10 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw przechowywania w ch艂odni na bioaktywne sk艂adniki i w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizyczne bor贸wki kaukaskiej (Vaccinium arctostaphylos l.) badanie wst臋pne

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    In this study, antioxidant activity (AA), total phenolics (TP), total flavonoids (TF), individual phenolic compounds (IPCs), vitamin C and six other fruit characteristics including weight loss, flesh firmness, color, soluble solids content (SSC), dry matter and titratable acidity (TA) of Caucasian whortleberry fruits (Vaccinium arctostaphylos聽L.) were determined at harvest and at a week postharvest intervals throughout the cold storage at 0掳C for 4 weeks. Significant decreases were observed in fruit weight and flesh firmness during the cold storage period. While L* and chroma values decreased significantly, an increase was observed in hue angle values. Significant increases were observed in dry matter, but decreases were observed in SSC, TA and vitamin C contents. Caucasian whortleberry fruits had quite high polyphenol contents. Total phenolics (TP), total flavonoids (TF), antioxidant activity (AA) (according to ABTS+, DPPH路 and FRAP antioxidant tests) and individual phenolic compounds (IPCs) significantly decreased throughout the cold storage. Chlorogenic acid was the major phenolic in Caucasian whortleberry fruits. It was concluded that Caucasian whortleberry fruits with high phenolic compound and flavonoid levels might serve a potential antioxidant source.Zbadano aktywno艣膰 antyoksydacyjn膮 (AA), ca艂kowit膮 zawarto艣膰 fenoli (TP), flawonoid贸w (TF), indywidualnych zwi膮zk贸w fenolowych (IPC), witaminy C oraz sze艣膰 innych cech, takich jak utrata wagi, zwarto艣膰 mi膮偶szu, barwa, zawarto艣膰 rozpuszczalnych substancji sta艂ych (SSC), sucha masa oraz kwasowo艣膰 (TA) owoc贸w bor贸wki kaukaskiej (Vaccinium arctostaphylos聽L.) podczas zbioru oraz z tygodniowymi przerwami po zbiorach w czasie ca艂ego okresu przechowywania w ch艂odni w temperaturze 0掳C przez 4 tygodnie. Zaobserwowano istotny spadek masy owoc贸w i zwarto艣ci mi膮偶szu podczas okresu przechowywania w ch艂odni. Warto艣ci barwy zmniejszy艂y si臋 istotnie, natomiast zaobserwowano wzrost warto艣ci k膮ta odcienia. Zaobserwowano istotny wzrost suchej masy, ale spadek zosta艂 zanotowany w zawarto艣ci SSC, TA oraz witaminy C. Owoce bor贸wki kaukaskiej mia艂y do艣膰 wysok膮 zawarto艣膰 polifenoli. Ca艂kowita zawarto艣膰 fenoli (TP), flawonoid贸w (TF), aktywno艣膰 antyoksydacyjna (AA) (wed艂ug test贸w antyoksydacyjnych ABTS+, DPPH路 i FRAP) oraz indywidualne zwi膮zki fenolowe (IPC) istotnie zmniejszy艂y si臋 w okresie przechowywania w ch艂odni. Kwas chlorogenowy by艂 g艂贸wnym fenolem w owocach bor贸wki kaukaskiej. Wyci膮gni臋to wniosek, 偶e owoce bor贸wki kaukaskiej o wysokim poziomie zwi膮zk贸w fenolowych i flawonoid贸w mog膮 s艂u偶y膰 za potencjalne 藕r贸d艂o antyoksydant贸w

    Selection of mulberry (Morus alba) in Artvin Province, Turkey

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    3rd Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing -- SEP 16-18, 2015 -- Belgrade, SERBIAWOS: 000385238300005This research was carried out in Artvin Province in Turkey for determining characteristics of 16 selected mulberry (Morus alba) types in the years 2013-2014. In the scope of productivity observations, fruit weight, total soluble solid (TSS), seedless, fruit juice yield, fruit dry yield, titratable acidity and taste were measured. Among the selected types fruit weight ranged 0.85-2.46 g, total soluble solids 15.53-30.20%, fruit juice yield 31.45-49.40% and titratable acid contents 0.06-0.14 mg 100 mL(-1). These types are intended for fresh consumption, for drying and processing in jam.Int Soc Horticultural Sc

    Strawberry Trees ( Arbutus unedo

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    peer reviewedThe phenotypic diversity of the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) has largely gone unheeded for many reasons, some of which have to do with its wild aspect, since it still naturally grows in the mountains and remains poorly exploited. In this regard, this study aims to investigate the phenotypic diversity within strawberry tree genotypes widely grown in Morocco, based on their physico-morphological properties and volatile compounds. Significant variability was observed among investigated genotypes for all traits with the exception of the peduncle weight. Fructose content was 20.40 g/100 g, while glucose and sucrose averaged 15.74 and 17.83 g/100 g dry weight, respectively. Headspace solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography鈭抦ass spectrometry analysis identified a total of 28 volatile compounds in strawberry tree fruits. Chemometric evaluation using the principal component analysis model was used to determine the most discriminant traits among the data set. Regarding morphological attributes, fruit geometric traits (length, width, and weight), leaf weight, flower length, blade, and leaf length had the highest contribution the total variance explained; whereas, soluble solids and pH were the greatest contributors of physicochemical attributes to the model. Finally, among volatile compounds, dodecanoic acid, tetradecanoic acid, N-ethyl-1,3-dithioisoindoline, 1Hindole, and phenol captured the highest variance in the model. The combination of physico-morphological traits and volatile compounds proved to be efficient for strawberry tree discrimination and classificatio

    Relationship between ripening time and sugar content of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernels

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    Apricot seeds could be obtained as a byproduct in different juice or conserve producing industries. Disposal of large amount of apricot seeds is wasting of potentially precious sources of phytochemicals. This study encompassed apricot cultivars that have different origin and flowering time with the aim of providing valuable information about the sugar content in its kernels. High-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection was used for the determination of 22 sugars in the kernels of 70 apricot cultivars. The most common sugars in the apricot kernels are sucrose, fructose, and glucose whose ratio proved to be ripening time dependent (1:1:1 in the early, 1:2:3 in medium and 1:3:3 in the late cultivars). The kernels of the apricot with shorter vegetation period had the highest sum of glucose and fructose compared to other groups. Other sugar components were present in different levels as minor constituents depending on the ripening time. Also, most common sugars and some low-level sugars were strongly correlated to each other, indicating the normal metabolic carbohydrate pathway. To understand the distribution modes of sugars, a principal component analysis was performed

    Walnut: past and future of genetic improvement

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