53 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Npl, Ldr, Car Dan Bopo Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Perbandingan Bank Pemerintah Dan Bank Swasta)

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    This research is performed in order to test the influence of the variable Non Performing Loan(NPL), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and BOPO toward Returnon Asset (ROA). The data is based on publicity Indonesia Banking Directory since 2007 to2010 and fulfill minimum CAR criteria. Obtained by amount sample as much 30 bank within5 go public national bank and 25 go public private bank. Analysis technique used is doubledregression with smallest square equation and hypothesis test use t-statistic to test coefficientof regression partial. From the result of analysis indicate that only data BOPO in partialsignificant toward ROA in go public national bank, but NPL, LDR and BOPO in partialsignificant toward ROA in go public private bank. Chow test result show 3,823 bigger than1,96 so there is a significant difference in the effect of the influence of four independentvariables on ROA in go public national bank and go public private bank

    Analisis Perbandingan Trading Volume Activity Dan Abnormal Return Saham Sebelum Dan Sesudah Stock Split (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei)

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    The very high raise of stock will cause the decrease in demand of it. A policy which can beused by company to avoid that risk is to do stock split. Stock split is expected to be able toincrease the stock liquidity and to give positive signal to investor that the company is in awell condition. The research about stock split has been conducted many times and it gavevarious results. This research is intended to re-picturize one of the form of corporate actionwhich is stock split and the impact to Trading Volume Activity and Stock Abnormal Return.This research was done on 15 companies which are registered in BEI during the period of2008 – 2010. The research method used Descriptive Statistics Research Method on EventStudy. The Statistics Analysis that used was t-test during ten days of event window whichconsisted of 5 days before and 5 days after stock split and also 60 days estimation periodfrom t-65 to t-5. Tarithmetic of t-test for Trading Volume Activity average during the periodbefore and after stock split with ttable = 2,262 is 3,594, so tarithmetic> ttable and the conclusion is Ho is rejected, which means the average of Stocks Trading Volume Activity in BEI differs significantly between the period before and after the stock split. Meanwhile tarithmetic of t-test for Stocks Abnormal Return between the period before and after the stock split with table=2,262 is 0,959 so tarithmetic< ttable and the conclusion is Ho is accepted, which means the average of Stocks Abnormal Return in BEI doesn\u27t differ significantly between the period before and after the stock split

    Analisis Praktik Penguman Formil Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945

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    The standard to examine formal verification (forinale toetsingrecht) of law against 1945 Constitution in the Constitutional Court, covering : First, Pancasila and Articles of 1945 Constitution. The contrary can be assessed by value  of Fourth Article of Pancasila and legal substance of Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20, Article 21, Article 22A of 1945 Constitution. Second, non-1945 constitution, for example is the general principles of law making process (algemene beginselen van behoorlijke wetgeving), the principles to assessed fact of legislation process (example: law making process in House of Representatives of Indonesia). Third, criminal court decisions, the decisions to assessed criminal offense at law making process, for example: corruption, bribery, and others

    Penafsiran Konstitusi dalam Pengujian Konstitusionalitas Undang- Undang terhadap Undang- Undang Dasar 1945

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    This study is about interpretation of constitution, this study is based on the extent authority of the Constitutional Court on the interpretation of the constitution, including various verdicts that are considered as controversial.The result of the study shows that Constitution 1945 giving authority of the constitution interpretation of the Constitutional Court to evaluate the conflict of legal norm, this could be meant that the Constitutional Court is “the guardian of the constitution and the sole interpreting of constitution” and as the legitimate interpreter of the constitution. Some interesting in implementing the interpretation of the constitution as a standard toevaluate the conflict of legal norm, consists of: First, essentially, that the interpretation of the constitution is one of the ways to elaborate understandings contained in constitution text. Second, related to the independence and the freedom of judge in using an interpretation method which is not regulated by positive law, therefore the judge is free to use those interpretation methods which are appropriate with the conviction of the Justice. Justice in using the interpretation method doesn't only have function as funnel of the act, but also has functioned as the funnel of justice since a judge is required the value of the law and the sense of justice which exists in the society (substantial justice). Refer to the theory of living constitution, therefore Constitution 1945 should be understood as a constitution which has textual and contextual dimention Third, the restriction in using the interpretation method, the constitutional judge couldn't only focused into the originalism interpretation method which only based to original intent / the formulation of Constitution 1945 or using the other interpretations (non originalist) which oppositely those interpretation the 1945 Constitution doesn't work according to system and/ or contended with the main idea underlying the constitution itself entirely related to the purpo se that would like to be realized. Fourth, the use of interpretation method should be able to be accounted to the publics, therefore the validity could be examined in certain cases. This is very essential to dosince Constitutional Court has an extent interpretation authority so that it could keep justice of Constitutional Court to avoid it from misuse of authority in interpreting of 1945 Constitution

