1,015 research outputs found
Effect of Supplementary Cyan Light to Deep Red and Royal Blue Range Wavelengths on the Seedling Period of Iceberg Lettuces
In this article, effect of cyan (≈500 nm) light on the plant growth as a supplementary light source to common deep red (≈660 nm) and royal blue (≈440) lights is examined. For this purpose, a 4-floor shelf was prepared containing Vernalia type iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds. Carbon dioxide content of air, soil moisture, air humidity, environment temperature, water, pH, electrical conductivity, fertilizer and nutrient contents were controlled at desired values; being same for the whole system. Second and third floors were lighted 18 hours a day, with the same photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 360 μmol m-2 s-1. Third floor’s lighting was composed of 65% deep red and 35% royal blue lights. Second floor’s lighting was composed of 55% deep red, 25% royal blue and 20% cyan lights. First floor was lighted with sunlight, in order to make a comparison with natural lighting. Fourth floor contained the necessary control equipment. The experiment lasted for 15 days to analyse only the seedling period. The experiment results showed that, addition of cyan light to conventional red and blue grow lightings allowed the plants to grow 14% more by stem system. Also, cyan light provided a stronger root development and higher leaf area; which would indicate a higher product yield in the vegetative period. Keywords: Cyan light, artificial lighting, plant growth conditions, seedling period, lettuce, greenhouse efficiency, green light DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-10-11 Publication date:May 31st 201
Analisa Penyebab Penurunan Daya Saing Produk Susu Sapi Dalam Negeri Terhadap Susu Sapi Impor Pada Industri Pengolahan Susu (IPS) Dengan Metode Fault Tree Analysis (Fta) Dan Barrier Analysis
Produk peternakan sapi perah Indonesia dituntut untuk dapat bersaing ketat dengan produk negara lain, bukan untuk bersaing pada pasar Internasional tapi justru pasar dalam negeri Indonesia. Namun kondisi yang ada pada saat ini, produk susu perah lokal kuantitasnya tidak mampu mencukupi permintaan Industri Pengolahan Susu (IPS), kualitas tidak memenuhi standard milk codex, dan harga lebih tinggi dari susu impor, membuat peternak lokal kalah bersaing dengan negara-negara pengekspor susu dunia. IPS di Indonesia lebih memilih menggunakan susu impor dengan kualitas lebih baik dan harga lebih murah dari susu lokal. Mengingat kondisi geografi dan ekologis di Indonesia sebenarnya cocok untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi perah (agribisnis persusuan) serta besarnya permintaan susu dalam negeri, sebenarnya peternakan sapi perah Indonesia dapat lebih kompetitif. Oleh karena itu penting untuk dilakukan analisa mengidentifikasi akar penyebab masalah dari rendahnya daya saing susu sapi Indonesia terhadap susu sapi impor pada IPS. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa dengan metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) untuk mengetahui akar penyebab terjadinya suatu permasalahan. Sedangkan Barrier Analysis adalah proses sistematik yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan fisik, administrasi dan prosedur atau mengontrol tindakan pencegahan masalah yang dapat mencegah masalah terjadi kembali. Hasil analisa menunjukkan permasalahan utama lebih dominan disebabkan oleh faktor intern peternakan sendiri. Dari penelusuran akar penyebab permasalahan, dibuat troubleshooting yang berisi petunjuk pemecahan masalah jika permasalahan tersebut terjadi kembali baik troubleshooting permasalahan produktifitas, kuantitas, harga susu segar lokal yang tidak kompetitif terhadap susu segar impor dan rekomendasi tindakan perbaikan yang meliputi aspek man, methode, material, machine, mother nature, dan maintenance. Kata-kunci : daya saing, analisa pohon keputusan, barrier analysis, troubleshooting Indonesian dairy products are required to compete with products of other countries, not to compete on International markets but that the Indonesian domestic market. But the conditions that exist at this ndtime, local dairy milk products are not able to meet the demand quantity Milk Processing Industries (IPS), quality does not meet the standard codex milk, and milk prices are higher than imports, making local farmers unable to compete with dairy-exporting countries world. IPS in Indonesia prefer to use imported milk with better quality and cheaper prices than local milk. Given the geograph and ecology of the land in Indonesia was suitable for the development of dairy cattle (dairy agribusiness) and the huge domestic demand for milk, dairy cattle Indonesia actually can be more competitive. It is therefore important to do an analysis to identify the root cause of the problem of low competitiveness of Indonesian cow\u27s milk to cow\u27s milk imports in the IPS. The analysis method used was analysis by Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to determine the root cause of a problem. While Barrier Analysis is a systematic process used to identify physical barriers, administrative and control procedures or precautionary measures to prevent the problems that the problem occurs again. Results of analysis showed the main problem is more dominant livestock affected by internal factors alone. By studying the root causes of problems, made troubleshooting that contains troubleshooting tips for when problems occur again either troubleshooting the problems of productivity, quantity, price of local fresh milk which is not competitive against imports of fresh milk and recommend remedial action that includes aspects of man, method, material, machine , mother nature, and maintenance
Industry 4.0 Driven Result-oriented PSS: An Assessment in the Energy Management
Sustainability is a current challenge and all sectors, including the buildings one, are being called upon to provide a solution to mitigate climate change.
