13,797 research outputs found

    Fragmenting densely mineralised acellular protrusions from articular calcified cartilage: a role in osteoarthritis?

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    Fragmenting densely mineralised acellular protrusions from articular calcified cartilage: a role in osteoarthritis? A. Boyde a, G.R. Davis a, D. Mills a, T. Zikmund a, V.L. Adams b, L.R. Ranganath b, N. Jeffery b, J.A. Gallagher b a Dental Physical Sciences, Oral Growth and Development, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK b Department of Musculoskeletal Biology, Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Objectives High density mineralised protrusions (HDMP) from the tidemark mineralising front into hyaline articular cartilage (HAC) were first discovered in Thoroughbred racehorse fetlock joints and later in Icelandic horse hock joints. If these fragment, they could make a significant contribution to joint destruction in osteoarthritis. We looked for them in human material. Methods Whole femoral heads removed at operation for joint replacement or from dissection room cadavers were studied by MRI DESS at 0.23mm resolution and 26 micron resolution high contrast x-ray microtomography (XMT), then sectioned and embedded in PMMA, and block faces polished and the blocks re-imaged with 6 micron resolution XMT. Tissue mineralisation density was imaged qualitatively by backscattered electron SEM (BSE SEM) at 20kV using uncoated samples at 50Pa chamber pressure to achieve charge neutralisation. HAC histology was studied by BSE SEM after staining block faces with ammonium triiodide solution. Block surfaces were sequentially repolished and restained. Results Figure: 3D rendering of 6 micron voxel resolution XMT data set showing HDMP complex projecting above subchondral bone plate. Human femoral head removed at arthroplasty. We found examples of HDMP in HAC in human hips. Their 3D shapes are complex and may show cutting blade forms. Their mineral content (a) exceeds that of articular calcified cartilage (ACC), otherwise the densest tissue in the joint and (b) is not uniform. The mineral phase morphology frequently shows the agglomeration of many fine particles into larger concretions. Cracks within them are frequent. Dense fragments may be found within damaged HAC. Conclusions HDMP arise via the extrusion of an uncharacterised matrix into clefts in HAC. Little evidence of their existence remains after tissue has been decalcified with usual histological protocols. Their formation may be an extension of a normal but poorly recognised crack self-healing mechanism found in bone and ACC. They are surrounded by HAC, are dense and brittle and show innumerable fault lines within them. We provide evidence that they break in vivo by being able to find matching fragments in HAC. We conclude that these hard and sharp particles contribute to the shredding destruction of HAC. The osteoarthritis research community should be aware of their existence so that the frequency and possible clinical significance can be assessed in the future. Larger HDMP can be detected with the best MRI imaging

    Relaxation process of Fe(CuNb)SiB amorphous alloys investigated by dynamical calorimetry

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    Differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic differential scanning calorimetry were used to analyze the relaxation process of Fe(CuNb)SiB amorphous alloys. The Curie temperature(TC) evolution of the amorphous phase during relaxation as a function of heating rate, time and pre-annealing temperature were measured. Two distinct relaxation processes are observed, consequent with topological and chemical short range order changes

    Positive exchange bias in FeF2-Fe bilayers

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    We have discovered a positive unidirectional exchange anisotropy in antiferromagnetic (FeF2) and ferromagnetic (Fe) bilayers cooled through the antiferromagnetic critical temperature TN in large magnetic fields. For low positive cooling fields, the ferromagnet's magnetization ( M−H) loop center shifts to negative fields, as is normally observed in other systems. In contrast, large cooling fields can cause the shift to be positive. This can be explained if the FeF2 surface spins couple to the external magnetic cooling field above TN and the FeF2-Fe interaction is antiferromagnetic

    Perpendicular coupling at Fe-FeF2 interfaces

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.We have studied the exchange anisotropy of ferromagnetic Fe filmsgrown on antiferromagneticFeF2single crystals. The behavior of the hysteresis loops of the Fe above and below the Néel temperature TN of FeF2 indicates a 90° rotation of the ferromagnetic easy axis due to the antiferromagnetic ordering. By examining the Fe hysteresis loops together with the FeF2susceptibility behavior we infer that below TN the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spins are coupled perpendicular to each other. This behavior can be explained by recent micromagnetic calculations on exchange bias systems, or by magnetoelastic effects
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