184 research outputs found

    Discovery and Selection of Hepatitis B Virus-Derived T Cell Epitopes for Global Immunotherapy Based on Viral Indispensability, Conservation, and HLA-Binding Strength

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    Immunotherapy represents an attractive option for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The HBV proteins polymerase (Pol) and HBx are of special interest for antigen-specific immunotherapy because they are essential for viral replication and have been associated with viral control (Pol) or are still expressed upon viral DNA integration (HBx). Here, we scored all currently described HBx- and Pol-derived epitope sequences for viral indispensability and conservation across all HBV genotypes. This yielded 7 HBx-derived and 26 Po

    External validation of NTCP-models for radiation pneumonitis in lung cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy

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    PURPOSE: Normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) models can be used to estimate the risk of radiation pneumonitis (RP). The aim of this study was to externally validate the most frequently used prediction models for RP, i.e., the QUANTEC and APPELT models, in a large cohort of lung cancer patients treated with IMRT or VMAT. [1-2] METHODS AND MATERIALS: This prospective cohort study, included lung cancer patients treated between 2013 and 2018. A closed testing procedure was performed to test the need for model updating. To improve model performance, modification or removal of variables was considered. Performance measures included tests for goodness of fit, discrimination, and calibration.RESULTS: In this cohort of 612 patients, the incidence of RP β‰₯ grade 2 was 14.5%. For the QUANTEC-model, recalibration was recommended which resulted in a revised intercept and adjusted regression coefficient (from 0.126 to 0.224) of the mean lung dose (MLD),. The APPELT-model needed revision including model updating with modification and elimination of variables. After revision, the New RP-model included the following predictors (and regression coefficients): MLD (B = 0.250), age (B = 0.049, and smoking status (B = 0.902). The discrimination of the updated APPELT-model was higher compared to the recalibrated QUANTEC-model (AUC: 0.79 vs. 0.73).CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that both the QUANTEC- and APPELT-model needed revision. Next to changes of the intercept and regression coefficients, the APPELT model improved further by model updating and performed better than the recalibrated QUANTEC model. This New RP-model is widely applicable containing non-tumour site specific variables, which can easily be collected.</p

    Hepatitis B Virus Lacks Immune Activating Capacity, but Actively Inhibits Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Function

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is caused by inadequate anti-viral immunity. Activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) leading to IFNΞ± production is important for effective anti-viral immunity. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection lacks IFNΞ± induction in animal models and patients and chronic HBV patients display impaired IFNΞ± production by pDC. Therefore, HBV and HBV-derived proteins were examined for their effect on human pDC in vitro. In addition, the in vitro findings were compared to the function of pDC derived from chronic HBV patients ex vivo. In contrast to other viruses, HBV did not activate pDC. Moreover, HBV and HBsAg abrogated CpG-A/TLR9-induced, but not Loxoribine/TLR7-induced, mTOR-mediated S6 phosphorylation, subsequent IRF7 phosphorylation and IFNΞ± gene transcription. HBV/HBsAg also diminished upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules, production of TNFΞ±, IP-10 and IL-6 and pDC-induced NK cell function, whereas TLR7-induced pDC function was hardly affected. In line, HBsAg preferentially bound to TLR9-triggered pDC demonstrating that once pDC are able to bind HBV/HBsAg, the virus exerts its immune regulatory effect. HBV not only directly interfered with pDC function, but also indirectly by interfering with monocyte-pDC interaction. Also HBeAg diminished pDC function to a certain extent, but via another unknown mechanism. Interestingly, patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B displayed impaired CpG-induced IFNΞ± production by pDC without significant alterations in Loxoribine-induced pDC function compared to HBeAg-negative patients and healthy controls. The lack of activation and the active inhibition of pDC by HBV may both contribute to HBV persistence. The finding that the interaction between pDC and HBV may change upon activation may aid in the identification of a scavenging receptor supporting immunosuppressive effects of HBV and also in the design of novel treatment strategies for chronic HBV

    Laser-directed hierarchical assembly of liquid crystal defects and control of optical phase singularities

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    Topological defect lines are ubiquitous and important in a wide variety of fascinating phenomena and theories in many fields ranging from materials science to early-universe cosmology, and to engineering of laser beams. However, they are typically hard to control in a reliable manner. Here we describe facile erasable β€œoptical drawing” of self-assembled defect clusters in liquid crystals. These quadrupolar defect clusters, stabilized by the medium's chirality and the tendency to form twisted configurations, are shaped into arbitrary two-dimensional patterns, including reconfigurable phase gratings capable of generating and controlling optical phase singularities in laser beams. Our findings bridge the studies of defects in condensed matter physics and optics and may enable applications in data storage, singular optics, displays, electro-optic devices, diffraction gratings, as well as in both optically- and electrically-addressed pixel-free spatial light modulators