The state of the art of energy management using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) technology in building systems industry is
characterized by a traditional monitoring approach which could assess the energy consumption of the building but that cannot manage and act the
required action to improve the energy management according to a demand side approach. The aim of this paper is to overcome this traditional monitoring
approach, presenting Simon, a new model proposed by Evogy, enabling a result-oriented product service system (PSS) for buildings through cyber physical systems, artificial intelligence, and internet of things adoption. The main findings highlight the benefits associated with the Simon model by
virtue of digital-based predictive maintenance on the real system. In addition, its adoption allows the PSS provider to aggregate energy demand from
the plethora of buildings and, according to digital technologies, not only monitor consumption but also implement equipment. Finally, the application
case highlights the benefits are different and thus stands as a best practice for combining sustainability and digitization
Water-soluble full-length single-wall carbon nanotube polyelectrolytes: Preparation and characterization
HiPco single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been noncovalently modified with ionic pyrene and naphthalene derivatives to prepare water-soluble SWNT polyelectrolytes (SWNT-PEs), which are analogous to polyanions and polycations. The modified nanotubes have been characterized with UV-vis-NIR, fluorescence, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The nanotube-adsorbate interactions consist of π-π stacking interactions between the aromatic core of the adsorbate and the nanotube surface and specific contributions because of the substituents. The interaction between nanotubes and adsorbates also involves charge transfer from adsorbates to SWNTs, and with naphthalene sulfonates the role of a free amino group was important. The ionic surface charge density of the modified SWNTs is constant and probably controlled by electrostatic repulsion between like charges. The linear ionic charge density of the modified SWNTs is similar to that of common highly charged polyelectrolytes
Purpose: to analyze legal and ethical frameworks of public health.
Materials and Methods. The research methods were chosen taking into account the aim of the study. In order to establish objectivity and validity of scientific provisions, conclusions, during the research, a set of general scientific and special scientific methods was used, in particular such as: formal legal method was used to analyze the legal and ethical frameworks of public health; using the comparative legal method to find out the approaches of national legislation and international standards to the ethical component of public health, in particular the ethical component in the legal regulation of the activities of doctors, pharmaceutical specialists, patient protection, medical research and clinical trials; the method of forecasting and modeling was used to develop practical recommendations on the importance of analyzing the legal and ethical frameworks of public health in the process of reforming Ukraine’s health care system and implementing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union; the method of systematic analysis allowed to study the legal and ethical frameworks of public health as a component of the health care system of Ukraine; the historical and legal method has revealed the peculiarities of the evolution of legal and ethical frameworks of public health.
Results. Efficiency of legal regulation of public health depends on compliance with these law principles of morality and ethics. It is the legal and ethical obligation of the doctor to have absolute respect for human life and to preserve and restore the physical and mental health of people. Ethical and legal norms in the field of public health are also reflected in the guidelines on the protection of patients’ rights.
Conclusions. Therefore, the provisions of national law and international standards in the field of public health combine legal and ethical frameworks in regulating the activities of physicians, pharmaceutical professionals, patient protection, medical research and clinical trials. The effectiveness and the highest level of public health care required is inextricably linked to the reform of Ukraine’s health care system in accordance with international standards that combine ethics.Мета: проаналізувати правові та етичні засади громадського здоров’я.
Матеріали і методи. Методи дослідження обрані з урахуванням поставленої мети дослідження. Для встановлення об’єктивності та обґрунтованості наукових положень, висновків, під час проведеного дослідження застосовували комплекс загальнонаукових та спеціальних наукових методів, зокрема таких, як: формально-юридичний метод використовували для проведення аналізу правових та етичних засад громадського здоров’я; за допомогою порівняльно-правового методу з’ясовано підходи національного законодавства та міжнародних стандартів до етичного компонента громадського здоров’я, зокрема етична складова у правовому регулюванні діяльності лікарів, фармацевтичних фахівців, захисті пацієнтів, проведенні медичних досліджень та клінічних випробувань; метод прогнозування і моделювання використовували для розроблення практичних рекомендацій щодо значення аналізу правових та етичних засад громадського здоров’я у процесі реформування системи охорони здоров’я України та імплементації Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та Європейським Союзом; метод системного аналізу дозволив дослідити правові та етичні засади громадського здоров’я як компонент системи охорони здоров’я України; історико-правовий метод дозволив виявити особливості еволюції правових та етичних засад громадського здоров’я.
Результати. Ефективність правового регулювання громадського здоров’я безпосередньо залежить від відповідності даних норм права засадам моралі та етики. Правовим та етичним зобов’язанням лікаря є абсолютна повага до життя людини, зберігання і відновлення фізичного і психічного здоров’я людей. Етичні та правові норми у сфері громадського здоров’я відображені і в рекомендаційних документах, присвячених захисту прав пацієнтів.
Висновки. Положення національного законодавства та міжнародних стандартів у сфері громадського здоров’я поєднують правові та етичні засади при регулюванні діяльності лікарів, фармацевтичних фахівців, захисті пацієнтів, проведенні медичних досліджень та клінічних випробувань. Ефективність та найвищий рівень необхідного забезпечення громадського здоров’я нерозривно пов’язані у реформуванні системи охорони здоров’я України відповідно до міжнародних стандартів, які поєднують етичну складову
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