25 research outputs found


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    L’Europa è oggi attraversata da una forte domanda di autonomia da parte dei territori: da un lato, a tutela dell’identità delle comunità locali e, dall’altro, per la crescente rivendicazione di una più ampia rappresentanza delle cittadinanze. Queste istanze possono, però, mettere a rischio gli obiettivi di equilibrio e di coesione economica, sociale e territoriale, da sempre al centro della riflessione e delle proposte sviluppate dagli studiosi delle scienze regionali. La recente crisi ha acuito l’instabilità e allargato i complessivi divari tra le regioni, anche nella loro dinamica interna di evoluzione. Alla resilienza economica non sempre è corrisposto, nell’attuale transizione verso un nuovo paradigma, il mantenimento di solidi livelli di coesione sociale e di integrazione tra aree e comunità. Il volume raccoglie una selezione di contributi presentati alla XXXIX Conferenza Italiana di Scienze Regionali, svoltasi a Bolzano il 17, 18 e 19 settembre 2018. Nella sua articolazione, esso si sviluppa in tre parti. La prima analizza il tema della domanda di autonomia da parte dei territori all’interno dello sviluppo economico e sociale di regioni e paesi, e dell’attuale dibattito sul federalismo differenziato. Nella seconda le riflessioni si estendono alla crescente disparità tra aree centrali e aree periferiche, tra aree interne e aree esposte, tra Nord e Sud dei Paesi e dell’Europa, mentre nella terza parte, l’analisi guarda ai mutevoli equilibri tra territori e sistemi locali urbani e rurali, tra pianura e montagna e, all’interno delle aree montane, tra i fondivalle maggiormente urbanizzati e i territori di alta quota, zone spesso di confine tra province, regioni e stati. La novità editoriale di quest’anno è rappresentata da uno spazio dedicato a brevi contributi a cura di giovani autori vincitori dei premi AISRe.Europe is today crossed by a strong demand for autonomy from the territories: to protect the identity of local communities and, also analyze the growing demand for a broader representation of citizens. However, these issues can jeopardize the objectives of balance and economic, social and territorial cohesion, which have always been at the center of the reflection and proposals developed by scholars of regional sciences. The recent crisis has worsened instability and widened the overall gaps between the regions, including in their internal dynamics of evolution. Economic resilience is not always matched, in the current transition towards a new paradigm, by maintaining solid levels of social cohesion and integration between areas and communities. The volume collects a selection of contributions presented at the XXXIX Italian Conference of Regional Science, held in Bolzano on 17, 18 and 19 September 2018. The volume is divided into three parts. The first analyzes the issue of the demand for autonomy by the territories within the economic and social development of regions and countries, and the current debate on differentiated federalism. In the second, the reflections extend to the growing disparity between central and peripheral areas, between internal and exposed areas, between North and South of countries and Europe, while in the third part, the analysis looks at the changing balance between territories and systems. urban and rural areas, between plains and mountains and, within mountain areas, between the most urbanized valleys and high altitude territories, areas often bordering provinces, regions and states. This year ia space is dedicated to short contributions by young authors who have won the AISRe Awards


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    Europe today is crossed by a strong demand for autonomy from the territories: on the one hand, to protect the identities of local communities and, on the other, for the growing demand for a wider representation of resident citizens. However, these requests can jeopardize the objectives of balance and integration between parts of the territory and between those who live in them, objectives that have always been at the center of reflection and proposals developed in the context of regional sciences. The recent crisis has heightened instability and widened economic and social gaps not only between regions, but also within the regions themselves. The North-South gaps in Italy have further increased and, in a post-crisis phase, this unstoppable process requires ever greater scientific and policy insights in terms of commitment and intervention capacity. If the economic growth of the past decade had found impetus in expanding the spaces of relationships and exchanges, the responses to the threats brought about by the crisis materialized in the closure of borders and in the defense of local levels of well-being. A particular specification of this theme also concerns the relationships between urban and rural territories and local systems, between plains and mountains as well as mountain areas, . The preface is therefore an acute reflection on issues of urgent relevance for Italy and of great interest for the regional sciences, accepting important scientific and policy challenges

    Agritourism around the globe: Definitions, authenticity, and potential controversy

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    This commentary identifies the variability in definitions of agritourism that exists in a variety of different countries, discusses reasons why this variability might produce problems, and provides examples of efforts to harmonize these definitions, including an ongoing international dialogue on the topic

    Modelling and simulating change in reforesting mountain landscapes using a social-ecological framework

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    Natural reforestation of European mountain landscapes raises major environmental and societal issues. With local stakeholders in the Pyrenees National Park area (France), we studied agricultural landscape colonisation by ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to enlighten its impacts on biodiversity and other landscape functions of importance for the valley socio-economics. The study comprised an integrated assessment of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) since the 1950s, and a scenario analysis of alternative future policy. We combined knowledge and methods from landscape ecology, land change and agricultural sciences, and a set of coordinated field studies to capture interactions and feedback in the local landscape/land-use system. Our results elicited the hierarchically-nested relationships between social and ecological processes. Agricultural change played a preeminent role in the spatial and temporal patterns of LUCC. Landscape colonisation by ash at the parcel level of organisation was merely controlled by grassland management, and in fact depended on the farmer's land management at the whole-farm level. LUCC patterns at the landscape level depended to a great extent on interactions between farm household behaviours and the spatial arrangement of landholdings within the landscape mosaic. Our results stressed the need to represent the local SES function at a fine scale to adequately capture scenarios of change in landscape functions. These findings orientated our modelling choices in the building an agent-based model for LUCC simulation (SMASH - Spatialized Multi-Agent System of landscape colonization by ASH). We discuss our method and results with reference to topical issues in interdisciplinary research into the sustainability of multifunctional landscapes

