367 research outputs found

    Memakan Harta secara Batil (Perspektif Surat An-nisa: 29 dan At-taubah: 34)

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    The Quran mentions the term treasure in some letters with various derevasion. The mention of the word treasure is accompanied by the procedure of acquisition or utilization. One of them is the prohibition of consuming treasure in a vanity way. As many as 36 times a word that means vanity is mentioned in the Quran, including An- Nisa: 29 and At- Taubah: 34. Using a thematic interpretation approach, explores some of the ethical messages contained in these two verses. Forbidden treasures managed by vile. Indications of vanity include the emergence of disillusionment with the parties and be classified as zalim

    Analisis Anggaran Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Bagi Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru di Kabupaten Mamuju

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    The research conducted aims to obtain an overview of the education and training budget for improving the professionalism of teachers in Mamuju district, using a qualitative approach. The technique used in determining research informants is purposive sampling. The data collection was carried out with participatory observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and document review. The results of the study show that the education and training budget planning process for increasing the professionalism of teachers in Mamuju District is not yet fully ideal for implementing the five principles that are theoretically believed to be good budgeting principles in the public sector. There are many influential factors in the budget planning process, namely apparatus resources, planning documents (development and budgeting), nominative lists, budgets, and facilities (facilities and infrastructure). The education and training budget for increasing teacher professionalism in the government in the Mamuju district faces the following constraints: 1. Limited resources; 2) participant mechanisms for education and training for improving teacher professionalism; and 3) communication and coordination of related parties that are still weak. To overcome these various obstacles, interested parties have made staff review efforts to the regents, improved budgets and organized education and training for improving teacher professionalism and increasing the intensity of communication and coordination with various relevant parties

    Study of the Influence the Acidity Level of Sulphuric Acid to Thermal Cracking and Triglyceride Saturation of Crude Palm Oil by Using Two Stages Electrochemical Thermal Cracking

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    Crude Palm Oil (CPO) was experienced with electrolyze by using two stages electrochemical thermal cracking reactor, zeolyte as catalyst, silver as cathode and cuprum as anode. In this research, we used electrolyte solution for 2 kinds of concentrate which was 40 and 60% of sulphuric acid (H2SO4). It worked in 1 atm with electrolyze for 1 hour, heating till reaching temperature 80oC for 1 hr, fogging process for 1 hr, and heating without electrolyze nor fogging about 30 minutes. From lubricity analyze, this product is a fuel with high lubricity. The analyzer showing that cracking of triglyceride of crude palm oil has same characteristics with diesel

    Kajian Eksperimental Unjuk Kerja Heat Exchanger Double Pipe

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    Alat penukar kalor pipa ganda memiliki konstruksi yang sederhana. Jumlah perpindahan panas yang sangat terperinci sampai setiap bagian terkecil, ini yang membuat penukar kalor pipa ganda perangkat perpindahan panas yang cocok dalam keseharian. Alat penukar kalor pipa rangkap terdiri dari dua pipa logam standar yang dikedua ujungnya dilas menjadi satu atau dihubungkan dengan kotak penyekat. Fluida yang satu mengalir di dalam pipa, sedangkan fluida kedua mengalir di dalam ruang anulus antara pipa luar dengan pipa dalam. Penelitian didasarkan atas tiga alat penukar kalor  pipa ganda yang berbeda variasi tube bagian dalam. Adapun varian tube yang diteliti adalah alat penukar kalor pipa ganda dengan tiga tube, alat penukar kalor pipa ganda dengan empat tube, dan alat penukar kalor pipa ganda dengan lima tube. Temperatur yang diteliti juga bervariasi yaitu: 50 °C, 55 °C, dan 60 °C. Dengan durasi waktu pengambilan data adalah selang 5 menit, selama 1 jam 40 menit. Untuk temperatur fluida panas 60, 55,50 (°C) dari HE 3 tube terjadi penyerapan panas oleh fluida dingin sebesar 10 °C. Dengan Qpanas untuk masing-masing temperatur sebesar 2346 KJ/s – 4483 KJ/s, 2346 KJ/s – 4168 KJ/s, 1681 KJ/s – 3327 KJ/s. Dan kehilangan panas pada masing-masing temperatur sebesar 717 – 683 KJ/s, 691 – 443 KJ/s, 214 – 201 KJ/s. Untuk temperatur fluida panas 60, 55, 50 (°C) dari HE 4 tube terjadi penyerapan panas oleh fluida dingin sebesar 110C. Dengan Qpanas untuk masing-masing temperatur sebesar 2416 KJ/s – 4903 KJ/s, 2416 – 4516 KJ/s, 2031 – 3502 KJ/s. Dan kehilangan panas pada masing-masing temperatur sebesar 799 – 765 KJ/s, 874 – 681 KJ/s, 413 – 117 KJ/s. Untuk temperatur fluida panas 60, 55, 50 (°C) dari HE 5 tube terjadi penyerapan panas oleh fluida dingin sebesar 12 °C. Dengan Qpanas untuk masing-masing temperatur sebesar 2592 – 5324 KJ/s, 2486 – 4938 KJ/s, 2171 – 3783 KJ/s. Dan kehilangan panas pada masing-masing temperatur sebesar 748 – 772 KJ/s, 681 – 1176 KJ/s, 290 – 321 KJ/s

    Common Bile Duct Stricture Post Open Cholecystectomy

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    Common bile duct stricture is a common complication following open cholecystectomy. Approximately 80% of benign strictures occur following injury during a cholecystectomy. We report a female aged 70 years old, with a history of open cholecystectomy due to gallbladder stones. She was admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital with symptoms and signs of obstructive jaundice. Endoscopy retrograde cholangio-pancreaticography (ERCP) examination revealed proximal common bile duct (CBD) stricture. She underwent open laparotomy, during which, a narrowing of proximal CBD was seen due to a fibrosis involving part of the duodenum. The patient then underwent a hepatic-duodenostomy bypass surgery. The symptoms and signs of obstructive jaundice were relieved after surgery

    Pengawasan Camat terhadap Pembangunan Desa Tertinggal Desa Ulak Patian Kecamatan Kepenuhan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2012

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    This study, entitled Supervision Camats Against Disadvantaged Rural DevelopmentRural District of Fullness Ulak Patian Rokan Hulu in 2012. Research is motivated by RokanHulu Regency Regulation No. 39 Year 2011 on the transfer of part of the authority to theregent Rokan Hulu District Head for performance of Local Government, which where camatdituntuk participate actively in monitoring the development of the village, sub-district andvillage as required in order to run in running the village administration tasks,synchronization between the village and district governments can influence the motion of thegrowth of rural development.Problems in this sekripsi that control sub-districts, rural development tertinggalanPatian Ulak village and village government administrative services. For this study aims todetermine how the monitoring of the progress of the village sub-district head, the constraintsin rural villages as well as the supervision of village administrative services. The methodused in this study is a qualitative method that describes the data descriptively. Datacollection techniques used were dokumentasidan field study by interviewing while the sourcedata used is primary data collected from the study site and supported by secondary data.From the research conducted hasi, camat supervision in rural development is notmaximized, it is influenced by several factors, namely: its lack of synchronization between thevillage government districts, villages lack proper policies, as well as the physical condition ofthe road is inadequate. However, the village government to do some role to support theeconomic growth of the community one of which is to improve the quality of education.Keywords: Delegation of authority, development, underdeveloped villages
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