    The Cyclophilin-Binding Agent Sanglifehrin A Is a Dendritic Cell Chemokine and Migration Inhibitor

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    Sanglifehrin A (SFA) is a cyclophilin-binding immunosuppressant but the immunobiology of action is poorly understood. We and others have reported that SFA inhibits IL-12 production and antigen uptake in dendritic cells (DC) and exhibits lower activity against lymphocytes. Here we show that SFA suppresses DC chemokine production and migration. Gene expression analysis and subsequent protein level confirmation revealed that SFA suppressed CCL5, CCL17, CCL19, CXCL9 and CXCL10 expression in human monocyte-derived DC (moDC). A systems biology analysis, Onto Express, confirmed that SFA interferes with chemokine-chemokine receptor gene expression with the highest impact. Direct comparison with the related agent cyclosporine A (CsA) and dexamethasone indicated that SFA uniquely suppresses moDC chemokine expression. Competitive experiments with a 100-fold molar excess of CsA and with N-Methyl-Val-4-cyclosporin, representing a nonimmunosuppressive derivative of CsA indicated chemokine suppression through a cyclophilin-A independent pathway. Functional assays confirmed reduced migration of CD4+ Tcells and moDCs to supernatant of SFA-exposed moDCs. Vice versa, SFA-exposed moDC exhibited reduced migration against CCL19. Moreover, SFA suppressed expression of the ectoenzyme CD38 that was reported to regulate DC migration and cytokine production. These results identify SFA as a DC chemokine and migration inhibitor and provide novel insight into the immunobiology of SFA

    Tailored design of NKT-stimulatory glycolipids for polarization of immune responses

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    Natural killer T (NKT) cell is a distinct population of T lymphocytes that can rapidly release massive amount of Th1 and Th2 cytokines upon the engagement of their T cell receptor with glycolipids presented by CD1d. The secreted cytokines can promote cell-mediated immunity to kill tumor cells and intracellular pathogens, or suppress autoreactive immune cells in autoimmune diseases. Thus, NKT cell is an attractive target for developing new therapeutics to manipulate immune system. The best-known glycolipid to activate NKT cells is Ξ±-galactosylceramide (Ξ±-GalCer), which has been used as a prototype for designing new NKT stimulatory glycolipids. Many analogues have been generated by modification of the galactosyl moiety, the acyl chain or the phytosphingosine chain of Ξ±-GalCer. Some of the analogues showed greater abilities than Ξ±-GalCer in polarizing immune responses toward Th1 or Th2 dominance. Among them, several analogues containing phenyl groups in the lipid tails were more potent in inducing Th1-skewed cytokines and exhibited greater anticancer efficacy than Ξ±-GalCer. Analyses of the correlation between structure and activity of various Ξ±-GalCer analogues on the activation of iNKT cell revealed that CD1d–glycolipid complexes interacted with the same population of iNKT cell expressing similar T-cell receptor VΞ² as Ξ±-GalCer. On the other hand, those phenyl glycolipids with propensity for Th1 dominant responses showed greater binding avidity and stability than Ξ±-GalCer for iNKT T-cell receptor when complexed with CD1d. Thus, it is the avidity and stability of the ternary complexes of CD1d-glycolipid-iNKT TCR that dictate the polarity and potency of immune responses. These findings provide a key to the rationale design of immune modulating glycolipids with desirable Th1/Th2 polarity for clinical application. In addition, elucidation of Ξ±-GalCer-induced anergy, liver damage and accumulation of myeloid derived suppressor cells has offered explanation for its lacklustre anti-cancer activities in clinical trials. On other hand, the lack of such drawbacks in glycolipid analogues containing phenyl groups in the lipid tails of Ξ±-GalCer coupled with the greater binding avidity and stability of CD1d-glycolipid complex for iNKT T-cell receptor, account for their superior anti-cancer efficacy in tumor bearing mice. Further clinical development of these phenyl glycolipids is warranted

    Link between Intestinal CD36 Ligand Binding and Satiety Induced by a High Protein Diet in Mice

