557 research outputs found

    Broad P V Absorption in the BALQSO, PG 1254+047: Column Densities, Ionizations and Metal Abundances in BAL Winds

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    This paper discusses the detection of P V 1118,1128 and other broad absorption lines (BALs) in archival HST spectra of the low-redshift BALQSO, PG 1254+047. The P V identification is secured by excellent redshift and profile coincidences with the other BALs, such as C IV 1548,1550 and Si IV 1393,1403, and by photoionization calculations showing that other lines near this wavelength, e.g. Fe III 1123, should be much weaker than P V. The observed BAL strengths imply that either 1) there are extreme abundance ratios such as [C/H] >~ +1.0, [Si/H] >~ +1.8 and [P/C] >~ +2.2, or 2) at least some of the lines are much more optically thick than they appear. I argue that the significant presence of P V absorption indicates severe line saturation, which is disguised in the observed (moderate-strength) BALs because the absorber does not fully cover the continuum source(s) along our line(s) of sight. Computed optical depths for all UV resonance lines show that the observed BALs are consistent with solar abundances if 1) the ionization parameter is at least moderately high, log U >~ -0.6, 2) the total hydrogen column density is log N_H(cm-2) >~ 22.0, and 3) the optical depths in strong lines like C IV and O VI 1032,1038 are >~25 and >~80, respectively. These optical depths and column densities are at least an order of magnitude larger than expected from the residual intensities in the BAL troughs, but they are consistent with the large absorbing columns derived from X-ray observations of BALQSOs. The outflowing BALR, at velocities from -15,000 to -27,000 km/s in PG 1254+047, is therefore a strong candidate for the X-ray absorber in BALQSOs.Comment: 16 pages (LaTeX) plus 8 pages of figures in one file (pg1254_figs.ps.gz), in press with Ap

    IRAS observations of active galaxies

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    The IRAS survey gives an unbiased view of the infrared properties of the active galaxies. Seyfert galaxies occupy much the same area in color-color plots as to normal infrared bright galaxies, but extend the range towards flatter 60 to 25 mm slopes. Statistically the Seyfert 1 galaxies can be distinguished from the Seyfert 2 galaxies, lying predominantly closer to the area with constant slopes between 25 and 200 mm. The infrared measurements of the Seyfert galaxies cannot distinguish between the emission mechanisms in these objects although they agree with the currently popular ideas; they do provide a measure of the total luminosity of the Seyferts. The quasar's position in the color-color diagrams continue the trend of the Seyferts. The quasar 3C48 is shown to be exceptional among the radio loud quasars in that it has a high infrared luminosity which dominates the power output of the quasar and is most likely associated with the underlying host galaxy

    The Nature of Associated Absorption and the UV-X-ray Connection in 3C 288.1

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    We discuss new Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the radio-loud quasar, 3C 288.1. The data cover ~590 A to ~1610 A in the quasar rest frame. They reveal a wealth of associated absorption lines (AALs) with no accompanying Lyman-limit absorption. The metallic AALs range in ionization from C III and N III to Ne VIII and Mg X. We use these data and photoionization models to derive the following properties of the AAL gas: 1) There are multiple ionization zones within the AAL region, spanning a factor of at least ~50 in ionization parameter. 2) The overall ionization is consistent with the ``warm'' X-ray continuum absorbers measured in Seyfert 1 nuclei and other QSOs. However, 3) the column densities implied by the AALs in 3C 288.1 are too low to produce significant bound-free absorption at any UV-X-ray wavelengths. Substantial X-ray absorption would require yet another zone, having a much higher ionization or a much lower velocity dispersion than the main AAL region. 4) The total hydrogen column density in the AAL gas is log N_H (cm-2)= 20.2. 5) The metallicity is roughly half solar. 6) The AALs have deconvolved widths of ~900 km/s and their centroids are consistent with no shift from the quasar systemic velocity (conservatively within +/-1000 km/s). 7) There are no direct indicators of the absorber's location in our data, but the high ionization and high metallicity both suggest a close physical relationship to the quasar/host galaxy environment. Finally, the UV continuum shape gives no indication of a ``blue bump'' at higher energies. There is a distinct break of unknown origin at ~1030 A, and the decline toward higher energies (with spectral index alpha = -1.73, for f_nu ~ nu^alpha) is even steeper than a single power-law interpolation from 1030 A to soft X-rays.Comment: 27 pages with figures and tables, in press with Ap

    A New Mobility Formula for Spatial Mechanisms

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    AcDc - A new code for the NLTE spectral analysis of accretion discs: application to the helium CV AM CVn

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    We present a recently developed code for detailed NLTE calculations of accretion disc spectra of cataclysmic variables and compact X-ray binaries. Assuming a radial structure of a standard alpha-disc, the disc is divided into concentric rings. For each disc ring the solution of the radiation transfer equation and the structure equations, comprising the hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium, the population of the atomic levels as well as charge and particle conservation, is done self-consistently. Metal-line blanketing and irradiation by the central object are taken into account. As a first application, we show the influence of different disc parameters on the disc spectrum for the helium cataclysmic variable AM CVn.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures to be published in A&

