4,671 research outputs found

    Tail States in a Superconductor with Magnetic Impurities

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    A field theoretic approach is developed to investigate the profile and spectrum of sub-gap states in a superconductor subject to a weak magnetic impurity potential. Such states are found to be associated with inhomogeneous supersymmetry broken instanton configurations of the action.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figure


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    The effects of managing soil with organic amendments were examined with respect to soil microbial community dynamics, macroaggregate formation, and plant physio-genetic responses. The objective was to examine the possibility of managing soil microbial communities via soil management, such that the microbial community would provide agronomic benefits. In part one of this research, effects of three amendments (hairy vetch residue, manure, compost) on soil chemical and microbial properties were examined relative to formation of large macroaggregates in three different soils. Vetch and manure promoted fungal proliferation (measured via two biomarkers: fatty acid methyl ester 18:2ω6c and ergosterol) and also stimulated the greatest macroaggregate formation. In part two of this research, effects of soil management (same amendments as above, inorganic N fertilization, organic production) on soil chemical and microbial properties were examined relative to the expression of nitrogen assimilation and defense response genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Soil management affected expression of a nitrogen assimilation gene (GS1, glutamine synthetase) and several defense-related genes. The GS1 gene was downregulated with inorganic N fertilization, expression of the pathogenesis-related PR1b gene (which codes for the pathogenesis-related PR1b protein) was increased in plants grown in soil amended with compost, vetch, and N fertilizer, and expression of three other defense-related genes coding for chitinase (ChiB), osmotin (Osm), and β-1,3-glucanase (GluA) were decreased in plants from soil amended with manure and in plants from the organically managed soil. Differential expression of defense-related genes was inversely related to the relative abundance of Gram-negative bacteria. The relative abundance of the 18:1ω7c Gram‑negative bacterial biomarker was greatest in manure treated soil and in organically managed soil (which recieves seasonal manure applications). These treatments also had the lowest expression of ChiB, Osm, and GluA, leading to speculation that manure, through increases in Gram-negative bacteria, may have suppressed populations of soil organisms that induce a defense response in plants, possibly allowing for less-stressed plants. Outcomes of this research may be useful for those interested in developing management strategies for maintaining or improving soil structure as well as those interested in understanding management effects plant physio-genetic responses

    A survey of logging residues in West Virginia, 1995

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    Species diversity and biogeography of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Louisiana with notes on their ecology

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    Over three decades have passed since the completion of Moser and Blum\u27s (1960) treatment of the ants of Louisiana. This research represents a significant contribution to and update of their work. I report the first-ever comprehensive assessment of the Louisiana Formicid fauna. More than 100 species from 38 genera and eight subfamilies are covered. This faunistic survey gives valuable data of biodiversity and macro/microhabitat selection of ant species. Included are keys to all subfamilies, genera, and species with illustrations photographs, and a regional map for each species

    Harvest utilization rates and strategies for enhanced value recovery during primary processing in the central appalachian region

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    West Virginia has an abundant forest resource base that has underpinned portions of its economy for decades. These forests support a diverse primary and secondary forest products industry. A common thread that ensures the continued success of the forest industry, from the private landowners to the manufactures of fine furniture, is the strength of the logging and primary processing components of this supply chain. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the use of raw materials on logging operations, to understand the financial and operational aspects related to pulpwood merchandising, and to investigate new strategies for the development of standard hardwood log grades.;Whole-tree and landing-based utilization rates were determined from data collected on 30 active logging jobs in West Virginia during 2008. Utilization is defined as the amount of volume that is delivered to market over the total volume harvested for individual tree stems. On average, 3.6 markets were used by the loggers sampled. The average whole-tree utilization rate in the woods was 88% and was over 97% on the landings sampled. No relationship between the number of markets and utilization rate was determined. Results from this study provide estimates on the efficiency of forest resource use as well as the characteristics and quantity of material being left after harvest.;Roundwood merchandising operations have been seen as a potential way to supply raw materials to bioenergy facilities at competitive costs. The feasibility of developing such a facility in the central Appalachians was investigated. The purchase and subsequent merchandising of over 188 tons of hardwood pulpwood resulted in negative net revenues for all species studied. Handling cost was one of the largest contributing factors. As markets and pricing change, the metrics developed in this analysis can be used to produce new estimates of merchandising profitability.;Hardwood sawlog yield information is an important component that helps define hardwood sawmill profitability. This research investigated the use of cluster analyses and ordinal logistic regression in segregating red oak sawlogs based on potential revenue. A combination of statistical classification and an applied approach was found to be the best method for developing log grades. The final log grading table presented is not without problem; however it is the first comprehensive investigation of log grades in over 45 years and will help to begin the dialogue towards the development of a standardized hardwood log grading system

    Examining firefighter decision making process and choice in virtual reality

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    Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation, with over 100 fatalities and 85,000 injuries in the United States annually (National Fallen Firefighter Foundation, 2005). Though poor decision making may contribute to this high prevalence, surprisingly few studies exist of how emergency responders make decisions. The objective of this study was to utilize the virtual reality environment to identify relationships among firefighter experience, decision-making processes, and acute stress. Broadly, the research questions asked what were the effects of tradeoff values, time pressure, and experience on decision-making characteristics in firefighters; as well as, what were the associations of physiological responses to stress with firefighter decision making? The rationale for this research was that, once decision-making processes by firefighters are better understood, and the relationships among decision-making quality, stress, and firefighting experience are identified, decision-making quality may be enhanced. Interventions could lead to the acceleration of the development of expertise in novices. Utilizing the highest-resolution computerized virtual reality system in the world on the campus of Iowa State University, participants were exposed to realistic scenarios varying in the stressors of time pressure and tradeoff values. Decision-making processes and final decision choice were assessed in real-time, while heart rate and blood pressure were used to characterize participants\u27 stress state. A total of 62 career firefighters from fire departments throughout central Iowa participated in this study. Several important findings in this study included the identification of two previously unclassified decision strategies: diminished expectations (DE) and poliheuristic to diminished expectations (POLI2DE). Other findings showed that decision tasks under high tradeoff resulted in significantly less time, required the processing of less information, and were significantly more alternative-based in the search review process. Novices took less time to reach a decision and utilized dimension-based information search patterns more frequently. When time pressure was high, the time to decision decreased significantly and may have been perceived less as a challenge-related task, than under low time pressure. Between 48 - 55% of participants utilized recognition primed decision-making strategy while under time pressure. Lastly, novices seemed to best recognize the scenario, in that none misidentified the scenario under both low and high time pressure
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