24 research outputs found

    In Situ Photodegradation of Incorporated Polyanion Does Not Alter Prion Infectivity

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    Single-stranded polyanions ≥40 bases in length facilitate the formation of hamster scrapie prions in vitro, and polyanions co-localize with PrPSc aggregates in vivo [1], [2]. To test the hypothesis that intact polyanionic molecules might serve as a structural backbone essential for maintaining the infectious conformation(s) of PrPSc, we produced synthetic prions using a photocleavable, 100-base oligonucleotide (PC-oligo). In serial Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (sPMCA) reactions using purified PrPC substrate, PC-oligo was incorporated into physical complexes with PrPSc molecules that were resistant to benzonase digestion. Exposure of these nuclease-resistant prion complexes to long wave ultraviolet light (315 nm) induced degradation of PC-oligo into 5 base fragments. Light-induced photolysis of incorporated PC-oligo did not alter the infectivity of in vitro-generated prions, as determined by bioassay in hamsters and brain homogenate sPMCA assays. Neuropathological analysis also revealed no significant differences in the neurotropism of prions containing intact versus degraded PC-oligo. These results show that polyanions >5 bases in length are not required for maintaining the infectious properties of in vitro-generated scrapie prions, and indicate that such properties are maintained either by short polyanion remnants, other co-purified cofactors, or by PrPSc molecules alone

    Trans-Dominant Inhibition of Prion Propagation In Vitro Is Not Mediated by an Accessory Cofactor

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    Previous studies identified prion protein (PrP) mutants which act as dominant negative inhibitors of prion formation through a mechanism hypothesized to require an unidentified species-specific cofactor termed protein X. To study the mechanism of dominant negative inhibition in vitro, we used recombinant PrPC molecules expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells as substrates in serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification (sPMCA) reactions. Bioassays confirmed that the products of these reactions are infectious. Using this system, we find that: (1) trans-dominant inhibition can be dissociated from conversion activity, (2) dominant-negative inhibition of prion formation can be reconstituted in vitro using only purified substrates, even when wild type (WT) PrPC is pre-incubated with poly(A) RNA and PrPSc template, and (3) Q172R is the only hamster PrP mutant tested that fails to convert into PrPSc and that can dominantly inhibit conversion of WT PrP at sub-stoichiometric levels. These results refute the hypothesis that protein X is required to mediate dominant inhibition of prion propagation, and suggest that PrP molecules compete for binding to a nascent seeding site on newly formed PrPSc molecules, most likely through an epitope containing residue 172

    Defining the Conformational Features of Anchorless, Poorly Neuroinvasive Prions

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    Infectious prions cause diverse clinical signs and form an extraordinary range of structures, from amorphous aggregates to fibrils. How the conformation of a prion dictates the disease phenotype remains unclear. Mice expressing GPI-anchorless or GPI-anchored prion protein exposed to the same infectious prion develop fibrillar or nonfibrillar aggregates, respectively, and show a striking divergence in the disease pathogenesis. To better understand how a prion's physical properties govern the pathogenesis, infectious anchorless prions were passaged in mice expressing anchorless prion protein and the resulting prions were biochemically characterized. Serial passage of anchorless prions led to a significant decrease in the incubation period to terminal disease and altered the biochemical properties, consistent with a transmission barrier effect. After an intraperitoneal exposure, anchorless prions were only weakly neuroinvasive, as prion plaques rarely occurred in the brain yet were abundant in extracerebral sites such as heart and adipose tissue. Anchorless prions consistently showed very high stability in chaotropes or when heated in SDS, and were highly resistant to enzyme digestion. Consistent with the results in mice, anchorless prions from a human patient were also highly stable in chaotropes. These findings reveal that anchorless prions consist of fibrillar and highly stable conformers. The additional finding from our group and others that both anchorless and anchored prion fibrils are poorly neuroinvasive strengthens the hypothesis that a fibrillar prion structure impedes efficient CNS invasion

    Propagation of RML Prions in Mice Expressing PrP Devoid of GPI Anchor Leads to Formation of a Novel, Stable Prion Strain

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    PrPC, a host protein which in prion-infected animals is converted to PrPSc, is linked to the cell membrane by a GPI anchor. Mice expressing PrPC without GPI anchor (tgGPI- mice), are susceptible to prion infection but accumulate anchorless PrPSc extra-, rather than intracellularly. We investigated whether tgGPI− mice could faithfully propagate prion strains despite the deviant structure and location of anchorless PrPSc. We found that RML and ME7, but not 22L prions propagated in tgGPI− brain developed novel cell tropisms, as determined by the Cell Panel Assay (CPA). Surprisingly, the levels of proteinase K-resistant PrPSc (PrPres) in RML- or ME7-infected tgGPI− brain were 25–50 times higher than in wild-type brain. When returned to wild-type brain, ME7 prions recovered their original properties, however RML prions had given rise to a novel prion strain, designated SFL, which remained unchanged even after three passages in wild-type mice. Because both RML PrPSc and SFL PrPSc are stably propagated in wild-type mice we propose that the two conformations are separated by a high activation energy barrier which is abrogated in tgGPI− mice

    Prion Protein Glycosylation Is Not Required for Strain-Specific Neurotropism▿ †

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    In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the glycosylation of the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc) might encode the selective neurotropism of prion strains. We prepared unglycosylated cellular prion protein (PrPC) substrate molecules from normal mouse brain by treatment with PNGase F and used reconstituted serial protein cyclic misfolding amplification reactions to produce RML and 301C mouse prions containing unglycosylated PrPSc molecules. Both RML- and 301C-derived prions containing unglycosylated PrPSc molecules were infectious to wild-type mice, and neuropathological analysis showed that mice inoculated with these samples maintained strain-specific patterns of PrPSc deposition and neuronal vacuolation. These results show that PrPSc glycosylation is not necessary for strain-dependent prion neurotropism