    Tinjauan Kritis Mengenai Pembelajaran Sejarah

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    In the fact, historical learning, as an element of social studies, and as a science in Indonesia, have no capable to give skill for students. Skill can be practiced in the day living. Many teacher of history are in the phase that themselves only as giver of learning matter, and as a person shall develop curriculum on their classroom. They often are not sensitive about development that be happened in the around society. As a consequence, historical learning matter that be teached by the teachers are quit of real situation of social environment from their students. In a general way, historial learning in many stage of education in Indonesia predominantly be executed on transfer of knowledge from teacher to student. Key words: historical learning, critical review

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Sinar Jaya Abadi Bersama

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menge­ta­hui pengaruh motivasi dan kompensasi terhadap kiner­ja karyawan pada PT Sinar Jaya Abadi Bersama. Populasi dalam pene­li­tian ini ber­jum­lah 39 karyawan di PT Sinar Jaya Abadi Bersama. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa motivasi dan kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Diantara kedua variabel tersebut, motivasi memiliki pengaruh lebih do­mi­nan terhadap kinerja karyawan dibandingkan kom­pen­sa­si

    Dinamika dan Problematika Politik Hukum Lembaga Penyelesai Sengketa Hasil Pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Indonesia

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    The success of free and fair local elections is not only measured by the voting process, but also determined on how the settlement of the disputes follows it. In connection with that, the institutional dispute settlement of local elections in Indonesia has experienced ups and downs that have not been interminable. The issuance of the Act Number 10 of 2016 which mandates the establishment of special judicial body for settlement of regional head election disputes still leaves a ‘homework' of the shape or design of that special judicial institution, its authorities and procedural law that must be established ahead of national simultaneous elections in 2027. This paper is the result of a normative research with statute, analytical, and case approaches regarding the background of the existence of special judicial body which is needed to be established to resolve regional head election disputes in Indonesia as an antithesis on the weaknesses and problems ofinstitutional settlement of regional head election disputes that been there for years, namely: Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. In order to provide an overview as well as an alternative institutional model of special court for regional head election disputes settlement to be formed onward

    Sap Extract Papaya for Autolitic Debridement Chronic Wound

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    Introduction: The high cost of drugs or specific wound dressings for chronic wounds can be healed at least in two weeks depending on the stage of the wound and blood sugar levels. Hence the need for an innovative processing of natural resources (NR) to produce a chronic wound care products that are accessible to all people. One of the current trends is to use protease enzymes (sap extract papaya) that serves as autolitic debridement in the treatment of chronic wounds. The aims of this research was to indentify characteristics of protease enzyme present in sap of papaya. Method: This study was a descriptive exploratory that doing pure protease enzyme extract of papaya sap. Results: Molecular weight measurement using a kit Pre-stained Protein Markers (Broad Range) for SDS PAGE, Nacalai tesque No. 02525 showed a homogeneous molecular weight that slightly above 28 kD. Measurements of the enzyme levels using NanoDrop Spectrophotometer ND kit-1000 (with a distilled water marker) showed a relatively homogeneous enzyme level with a range between 43% - 61% and 53, 88% in average. The addition of papaya sap extract into each tube containing 7 ml gelatin obtained results: the control group there were clots perfectly on gelatin; groups with the addition of 2 drops (± 0.5 ml) obtained 50% hydrolyzed gelatin; and groups with the addition of 4 drops (± 0.5 ml) obtained 75% hydrolyzed gelatin. Discussion: The results showed that papaya sap extraction synonymous with protease enzyme. Papaya sap extraction activity (protease enzymes) on hydrolyzing gelatin shows a qualitative picture. Therefore, it can be used as autholitic debridement. Further, the following study is essential to identify structure and activity of the enzyme with a more determinant (temperature, time, and dose)

    Implikasi Pengujian Undang-undang oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Mewujudkan Maqashid Syari\u27ah

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    This research is about the implications of constitutional review by Constitutional Court in realizing maqashid sharia backgrounded by the ambiguity of whether or not to use the maqashid syariah as a benchmark in constitutional review. The research is to observe the use of maqashid syariah as a benchmark and the implications of the legal system in Indonesia. The method used is normative legal research focusing on several decisions of Constitutional Court. The results of the study show that the Constitutional Court accommodates maqashid sharia. Based on the analysis of Constitutional Court Verdict Number 2-3/ PUU-V/2007, Verdict Number 12/PUU-V/2007, Verdict Number 68/PUU-XII/2014, Verdict Number 85/PUU-XI/2013 show that in constitutional review, the Constitutional Court uses the maqashid syariah as a benchmarks (in the framework of Pancasila) in line with the idealization of Baldatun Thayyibatun wa Rabbun Ghafur meant to maqashid syariah focusing on maintaining the benefit of religion/din, maintaining the benefit of the soul/nafs, maintaining the benefit of reason/aql, maintaining the benefit of descendants/nasl, and maintaining the benefit of wealth/mal) has been accommodated and applied in constitutional review. The implication is that maqashid sharia becomes one of benchmarks in constitutional review and the Constitutional Court can intepret the contextualization of maqashid sharia in various cases