    Der Agrarstrukturwandel in den Alpen 1980- 2000: Ein Vergleich harmonisierter Agrarstrukturindikatoren auf Gemeindeebene im Alpenkonventionsgebiet

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    In the whole area of the Alps, the agro-structural change between 1980-2000 shows a significant decline of the farms (-40%). Alpine Regions with relatively stable situations (Austria, Switzerland) stand against those ones with major structural changes (Italy, Slovenia). The causes for these processes are manifold and concern cultural, agro-political,and economic as well as intra-farm factors. This study analyses form and dimension of the agro-structural change. Contrary to expectations, the Alpine regions did not always register a more significant structural change than non-alpine regions. Besides clear contrasts on the national and regional level, the analyses show that there are also parallels in the development of the agrarian patterns. In the Alps there are areas with moderate Germany/Austria/Switzerland), dynamic (Italy/Slovenia) and uncorrelated (France)developments (1980-2000) of farms and the utilized agricultural area. Der Agrarstrukturwandel 1980-2000 zeigt im gesamten Alpenraum einen starken Rückgang (-40 %) der Betriebe. Alpenräume mit stabilen Verhältnissen (AT, CH), stehen Alpenräumen mit einem starken Strukturwandel (IT, SI) gegenüber. Hierfür sind vielfältige kulturelle, agrarpolitische, ökonomische und innerbetriebliche Faktoren verantwortlich. Die Untersuchung analysiert Art und Ausmaß der Veränderungen der betrieblichen Strukturen. Der Alpenraum hat entgegen den Erwartungen nicht immer einen stärkeren Strukturwandel erfahren als die Nicht-Alpenräume. Neben den deutlichen Gegensätzen auf nationaler und regionaler Ebene, gehen aus den Analysen auch Parallelen bei der Entwicklung der Agrarstrukturen hervor. Es existieren Alpenräume mit einer moderaten (DE/AT/CH), dynamischen (IT/SI) und unkorrelierten (FR) Entwicklung (1980-2000) der Betriebe und Nutzflächen

    La nuova geografia delle Alpi: le conseguenze delle nuove linee ferroviarie ad alta velocità sul territorio (peri)alpino

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    Le infrastrutture ferroviarie alpine si stanno innovando profondamente, come testimonia la recente inaugurazione della galleria di base del Gottardo. Attualmente sono attivi diversi cantieri; altri, che prevedono ingenti investimenti economici, sono in programma nei prossimi anni. Con queste opere, si intendono migliorare i collegamenti ferroviari tra il nord e il sud delle Alpi, rendendo il trasporto su rotaia competitivo con quello su strada e favorendo così uno shift modale verso forme di trasporto meno impattanti, quali appunto la ferrovia. Il libro analizza gli interventi transnazionali più importanti e li contestualizza all’interno di una più ampia politica dei trasporti, che non include soltanto misure di infrastrutturazione, ma prevede anche altre misure integrative, di cui vengono evidenziati i rischi e le sfide attese. Tale politica non si riferisce alle sole Alpi, ma si estende alle aree limitrofe, dove sono localizzate realtà urbane di ordine superiore. In riferimento alle nuove linee ferroviarie ad alta velocità, vengono valutati le variazioni dei tempi di percorrenza e di accessibilità e gli impatti indiretti prodotti a livello territoriale. Grazie a specifiche mappe (basate non solo sulla rappresentazione della distanza fisica, ma anche della distanza temporale), è possibile capire l’incidenza delle nuove infrastrutture ferroviarie sul territorio, dando luogo ad una vera e propria “nuova geografia” delle Alpi

    The Effects of the Planned High-Speed Rail System on Travel Times and Spatial Development in the European Alps.

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    One of the direct effects of introducing high-speed railway lines is a significant reduction in travel times between major cities. This is particularly relevant in mountain areas. It not only makes cities more easily reachable with more sustainable transport systems, but can also encourage different travel behavior and reduce environmental pressures on sensitive areas. A comprehensive analysis of the spatiotemporal effects of the introduction of high-speed railways in the Alpine arc has not yet been developed. To help fill this gap, this study uses multidimensional scaling and the geographical information system to illustrate the time–space compression. This term indicates the erosion of spatial and temporal distances, resulted in the areas of the Alps directly affected by the new railway lines. Six trans-Alpine high-speed railway lines are analyzed, comparing current and projected travel times by train. A time-based map is created to show the time-space compression in every transversal direction, particularly on the French and the Austrian side of the Alps. Implications in terms of local accessibility are also analyzed, focusing on the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen-South Tyrol. Finally, the paper discusses the importance of time-based maps for the understanding of sociospatial dynamics and the possible implications for spatial development

    Le Regioni d\u2019Europa tra identit\ue0 locali, nuove comunit\ue0 e disparit\ue0 territoriali

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    L\u2019Europa oggi \ue8 attraversata da una forte domanda di autonomia da parte dei territori: da un lato, a tutela delle identit\ue0 delle comunit\ue0 locali e, dall\u2019altro, per la crescente richiesta di una pi\uf9 ampia rappresentanza delle cittadinanze residenti. Tali istanze possono, per\uf2, mettere a rischio gli obiettivi di equilibrio e di integrazione tra parti del territorio e tra chi le abita, obiettivi da sempre al centro della riflessione e delle proposte sviluppate nell\u2019ambito delle scienze regionali. Il volume offre un importante punto di vista su un tema alquanto complesso come quello delle autonomie, accogliendo le riflessioni provenienti da discipline diverse e analizzando le esperienze maturate a diverse scale territoriali e in diversi paesi

    A preliminary study of dynamic stall noise

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