566 research outputs found

    Trade space in Krasnoyarsk in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries: dialogue between the authorities and traders

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    The article was submitted on 28.04.2016.The author shows the ways in which urban trade space formed in Krasnoyarsk in the second half of the nineteenth century as a result of interaction between the authorities and traders. The local authorities excluded specific areas from the trade sector and created special trade places, markets. This policy was based on the tendency of the local authorities to create conditions where they could supervise trade in the interests of citizens. Traders, in turn, wanted uncontrolled ownership of their space and to autonomously exploit it in order to ensure the greatest amount of profit. Traders’ actions included flexible tactics of manoeuvre in their attempts to transform or circumvent the law. The authorities’ strategy was based on the interests of different population groups; therefore, they created laws that could be circumvented. The author emphasises the special role of peasantry; although they did not live in the city, they had their own ways of influencing the authorities, which local traders could not use. The author uses the approaches to the study of space developed by M. Foucault and M. de Certeau. She concludes that the authorities’ strategies reflected the interests of different population groups (including traders), which meant they were not always consistent and effective. The analysis of interaction between the authorities and traders through the prism of their struggle for trade space reveals new approaches to communication in everyday situations.Дан анализ путей формирования городского торгового пространства Красноярска второй половины XIX в. как результата взаимодействия власти и торговцев. Рассмотрены стратегии власти в сфере торговли. Показано, что местные власти исключали из сферы торговли определенные городские места и формировали специальные – рынки. В основе этой политики лежало стремление создать условия для надзора за соблюдением законов и обязательных постановлений по благоустройству города. Торговцы же, в свою очередь, стремились владеть пространством бесконтрольно, осваивать его по собственному усмотрению в целях достижения наибольших прибылей. Их действия включали в себя гибкие тактики лавирования, попытки изменить или перетолковать властные предписания. Показана особая роль крестьянства, которое, не проживая в городе, тем не менее, имело свои рычаги воздействия на его власти, которыми местные торговцы не могли воспользоваться. В работе использованы подходы к изучению пространства, разработанные М. Фуко и М. де Серто. Делается вывод о том, что стратегии власти исходили из интересов разных групп населения (в том числе и самих торговцев), оттого, оказываясь в неоднозначной для себя ситуации, представители власти не всегда были последовательны и не могли создать таких узаконений, которые нельзя было обойти. Рассмотрение взаимодействия власти и торговцев через призму борьбы за пространство торговли выявляет новые практики их коммуникации в максимальной приближенности к повседневной жизни

    The role of the local plastic deformation in the fatigue fracture of metals

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    The higher the degree to which an analytical model of the fatigue damages accumulation accounts local and heterogeneous in time and material volume nature of the process, the wider is the range of materials and lives it covers. In particular, based on the analysis of the mathematical structure of the equation for S-N curves given in the paper, the author shows that the value of physical limit of endurance is determined by the parameters characterizing the development of local plastic deformation and the value of true limit elasticity. The parameters characterizing the development of local plastic deformation reflect the interconnection between the fatigue and inelasticity phenomena. The dependence of fatigue limit on the frequency sа(f), cycles asymmetry ratio sа(R), and size of structural elements sа(d) for a given number of cycles NFr, as well as the dependence of frequency on the cyclic life NFr(f) for a specified stress level sа = const are caused by the dependence of the development of the plastic damage localization areas on the listed parameters

    The correlation between fatigue and fracture characteristics of titanium alloys

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    Interrelation between fatigue and fracture characteristics for titanium alloy has been shown basing on the analysis of the fatigue curves equations and fatigue fracture diagrams which incorporate cyclic loading rate and cycles asymmetry ratio. The kinetic diagrams equations parameters can be obtained from fatigue curve equation. The calculated fatigue and fracture resistance characteristics were compared with the experiments for VT1-0 titanium alloy

    Non-LTE abundances of zinc in different spectral type stars and the Galactic [Zn/Fe] trend based on quantum-mechanical data on inelastic processes in zinc-hydrogen collisions

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    We present a new model atom of Zn I-II based on the most up-to-date photoionisation cross-sections, electron-impact excitation rates, and rate coefficients for the Zn I + H I and Zn II + H- collisions. The latter were calculated using the multi-channel quantum asymptotic treatment based on the Born-Oppenheimer approach. Non-LTE analysis was performed for the first time for lines of Zn I and Zn II in the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of two very metal-poor reference stars, HD 84937 and HD 140283. We found consistent non-LTE abundance from the resonance Zn I 2138 A line, the subordinate lines, and the lines of Zn II. In both stars, non-LTE leads to 0.17 dex higher average abundance from Zn I, while, for Zn II lines, non-LTE corrections are minor and do not exceed 0.06 dex. Using lines of Zn I in the high-resolution spectra, we determined the non-LTE abundances for a sample of 80 stars in the -2.5 < [Fe/H] < 0.2 metallicity range. The [Zn/Fe] versus [Fe/H] diagram reveals a dip, with [Zn/Fe] = 0.3 in the most metal-poor stars, a close-to-solar value for [Fe/H] = -1.2, and increasing [Zn/Fe] up to 0.3 in the thick disk stars. The close-to-solar metallicity stars have subsolar [Zn/H] = -0.1, on average. Non-LTE abundances of zinc were derived for the first time for seven reference F to B-type stars. We provide a grid of the non-LTE abundance corrections.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Chelate complexes of malic or citric acids with iron, manganese and zinc as a biologically active supplement for broiler chicken diet

