114 research outputs found

    Analisis Pembentukan Portofolio Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Lq45 Dengan Pendekatan Metode Markowitz Menggunakan Gui Matlab

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    Portfolio is one of ways in investment activity that undertaken by more than one asset with intent to determining the amount of proportion of investment that to be made in a certain period of time. To determine optimal portofolio, one of analysis model which can be played is Markowitz. Markowitz exressed through diversification concept (with making of the optimal stock of portfolio), investor can maximize the expected income from investments with specific risk level or seeking to minimize risk to target certain profit level. To simplify the calculation of the portfolio for public, there is an application that made by using GUI in Matlab. Matlab (Matrix Laboratory) is an interactive programming system with basic elements of array database which dimensions do not need to be stated in a particular way, while the GUI is the submenu of Matlab. Generally, Matlab GUI is more easily learned and used because it worked without need to know the commandments and how the command works. The data used in this study consists of five types of assets in the LQ45 group, there are BBNI, PWON, PTBA, INCO, dan KLBF. In determining the portfolio proportion used trial and error method and Lagrange method. Based on the portfolio proportion of both methods obtained the optimal portfolio is almost the same

    Prediksi Return Portofolio Menggunakan Metode Kalman Filter

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    Stock is an evidence for individual or institutional ownership about a company. To cover losses in stocks investment, should be done diversification to spread risk in some stocks called as portfolio. Portfolio is a joint of two or more stocks investment that are choosen as investment's targets over spesific time periods and certain rules. To minimize losses in stocks investment, needed to predict portfolio return for some coming periods. Good prediction has small difference with actual data. One method that can minimize MSE is Kalman Filter. Kalman Filter estimates a process through feed back Control Mechanism called recursion. The variable used are monthly portfolio return of PT Mayora Indah Tbk and PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk in January 2005 until December 2015. Data In January 2005 until December 2014 are used to predict the return portfolio for Year 2015. After that, an interval is made for those forecast results and compare with actual data. If actual data are residing in the interval, then Kalman Filter method can be used to predict portfolio return for year 2016. The MSE value with kalman Filter is 0,00225 and the MSE value with Box-Jenkis method is 0,00253, so Kalman Filter can minimize the MSE value

    Analisis Pasien Rawat Inap Berdasarkan Kelas Perawatan Di Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang Dengan Metode Antrian

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    Health is the right of everyone. RSUP Dr. Kariadi as one of the health service facilities has an obligation to provide service optimally to overcome the necessities and complaints of the patients. Nevertheless, the high number of patients that are not in balance with the amount of service facilities be constraints in achieving this purpose, so the patient must be entered the waiting-list or having a queuing situation. This situation happens in queuing system of the hospitalization patients at the place for registration of hospitalization patients (TPPRI) and at the care room installation of hospitalization A and B RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the queuing system models that is appropriately with the conditions and characteristics of the queuing at TPPRI and care room that classified based on care class. So it can help in determining the decision to achieve the effective and efficient service. From the analysis result, the best queuing model for TPPRI is and for the care room that is classified based on care class are for the main class, for the first class, for second class, dan the last for third class

    Pendekatan Regresi Polinomial Orthogonal Untuk Menentukan Kadar Salinitas Dan Konsentrasi Larutan Kitosan Pada Pembuatan Antibakteri

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    Indonesia is one of the countries with big marine resource. It can cause increased marine waste, such as the shells. Shells can be processed into chitosan. Chitosan has the benefits with high economic value, one of the benefit is became a source of natural antibacterial. Antibacterial test of the chitosan and salinity of the S. aureus bactery indicating inhibition zone formation. The larger inhibition zone indicated that antibacterial produced is better. To optimize the level of salinity and concentration of chitosan so this is used polynomial orthogonal regression approach. This approach can be done on design with the quantitative factors and it have same distance. Determination of the degree of polynomial orthogonal based on orthogonal contrasts that have significant factor of salinity and concentration of chitosan, then it can be determined the shape of regression equation. From the that equation can be determined the extreme points using a differential count. When return to the form of the design it can be determined in what levels of salinity and concentration of chitosan that can maximize the inhibition zone in millimeters. After optimization obtained maximum value of salinity is 18,2846375915% and concentration of chitosan is 1,999699328% with assessment of inhibition zone of antibacterial for S. aureus is 1,72486650 mm

    Estimasi Parameter Distribusi Weibull Dua Parameter Menggunakan Metode Bayes

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    Interval estimation of a parameter is one part of statistical inference. One of the methods that used is the Bayes method. A Bayesian method is combine prior distribution and distribution of samples, so that the posterior distribution can be obtained. Interval estimation using a method Bayes called credibel interval estimation. In this thesis, the distribution of the sample is used a two-parameter Weibull distribution scale-shape-version of survival distribution (reliability). Data that used are data that is not censored data type and data type II censored if prior distribution using non-informative which of the produce distribution the resulting posterior distribution is gamma distribution. Parameters of the sample distribution that to find out is a parameter that by the parameter c (shape parameter) known while the parameter b (scale parameter) had unknown

