394 research outputs found


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    A current sheet approximation for eddy current distribution on the surface of the conduct- ing bodies in cold crucibles is employed, and three-dimensional eddy current distributions in the cold crucible are calculated by an integro-differential method using electric vector potential. Furthermore, power loss, Lorentz force and levitation force of the molten metal are calculated from the obtained eddy current distributions

    Fluid effects in model granular flows

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    Pore fluid plays a crucial role in many granular flows, especially those in geophysical settings. However, the transition in behaviour between dry flows and fully saturated flows and the underlying physics that relate to this are poorly understood. In this paper, we report the results of small-scale flume experiments using monodisperse granular particles with varying water content and volume in which the basal pore pressure, total pressure, flow height and velocity profile were measured at a section. We compare the results with theoretical profiles for granular flow and with flow regimes based on dimensional analysis. The runout and the centre of mass were also calculated from the deposit surface profiles. As the initial water content by mass was increased from zero to around 10%, we first observed a drop in mobility by approximately 50%, as surface tension caused cohesive behaviour due to matric suction. As the water content was further increased up to 45%, the mobility also increased dramatically, with increased flow velocity up to 50%, increased runout distance up to 240% and reduced travel angle by up to 10° compared to the dry case. These effects can be directly related to the basal pore pressure, with both negative pressures and positive pore pressures being measured relative to atmospheric during the unsteady flow. We find that the initial flow volume plays a role in the development of relative pore pressure, such that, at a fixed relative water content, larger flows exhibit greater positive pore pressures, greater velocities and greater relative runout distances. This aligns with many other granular experiments and field observations. Our findings suggest that the fundamental role of the pore fluid is to reduce frictional contact forces between grains thus increasing flow velocity and bulk mobility. While this can occur by the development of excess pore pressure, it can also occur where the positive pore pressure is not in excess of hydrostatic, as shown here, since buoyancy and lubrication alone will reduce frictional forces. Graphical abstract

    Development of a Combustor Liner Composed of Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC

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    Introduction In the process of developing more efficient industrial gas turbines and turbine engines for airplanes to travel at supersonic speeds, much effort has been directed at raising the combustor outlet (turbine inlet) temperature, as is shown in the chart of the increase in gas turbine inlet temperature in The Research Institute of AMG is conducting research and development to apply these composite materials as parts for gas generators that operate at ultra-high temperatures. The research period is nine years and one month, from March 1993 to March 2002, as shown in In the AMG program, we are engaged in the R&D of application technology and processing technology for CMC parts with the aim of applying CMC materials to gas generator static parts. In this paper, we describe the results of our evaluation of CMC's applicability as a combustor liner based on an analysis of thermal stress and evaluation of a CMC liner model, and a

    Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Developing after Eradication of Helicobacter pylori

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    A 75-year-old man underwent endoscopic hemostatic therapy for hemorrhagic gastric ulcer in September 2002. After healing of the gastric ulcer, he underwent Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in February 2003. In August 2007, an irregular tumor was detected in the lower esophagus at annual checkup for gastric cancer screening using X-ray. Endoscopic examination showed that the lower margin of the tumor almost coincided with the esophagogastric junction and that a short segment of Barrett's epithelium existed near the tumor. Biopsies of the tumor showed moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Mild reflux esophagitis and minor hiatal hernia was also observed, and the previously treated gastric ulcer was not recurrent. Absence of H. pylori was confirmed by serum antibody and urea breath test. Surgical resection of the lower esophagus and proximal stomach was performed. The tumor invaded into the muscularis propria of the esophageal wall but had no evidence of lymph node metastasis. Based on macroscopic and pathological findings, the tumor was recognized as esophageal adenocarcinoma. Previous endoscopic examination did not detect any apparent signs of tumor in the esophagogastric junction. As far as we know, this is the first report documenting a newly developed esophageal adenocarcinoma after the successful eradication of H. pylori

    Transmission electron microscopic observations of nanobubbles and their capture of impurities in wastewater

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    Unique properties of micro- and nanobubbles (MNBs), such as a high adsorption of impurities on their surface, are difficult to verify because MNBs are too small to observe directly. We thus used a transmission electron microscope (TEM) with the freeze-fractured replica method to observe oxygen (O2) MNBs in solutions. MNBs in pure water and in 1% NaCl solutions were spherical or oval. Their size distribution estimated from TEM images close to that of the original solution is measured by light-scattered methods. When we applied this technique to the observation of O2 MNBs formed in the wastewater of a sewage plant, we found the characteristic features of spherical MNBs that adsorbed surrounding impurity particles on their surface

    The Rosetta Stone Project – Integrating experimental results on debris flow mechanics across the scales: Next results

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    We present the combined efforts of a research network designed to address the many challenges in the experimental modelling of debris flow phenomena. The approach has been to use apparatuses of different functional arrangement and at different scale with identical and commonly sourced flow materials from the highly idealised (dry, coarse and uniform) to the highly complex (well graded, segregating, fluid saturated). Here we briefly present some key findings of the network and point to the research questions that are currently being addressed. This complementary view of experimental debris flows helps to constrain methodological artefacts/scale effects and to identify key processes responsible for the diverse appearance and often high mobility of debris flows