. The date of the ground-based observation rarely corresponds to the date of the Alert, but this allows at least the identification of the source if it is persistent, or the host galaxy if the object was only transient like a supernova. A list of Gaia Nuclear Transients from Kostrzewa-Rutkowska et al. (2018) has been included in this search also. We found 26 Gaia Alerts with spectra in LAMOST+SDSS labelled as stars (12 with multi-epoch spectra). A majority of them are CVs. Similarly 206 Gaia Alerts have associated spectra labelled as galaxies (49 with multi-epoch spectra). Those spectra were generally obtained on a date different from the Alert date, are mostly emission-line galaxies, leading to the suspicion that most of the Alerts were due to a SN. As for the GNT list, we found 55 associated spectra labelled as galaxies (13 with multi-epoch spectra). In two galaxies, Gaia17aal and GNTJ170213+2543, was the date of the spectroscopic observation close enough to the Alert date: we find a trace of the SN itself in their LAMOST spectrum, both classified here as a type Ia SN. The GNT sample has a higher proportion of AGNs, suggesting that some of the detected variations are also due to the AGN itself. Similar for Quasars, we found 30 Gaia Alerts but 68 GNT cases have single epoch quasar spectra, while 12 plus 23 have multi-epoch spectra. For ten out of these 35, their multi-epoch spectra show appearance or disappearance of the broad Balmer lines and also variations in the continuum, qualifying them as "Changing Look Quasars".Comment: Accepted for publication in APSS, 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Eleven Dimensional Origin of String/String Duality: A One Loop Test

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    Membrane/fivebrane duality in D=11 implies Type IIA string/Type IIA fivebrane duality in D=10, which in turn implies Type IIA string/heterotic string duality in D=6. To test the conjecture, we reproduce the corrections to the 3-form field equations of the D=10 Type IIA string (a mixture of tree-level and one-loop effects) starting from the Chern-Simons corrections to the 7-form Bianchi identities of the D=11 fivebrane (a purely tree-level effect). K3 compactification of the latter then yields the familiar gauge and Lorentz Chern-Simons corrections to 3-form Bianchi identities of the heterotic string. We note that the absence of a dilaton in the D=11 theory allows us to fix both the gravitational constant and the fivebrane tension in terms of the membrane tension. We also comment on an apparent conflict between fundamental and solitonic heterotic strings and on the puzzle of a fivebrane origin of S-duality.Comment: 30 pages (including 5 postscript figures included), LaTeX, Footnote 8 has been removed; the apparent disagreement with Townsend is only one of semantics, not substanc

    Mass in anti-de Sitter spaces

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    The boundary stress tensor approach has proven extremely useful in defining mass and angular momentum in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spaces with CFT duals. An integral part of this method is the use of boundary counterterms to regulate the gravitational action and stress tensor. In addition to the standard gravitational counterterms, in the presence of matter we advocate the use of a finite counterterm proportional to phi^2 (in five dimensions). We demonstrate that this finite shift is necessary to properly reproduce the expected mass/charge relation for R-charged black holes in AdS_5.Comment: 15 pages, late

    Quantum Statistical Entropy and Minimal Length of 5D Ricci-flat Black String with Generalized Uncertainty Principle

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    In this paper, we study the quantum statistical entropy in a 5D Ricci-flat black string solution, which contains a 4D Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole on the brane, by using the improved thin-layer method with the generalized uncertainty principle. The entropy is the linear sum of the areas of the event horizon and the cosmological horizon without any cut-off and any constraint on the bulk's configuration rather than the usual uncertainty principle. The system's density of state and free energy are convergent in the neighborhood of horizon. The small-mass approximation is determined by the asymptotic behavior of metric function near horizons. Meanwhile, we obtain the minimal length of the position Δx\Delta x which is restrained by the surface gravities and the thickness of layer near horizons.Comment: 11pages and this work is dedicated to the memory of Professor Hongya Li

    Cross sections for pentaquark baryon production from protons in reactions induced by hadrons and photons

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    Using hadronic Lagrangians that include the interaction of pentaquark Θ+\Theta^+ baryon with KK and NN, we evaluate the cross sections for its production from meson-proton, proton-proton, and photon-proton reactions near threshold. With empirical coupling constants and form factors, the predicted cross sections are about 1.5 mb in kaon-proton reactions, 0.1 mb in rho-nucleon reactions, 0.05 mb in pion-nucleon reactions, 20 μ\mub in proton-proton reactions, and 40 nb in photon-proton reactions.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure