10,883,828 research outputs found

    Complexity of the Steiner Network Problem with Respect to the Number of Terminals

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    In the Directed Steiner Network problem we are given an arc-weighted digraph GG, a set of terminals TV(G)T \subseteq V(G), and an (unweighted) directed request graph RR with V(R)=TV(R)=T. Our task is to output a subgraph GGG' \subseteq G of the minimum cost such that there is a directed path from ss to tt in GG' for all stA(R)st \in A(R). It is known that the problem can be solved in time V(G)O(A(R))|V(G)|^{O(|A(R)|)} [Feldman&Ruhl, SIAM J. Comput. 2006] and cannot be solved in time V(G)o(A(R))|V(G)|^{o(|A(R)|)} even if GG is planar, unless Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails [Chitnis et al., SODA 2014]. However, as this reduction (and other reductions showing hardness of the problem) only shows that the problem cannot be solved in time V(G)o(T)|V(G)|^{o(|T|)} unless ETH fails, there is a significant gap in the complexity with respect to T|T| in the exponent. We show that Directed Steiner Network is solvable in time f(R)V(G)O(cgT)f(R)\cdot |V(G)|^{O(c_g \cdot |T|)}, where cgc_g is a constant depending solely on the genus of GG and ff is a computable function. We complement this result by showing that there is no f(R)V(G)o(T2/logT)f(R)\cdot |V(G)|^{o(|T|^2/ \log |T|)} algorithm for any function ff for the problem on general graphs, unless ETH fails

    Asymptotically optimal covering designs

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    A (v,k,t) covering design, or covering, is a family of k-subsets, called blocks, chosen from a v-set, such that each t-subset is contained in at least one of the blocks. The number of blocks is the covering's size}, and the minimum size of such a covering is denoted by C(v,k,t). It is easy to see that a covering must contain at least (v choose t)/(k choose t) blocks, and in 1985 R\"odl [European J. Combin. 5 (1985), 69-78] proved a long-standing conjecture of Erd\H{o}s and Hanani [Publ. Math. Debrecen 10 (1963), 10-13] that for fixed k and t, coverings of size (v choose t)/(k choose t) (1+o(1)) exist (as v \to \infty). An earlier paper by the first three authors [J. Combin. Des. 3 (1995), 269-284] gave new methods for constructing good coverings, and gave tables of upper bounds on C(v,k,t) for small v, k, and t. The present paper shows that two of those constructions are asymptotically optimal: For fixed k and t, the size of the coverings constructed matches R\"odl's bound. The paper also makes the o(1) error bound explicit, and gives some evidence for a much stronger bound

    On traces of tensor representations of diagrams

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    Let TT be a set, of {\em types}, and let \iota,o:T\to\oZ_+. A {\em TT-diagram} is a locally ordered directed graph GG equipped with a function τ:V(G)T\tau:V(G)\to T such that each vertex vv of GG has indegree ι(τ(v))\iota(\tau(v)) and outdegree o(τ(v))o(\tau(v)). (A directed graph is {\em locally ordered} if at each vertex vv, linear orders of the edges entering vv and of the edges leaving vv are specified.) Let VV be a finite-dimensional \oF-linear space, where \oF is an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. A function RR on TT assigning to each tTt\in T a tensor R(t)Vι(t)Vo(t)R(t)\in V^{*\otimes \iota(t)}\otimes V^{\otimes o(t)} is called a {\em tensor representation} of TT. The {\em trace} (or {\em partition function}) of RR is the \oF-valued function pRp_R on the collection of TT-diagrams obtained by `decorating' each vertex vv of a TT-diagram GG with the tensor R(τ(v))R(\tau(v)), and contracting tensors along each edge of GG, while respecting the order of the edges entering vv and leaving vv. In this way we obtain a {\em tensor network}. We characterize which functions on TT-diagrams are traces, and show that each trace comes from a unique `strongly nondegenerate' tensor representation. The theorem applies to virtual knot diagrams, chord diagrams, and group representations