    The radio core and jet in the broad absorption line quasar PG 1700+518

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    The blue-shifted broad absorption lines (BAL) or troughs are observed in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) when our line of sight is intercepted by a high speed outflow (wind), likely originating in the accretion disc. The outflow or wind can shed light on the internal structure obscured by the AGN torus. Recently, it has been shown that this outflow is rotating in the BAL quasar PG 1700+518, further supporting the accretion disc origin of the wind. With the purpose of giving independent constraints on the wind geometry, we performed high-resolution European VLBI Network (EVN) observations at 1.6 GHz in 2010. Combining the VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) results with the Very Large Array (VLA) archival data at 8.4 GHz, we present its jet structure on scales of parsec (pc) to kiloparsec (kpc) for the first time. The source shows two distinct jet features in East-West direction with a separation of around 4 kpc. The Eastern feature, which has so far been assumed to hide the core, is a kpc-scale hot spot, which is completely resolved out in the EVN image. In the western jet feature, we find a compact jet component, which pinpoints the position of the central black hole in the galaxy. Jet components on both sides of the core are additionally detected in the Northwest-Southeast direction, and they show a symmetric morphology on scale of <1 kpc. This two-sided jet feature is not common in the known BAL quasars and indicates that the jet axis is far away from the line of sight. Furthermore, it is nearly parallel to the scattering plane revealed earlier by optical polarimetry. By analogy to polar-scattered Seyfert 1 galaxies, we conclude that the jet likely has a viewing angle around 45 degree. The analogy is further supported by the recent report of significant cold absorption in the soft X-rays, a nearly unique feature to polar-scattered Seyfert galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters, 5 pages, 1 figure

    The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the Chromo-Dielectric Soliton Model: Dynamics

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    The present work is an extension of a previous study of the nucleon-nucleon interaction based on the chromo-dielectric soliton model. The former approach was static, leading to an adiabatic potential. Here we perform a dynamical study in the framework of the Generator Coordinate Method. In practice, we derive an approximate Hill-Wheeler differential equation and obtain a local nucleon-nucleon potential as a function of a mean generator coordinate. This coordinate is related to an effective separation distance between the two nucleons by a Fujiwara transformation. This latter relationship is especially useful in studying the quark substructure of light nuclei. We investigate the explicit contribution of the one-gluon exchange part of the six-quark Hamiltonian to the nucleon-nucleon potential, and we find that the dynamics are responsible for a significant part of the short-range N-N repulsion.Comment: 16 pages (REVTEX), 6 figures (uuencoded Postscript) optionally included using epsfig.st

    The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783 V. Variability and Modeling of the Intrinsic Ultraviolet Absorption

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    We present results on the location, physical conditions, and geometry of the outflow in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 from a study of the variable intrinsic UV absorption. Based on 18 observations with HST/STIS and 6 observations with FUSE, we find: 1) The absorption from the lowest-ionization species in each of the three strong kinematic components varied inversely with the continuum flux, indicating the ionization structure responded to changes in the photoionizing flux over the weekly timescales sampled by our observations. 2) A multi- component model with an unocculted NLR and separate BLR and continuum line-of-sight covering factors predicts saturation in several lines, consistent with the lack of observed variability. 3) Column densities for the individual metastable levels are measured from the resolved C III *1175 absorption complex observed in one component. Based on our computed metastable level populations, the electron density of this absorber is ~3x10^4 cm^-3. Photoionization modeling results place it at ~25 pc from the central source. 4) Using time-dependent calculations, we are able to reproduce the detailed variability observed in this absorber, and derive upper limits on the distances for the other components of 25-50 pc. 5) The ionization parameters derived for the higher ionization UV absorbers are consistent with the modeling results for the lowest-ionization X-ray component, but with smaller total column density. They have similar pressures as the three X-ray ionization components. These results are consistent with an inhomogeneous wind model for the outflow in NGC 3783. 6) Based on the predicted emission-line luminosities, global covering factor constraints, and distances derived for the UV absorbers, they may be identified with emission- line gas observed in the inner NLR of AGNs. (abridged)Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures (7 color), emulateapj, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Geometrical Effects of Baryon Density Inhomogeneities on Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    We discuss effects of fluctuation geometry on primordial nucleosynthesis. For the first time we consider condensed cylinder and cylindrical-shell fluctuation geometries in addition to condensed spheres and spherical shells. We find that a cylindrical shell geometry allows for an appreciably higher baryonic contribution to be the closure density (\Omega_b h_{50}^2 \la 0.2) than that allowed in spherical inhomogeneous or standard homogeneous big bang models. This result, which is contrary to some other recent studies, is due to both geometry and recently revised estimates of the uncertainties in the observationally inferred primordial light-element abundances. We also find that inhomogeneous primordial nucleosynthesis in the cylindrical shell geometry can lead to significant Be and B production. In particular, a primordial beryllium abundance as high as [Be] = 12 + log(Be/H) 3\approx -3 is possible while still satisfying all of the light-element abundance constraints.Comment: Latex, 20 pages + 11 figures(not included). Entire ps file with embedded figures available via anonymous ftp at ftp://genova.mtk.nao.ac.jp/pub/prepri/bbgeomet.ps.g