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    CD36 is a ubiquitous membrane glycoprotein that binds long-chain fatty acids. The presence of a functional CD36 is required for the induction of satiety by a lipid load and its role as a lipid receptor driving cellular signal has recently been demonstrated. Our project aimed to further explore the role of intestinal CD36 in the regulation of food intake. Duodenal infusions of vehicle or sulfo-N-succinimidyl-oleate (SSO) was performed prior to acute infusions of saline or Intralipid (IL) in mice. Infusion of minute quantities of IL induced a decrease in food intake (FI) compared to saline. Infusion of SSO had the same effect but no additive inhibitory effect was observed in presence of IL. No IL- or SSO-mediated satiety occurred in CD36-null mice. To determine whether the CD36-mediated hypophagic effect of lipids was maintained in animals fed a satietogen diet, mice were subjected to a High-Protein diet (HPD). Concomitantly with the satiety effect, a rise in intestinal CD36 gene expression was observed. No satiety effect occurred in CD36-null mice. HPD-fed WT mice showed a diminished FI compared to control mice, after saline duodenal infusion. But there was no further decrease after lipid infusion. The lipid-induced decrease in FI observed on control mice was accompanied by a rise in jejunal oleylethanolamide (OEA). Its level was higher in HPD-fed mice than in controls after saline infusion and was not changed by lipids. Overall, we demonstrate that lipid binding to intestinal CD36 is sufficient to produce a satiety effect. Moreover, it could participate in the satiety effect induced by HPD. Intestine can modulate FI by several mechanisms including an increase in OEA production and CD36 gene expression. Furthermore, intestine of mice adapted to HPD have a diminished capacity to modulate their food intake in response to dietary lipids

    Design of TLR2-ligand-synthetic long peptide conjugates for therapeutic vaccination of chronic HBV patients

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    Synthetic long peptide (SLP) vaccination is a promising new treatment strategy for patients with a chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. We have previously shown that a prototype HBV-core protein derived SLP was capable of boosting CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses in the presence of a TLR2-ligand in chronic HBV patients ex vivo. For optimal efficacy of a therapeutic vaccine in vivo, adjuvants can be conjugated to the SLP to ensure delivery of both the antigen and the co-stimulatory signal to the same antigen-presenting cell (APC). Dendritic cells (DCs) express the receptor for the adjuvant and are optimally equipped to efficiently process and present the SLP-contained epitopes to T cells. Here, we investigated TLR2-ligand conjugation of the prototype HBV-core SLP. Results indicated that TLR2-ligand conjugation reduced cross-presentation efficiency of the SLP-contained epitope by both monocyte-derived and naturally occurring DC subsets. Importantly, cross-presentation was improved after optimization of the conjugate by either shortening the SLP or by placing a valine-citrulline linker between the TLR2-ligand and the long SLP, to facilitate endosomal dissociation of SLP and TLR2-ligand after uptake. HBV-core SLP conjugates also triggered functional patient T cell responses ex vivo. These results provide an import step forward in the design of a therapeutic SLP-based vaccine to cure chronic HBV

    Co-Depletion of Cathepsin B and uPAR Induces G0/G1 Arrest in Glioma via FOXO3a Mediated p27Kip1 Upregulation

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    Cathepsin B and urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) are both known to be overexpressed in gliomas. Our previous work and that of others strongly suggest a relationship between the infiltrative phenotype of glioma and the expression of cathepsin B and uPAR. Though their role in migration and adhesion are well studied the effect of these molecules on cell cycle progression has not been thoroughly examined.Cathepsin B and uPAR single and bicistronic siRNA plasmids were used to downregulate these molecules in SNB19 and U251 glioma cells. FACS analysis and BrdU incorporation assay demonstrated G0/G1 arrest and decreased proliferation with the treatments, respectively. Immunoblot and immunocyto analysis demonstrated increased expression of p27(Kip1) and its nuclear localization with the knockdown of cathepsin B and uPAR. These effects could be mediated by alphaVbeta3/PI3K/AKT/FOXO pathway as observed by the decreased alphaVbeta3 expression, PI3K and AKT phosphorylation accompanied by elevated FOXO3a levels. These results were further confirmed with the increased expression of p27(Kip1) and FOXO3a when treated with Ly294002 (10 microM) and increased luciferase expression with the siRNA and Ly294002 treatments when the FOXO binding promoter region of p27(Kip1) was used. Our treatment also reduced the expression of cyclin D1, cyclin D2, p-Rb and cyclin E while the expression of Cdk2 was unaffected. Of note, the Cdk2-cyclin E complex formation was reduced significantly.Our study indicates that cathepsin B and uPAR knockdown induces G0/G1 arrest by modulating the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and further increases expression of p27(Kip1) accompanied by the binding of FOXO3a to its promoter. Taken together, our findings provide molecular mechanism for the G0/G1 arrest induced by the downregulation of cathepsin B and uPAR in SNB19 and U251 glioma cells
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