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    The aim of the present study was to define the effects of the various doses of biologically active supplement, which was consisted of iron, manganese, zinc malates and citrates, on muscle mass formation, blood morphological composition and protein metabolism in broiler chickens during the entire period of their growth. It is shown, that chelate complexes of the life-critical trance elements stimulated muscle mass accumulation, which was associated with more efficient expenditure of amino acids for protein biosynthesis in myocytes. Researched morphological blood parameters were within the normal range for broiler chickens. From the physiological and biochemical point of view, the using of citrate malates is preferable to citrate

    Designing an independently installed educational standard for Teacher Education

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    The problem of creating self-established educational standards (SES) is considered by the authors associated with the need to ensure the quality of educational programs and quality of preparation of the future teacher to solve new professional problems. The present work is aimed at scientifically recognising the technology of designing SES. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis and modelling) and empirical: survey methods (questioning and interviewing

    X-ray film chamber with carbon target of Tien-Shan complex array

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    X-ray films were exposed inside the ionization calorimeter under 74g/sq cm of carbon and 5 cm of lead. The X-ray film chamber area is 35 sq. m. Moving X-ray films were used, 50% of the events, which succeeded to determine incidence time, were identified with corresponding extensive air showers (EAS). For such events the size spectrum of associated EAS was derived. Two methods of energy measurement using X-ray films and ionization calorimeter were compared. The energy transfer from selected hadron to electromagnetic component is illustrated. It is found that in cascades with high energy release into electromagnetic components the hadron component is practically absent

    «Axiological Turn» in Russian Education: Position of Subjectivism

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    Reflective theorizations about the state and prospects for the development of domestic education clearly recognize two trends in its future – continuity and individualization. In addition, the tendency of an “axiological turn” in the sense of education as a value and the value of education itself is clearly articulated. Modern pluralism of educational practices indicates the possibility of an individual to become the main subject of a new type of educational interaction based on independent institutionalization. Does the trend of “axiological turn” have ontological grounds for the sanctioned possibility of free change in the subjectivity of an individual in the educational space on fundamentally new methodological grounds? Or is it a continuation of the methodological tradition of axiological subjectivism? In order to find the foundations of a new axiological tradition in the educational space, a theoretical formalization of the category of “value” in the historical and philosophical tradition is being developed, and the results of this formalization are projected onto modern Russian education.On the one hand, the interpretation of educational values as skills, abilities and competencies is nothing more than an objective requirement of a dynamically changing socio-cultural situation with its ever-increasing uncertainty. On the other hand, the “axiological turn”, to a much greater extent, is associated with a change in the value orientations of the individual him/herself. This, with a special degree of efficiency and dynamism, is expressed in a change in the nature of educational-individual trajectories towards the professionalization of educational practices with a simultaneous strengthening of their meta-component. It is emphasized that meta-skills, along with existential skills, are the general vectors in the development of the axiological ecosystem of education. Based on the historical and philosophical review of the understanding of values and ideas about education as a way of reproducing culture (in the dialectic of alienation and appropriation of social values), the conclusion is formulated that modern concepts of the reversal of educational practices are, to a certain extent, private explications of axiological subjectivism

    Inheritance of juvenile resistance to powdery mildew in barley accessions from Ethiopia

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    Background. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the key food crops, ranking fourth in the world in terms of sown area and production among cereals. Often, one of the main factors that reduces yield and product quality is the spread of fungal pathogens in commercial crops. Powdery mildew (causative agent: Blumeria graminis (DC.) Golovin ex Speer f. sp. hordei Marchal) is considered one of the most common and harmful among barley diseases. Plant resistance to B. graminis limits the spread of the disease, and the development of resistant cultivars prevents a decrease in plant productivity. The specificity of the host–pathogen relationship and the loss of efficiency in many genes determine the need for a continuous study of previously unexplored local barley forms and a search for new, most effective resistance genes.Materials and methods. The genetic control of juvenile resistance to B. graminis was studied in 14 accessions of spring barley from the Ethiopian (Abyssinian) center of crop origin. The natural population of the pathogen served as infectious material for infecting barley. The intensity and nature of sporulation as well as the qualitative reactions of plant tissues in response to the penetration of the fungus (necrosis and chlorosis) were accepted as indicators of resistance in the accessions. Powdery mildew resistance was assessed under laboratory and field conditions. The genetic control of the resistance trait was studied using the method of hybridological analysis followed by statistical processing.Results and conclusions. Barleys from the Ethiopian center of morphogenesis are characterized by great genetic diversity. Studying the inheritance of juvenile resistance to powdery mildew made it possible to ascertain the monogenic control of the trait in all studied forms. Ten barley accessions with one effective recessive resistance allele and four with the dominant control of the trait may be recommended for immunity-targeted breeding