    Approximating subset kk-connectivity problems

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    A subset TVT \subseteq V of terminals is kk-connected to a root ss in a directed/undirected graph JJ if JJ has kk internally-disjoint vsvs-paths for every vTv \in T; TT is kk-connected in JJ if TT is kk-connected to every sTs \in T. We consider the {\sf Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation} problem: given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with edge/node-costs, node subset TVT \subseteq V, and a subgraph J=(V,EJ)J=(V,E_J) of GG such that TT is kk-connected in JJ, find a minimum-cost augmenting edge-set FEEJF \subseteq E \setminus E_J such that TT is (k+1)(k+1)-connected in JFJ \cup F. The problem admits trivial ratio O(T2)O(|T|^2). We consider the case T>k|T|>k and prove that for directed/undirected graphs and edge/node-costs, a ρ\rho-approximation for {\sf Rooted Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation} implies the following ratios for {\sf Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation}: (i) b(ρ+k)+(3TTk)2H(3TTk)b(\rho+k) + {(\frac{3|T|}{|T|-k})}^2 H(\frac{3|T|}{|T|-k}); (ii) ρO(TTklogk)\rho \cdot O(\frac{|T|}{|T|-k} \log k), where b=1 for undirected graphs and b=2 for directed graphs, and H(k)H(k) is the kkth harmonic number. The best known values of ρ\rho on undirected graphs are min{T,O(k)}\min\{|T|,O(k)\} for edge-costs and min{T,O(klogT)}\min\{|T|,O(k \log |T|)\} for node-costs; for directed graphs ρ=T\rho=|T| for both versions. Our results imply that unless k=To(T)k=|T|-o(|T|), {\sf Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation} admits the same ratios as the best known ones for the rooted version. This improves the ratios in \cite{N-focs,L}

    Структурообразование в смешанных дисперсиях на основе битумных и эпоксидных эмульсий

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    Изучены процессы структурообразования в смешанной дисперсии на основе анионной и эпоксидной эмульсий в зависимости от концентрации эпоксидной смолы в структуре битумно-эпоксидного вяжущего, выделенного из полученной дисперсии. Показано, что уже при концентрации эпоксидной смолы 1% структура битумно-эпоксидного вяжущего характеризуется склонностью к проявлению упругих деформаций, а увеличение концентрации эпоксидной смолы до 5–15% приводит к формированию в дисперсионной среде битума пространственной структуры с повышенными прочностными и упруго-пластичными свойствами. Экспериментально доказано, что получение смешанных битумно-эпоксидных дисперсий является перспективным направлением при создании эффективных материалов с регулируемыми структурно-реологическими свойствами

    Radial Fast Diffusion on the Hyperbolic Space

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    We consider radial solutions to the fast diffusion equation ut=Δumu_t=\Delta u^m on the hyperbolic space HN\mathbb{H}^{N} for N2N \ge 2, m(ms,1)m\in(m_s,1), ms=N2N+2m_s=\frac{N-2}{N+2}. By radial we mean solutions depending only on the geodesic distance rr from a given point oHNo \in \mathbb{H}^N. We investigate their fine asymptotics near the extinction time TT in terms of a separable solution of the form V(r,t)=(1t/T)1/(1m)V1/m(r){\mathcal V}(r,t)=(1-t/T)^{1/(1-m)}V^{1/m}(r), where VV is the unique positive energy solution, radial w.r.t. oo, to ΔV=cV1/m-\Delta V=c\,V^{1/m} for a suitable c>0c>0, a semilinear elliptic problem thoroughly studied in \cite{MS08}, \cite{BGGV}. We show that uu converges to V{\mathcal V} in relative error, in the sense that um(,t)/Vm(,t)10\|{u^m(\cdot,t)}/{{\mathcal V}^m(\cdot,t)}-1\|_\infty\to0 as tTt\to T^-. In particular the solution is bounded above and below, near the extinction time TT, by multiples of (1t/T)1/(1m)e(N1)r/m(1-t/T)^{1/(1-m)}e^{-(N-1)r/m}.Comment: To appear in Proc. London Math. So