58 research outputs found

    Twisting Graphene Nanoribbons into Carbon Nanotubes

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    Although carbon nanotubes consist of honeycomb carbon, they have never been fabricated from graphene directly. Here, it is shown by quantum molecular-dynamics simulations and classical continuum-elasticity modeling, that graphene nanoribbons can, indeed, be transformed into carbon nanotubes by means of twisting. The chiralities of the tubes thus fabricated can be not only predicted but also externally controlled. This twisting route is an opportunity for nanofabrication, and is easily generalizable to ribbons made of other planar nanomaterials.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    A particle based simulation model for glacier dynamics

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    This publication is contribution number 22 of the Nordic Centre of Excellence SVALI, “Stability and Variations of Arctic Land Ice”, funded by the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI). The work has been supported by the SVALI project through the University of Lapland, Arctic Centre, and through the University Centre in Svalbard. Funding was also provided by the Conoco-Phillips and Lunding High North Research Program (CRIOS: Calving Rates and Impact on Society).A particle-based computer simulation model was developed for investigating the dynamics of glaciers. In the model, large ice bodies are made of discrete elastic particles which are bound together by massless elastic beams. These beams can break, which induces brittle behaviour. At loads below fracture, beams may also break and reform with small probabilities to incorporate slowly deforming viscous behaviour in the model. This model has the advantage that it can simulate important physical processes such as ice calving and fracturing in a more realistic way than traditional continuum models. For benchmarking purposes the deformation of an ice block on a slip-free surface was compared to that of a similar block simulated with a Finite Element full-Stokes continuum model. Two simulations were performed: (1) calving of an ice block partially supported in water, similar to a grounded marine glacier terminus, and (2) fracturing of an ice block on an inclined plane of varying basal friction, which could represent transition to fast flow or surging. Despite several approximations, including restriction to two-dimensions and simplified water-ice interaction, the model was able to reproduce the size distributions of the debris observed in calving, which may be approximated by universal scaling laws. On a moderate slope, a large ice block was stable and quiescent as long as there was enough of friction against the substrate. For a critical length of frictional contact, global sliding began, and the model block disintegrated in a manner suggestive of a surging glacier. In this case the fragment size distribution produced was typical of a grinding process.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Mechanics of invagination and folding: Hybridized instabilities when one soft tissue grows on another

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    We address the folding induced by differential growth in soft layered solids via an elementary model that consists of a soft growing neo-Hookean elastic layer adhered to a deep elastic substrate. As the layer-to-substrate modulus ratio is varied from above unity toward zero, we find a first transition from supercritical smooth folding followed by cusping of the valleys to direct subcritical cusped folding, then another to supercritical cusped folding. Beyond threshold, the high-amplitude fold spacing converges to about four layer thicknesses for many modulus ratios. In three dimensions, the instability gives rise to a wide variety of morphologies, including almost degenerate zigzag and triple-junction patterns that can coexist when the layer and substrate are of comparable softness. Our study unifies these results providing understanding for the complex and diverse fold morphologies found in biology, including the zigzag precursors to intestinal villi, and disordered zigzags and triple junctions in mammalian cortex

    Surface sulci in squeezed soft solids.

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    The squeezing of soft solids, the constrained growth of biological tissues, and the swelling of soft elastic solids such as gels can generate large compressive stresses at their surfaces. This causes the otherwise smooth surface of such a solid to become unstable when its stress exceeds a critical value. Previous analyses of the surface instability have assumed two-dimensional plane-strain conditions, but in experiments isotropic stresses often lead to complex three-dimensional sulcification patterns. Here we show how such diverse morphologies arise by numerically modeling the lateral compression of a rigidly clamped elastic layer. For incompressible solids, close to the instability threshold, sulci appear as I-shaped lines aligned orthogonally with their neighbors; at higher compressions they are Y-shaped and prefer a hexagonal arrangement. In contrast, highly compressible solids when squeezed show only one sulcified phase characterized by a hexagonal sulcus network

    Shock-driven jamming and periodic fracture of particulate rafts

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    A tenuous monolayer of hydrophobic particles at the air-water interface often forms a scum or raft. When such a monolayer is disturbed by the localized introduction of a surfactant droplet, a radially divergent surfactant shock front emanates from the surfactant origin and packs the particles into a jammed, compact, annular band with a packing fraction that saturates at a peak packing fraction φ*. As the resulting two-dimensional, disordered elastic band grows with time and is driven radially outwards by the surfactant, it fractures to form periodic triangular cracks with robust geometrical features. We find that the number of cracks N and the compaction band radius R* at fracture onset vary monotonically with the initial packing fraction (φinit). However, the compaction band's width W* is constant for all φinit. A simple geometric theory that treats the compaction band as an elastic annulus, and accounts for mass conservation allows us to deduce that N≃2πR*/W*≃4πφRCP/φinit, a result we verify both experimentally and numerically. We show that the essential ingredients for this phenomenon are an initially low enough particulate packing fraction that allows surfactant-driven advection to cause passive jamming and eventual fracture of the hydrophobic particulate interface

    Forced Tearing of Ductile and Brittle Thin Sheets

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