    Prediksi Inflasi Beberapa Kota Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 2014 Menggunakan Metode Vector Autoregressive (Var)

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    Inflation is a situation where there is an increase in the general price level. Inflation for goods and services purchased by consumers is measured by changes in the Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK). Determination of the amount, type and quality of commodities in the package of goods and services in the IHK is based on the Survey Biaya Hidup (SBH). In Central Java, there are only four cities covered in the implementation of SBH, namely Purwokerto, Solo, Semarang, and Tegal. It was the underlying researchers took the four cities. In this case, researchers taken for the period of 2009-2013. Inflation Purwokerto, Solo, Semarang, and Tegal is a multivariate time series that show activity for a certain period. One method to analyze multivariate time series is Vector Autoregressive (VAR). VAR method is one of the multivariate time series analysis of variables that can be used to predict and assess the relationship between variables. Inflation researchers predict that by 2014 the four cities using VAR (1). Chosen VAR (1) is based on the results of some tests. VAR (1) have the optimal lag value, there is no correlation between the residual lag, and the value Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is smaller than the other models

    Analisis Antrian Pengunjung Dan Kinerja Sistem Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Semarang

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    Department of Population and Civil Registration (Dispendukcapil) has the duty of assistance in the field of population and civil registration. Civil registration services such as services related to birth, death, marriage, and divorce. As a service provider, Dispendukcapil of Semarang has the motto "No Day Without Service Quality Improvement". Queuing problem is that often occur and must be considered. The queue situation occurs because the number of visitors to a service facility exceeds the available capacity to perform such services. A system is always trying to serve visitors well in accordance with the rate of arrival of each visitor. Therefore please note the size of the system's performance on each section on service system. Dispendukcapil queuing system at Semarang city located on the Legalized, Change Data, Birth, Death, Divorce/Marriage, and Decision Act. Based on the results obtained and the analysis of models of queuing at the counter is Legalized (G/G/2):(GD/∞/∞), while the counter is Birth (G/G/3):(GD/∞/∞), the Change the counter Data, Death, Divorce / Marriage is (M/G/1):(GD/∞/∞) and Decision Deed is (G/G/1):(GD/∞/∞)

    Nihon ni okeru 80sai ijo koreisha ni taisuru haien kyukin tatotai wakuchin to haien kyukin ketsugogata wakuchin no meneki gensei anzensei no hikaku : opunraberu musakuika hikaku shiken

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    Ikan bandeng merupakan bahan makanan yang tinggi akan protein, vitamin dan mineral. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan pemasaran adalah mix marketing, salah satunya adalah mix marketing produk. Mix marketing produk yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan diversifikasi produk. Olahan ikan bandeng yang terkenal adalah di kabupaten Pati. UKM Primadona merupakan UKM yang bergerak pada olahan ikan bandeng dan merupakan salah satu UKM binaan dari Universitas Diponegoro dalam program pengabdian Ipteks bagi Produk Ekspor (IbPE) 2016-2018. Dalam binaan tersebut, yang menjadi salah satu program adalah diversifikasi produk UKM Diversifikasi produk yang dilakukan oleh UKM Primadona atas binaan tim pengabdi adalah keripik kulit dan abon duri ikan bandeng. Kulit ikan bandeng merupakan hasil filet dari daging ikan bandeng. Kulit ikan bandeng dicampur dengan tepung beras, tepung tapiokan dan rempah-rempah lainnya untuk diolah menjadi keripik kulit yang renyah. Tekstur keripik kulit ikan bandeng adalah renyah, mempunyai pola sisik ikan. Kandungan protein, vitamin dan mineral keripik kulit ikan bandeng juga cukup tinggi. Untuk abon duri ikan bandeng sangat berkhasiat karena kandungan kalsiumnya cukup tinggi

    Pengelolaan Data Persampahan pada Bank Sampah Sempulur Asri Gedawang

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    Bank sampah adalah suatu sistem pengelolaan sampah kering secara kolektif yang mendorong masyarakat untuk berperan serta aktif di dalamnya. Sistem ini akan menampung, memilah, dan menyalurkan sampah bernilai ekonomi sehingga masyarakat mendapat keuntungan ekonomi dari menabung sampah. Keberadaan bank sampah mempunyai arti penting baik dari sisi lingkungan maupun ekonomi. Pada Bank Sampah Sempulur Asri pengelolaan dan pencatatan data yang dilakukan masih sangat sederhana karena keterbatasan kemampuan dari pengelola maupun masih kurangnya kesadaran akan pentingnya pencatatan data persampahan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesadaran dan kemampuan mencatat data persampahan bagi pengelola bank sampah Sempulur Asri. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pendampingan menabung serta pelatihan terhadap pengurus bank sampah dan perwakilan warga tentang pengelolaan data persampahan pada suatu bank sampah. Tim pengabdian membuatkan buku tabungan yang memuat volume sampah yang ditabung serta nominal harga yang ditetapkan sesuai jenis dan harga sampah. Setelah dilakukan pendampingan dan pelatihan, administrasi menjadi lebih rapi dan telah sesuai dengan aturan standar pada bank sampah