819 research outputs found

    Co-constructing a new framework for evaluating social innovation in marginalized rural areas

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    The EU funded H2020 project \u2018Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas\u2019 (SIMRA; www.simra-h2020.eu) has the overall objective of advancing the state-of-the-art in social innovation. This paper outlines the process for co- developing an evaluation framework with stakeholders, drawn from across Europe and the Mediterranean area, in the fields of agriculture, forestry and rural development. Preliminary results show the importance of integrating process and outcome-oriented evaluations, and implementing participatory approaches in evaluation practice. They also raise critical issues related to the comparability of primary data in diverse regional contexts and highlight the need for mixed methods approaches in evaluation

    a community forest case-study in Tanzania

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    The current debate on climate change, especially with respect to the role of REDD projects and the push for the recognition of community (participatory) forest management as a carbon mitigation option represents a potential for communities to receive benefits from carbon sequestration. A recent study in Tanzania has estimated that communities can receive financial benefits in thousands of US$ annually from the sale of their forest carbon credits. This notwithstanding, such kind of projects is expected to generate potential social and environmental costs with related risks of conflicts if benefit sharing and governance issues are not well addressed. However the identification and prioritization as well as the economic value of all these benefits and costs are still premature. An understanding of what these expected benefits from sustainable forest management and REDD projects are, how their (total) value can be assessed and who are stakeholders and actors in participatory forest management (PFM) can be useful in formulating equitable benefit sharing mechanisms based on principles of “good governance” that could be adopted in REDD projects implementation. The paper deals with these topics on the basis of empirical results based on a participatory action research carried out in the Angai Village Land Forest Reserve, Liwale District, in Tanzania in 2010. Guidelines for formulating governance mechanisms to reduce risks of negative social consequences and enhance benefits from PFM_REDD projects for local forest resources management are proposed. Equitable benefit sharing in PFM is considered one of the most important issues for community cohesion and conflicts solving/managing and in the avoidance of leakage or other risks in REDD projects

    Effects of micelle nature and concentration on the acid dissociation constants of the metal extractor PADA

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    The pyridine-2-azo-p-dimethylaniline (PADA) ligand presents two acid dissociation constants, being pKa1 related to the pyridinium and pKa2 related to the anilinium residue. These have been measured by spectrophotometric titrations in aqueous solutions containing either the anionic (SDS), or the non–ionic (Triton X-100) or the cationic (DTAC) surfactants. The pKai shifts of the charged systems from that of the PADA/Triton X-100 reference (∆pKai0) are compared. For PADA/DTAC ∆pKa10 = 0.05 and ∆pKa20 = 0.6. For PADA/SDS ∆pKa10 = 2.1 and ∆pKa20 = 2.1 both yielding the value of -126 mV for the surface potential (ψ) of SDS. The ψ value, lying between the calculated Stern potential and the zeta potential, indicates that the dye is located on the SDS micelles between the fixed and the shear layer. In contrast, the behaviour of PADA/DTAC is explained assuming that the positively charged deprotonation sites of PADA are forced to protrude towards the bulk solvent by the positive charges of DTAC micelles. The shifts of the apparent pKai from the aqueous values (∆pKaiw) have also been analysed. Concerning PADA/Triton X-100, the shifts ∆pKa1w = -0.1 and ∆pKa2w = -0.9 are rationalized in terms of dielectric constant reduction at the reaction sites. Concerning PADA/DTAC, ∆pKa1w= -0.05 and ∆pKa2w= -0.3 whereas, for PADA/SDS, ∆pKa1w = 2.0 and ∆pKa2w = 1.2. The pKa2w values decrease on raising the surfactant concentrations for all the investigated systems. This behaviour is explained assuming that the increase of the overall micellar surface and, by consequence, of the reaction sites number, results in a site dilution effect which disfavours proton association. The addition of NaCl induces changes of pKa1 and pKa2 which are explained in terms of (large) reduction of ψ for PADA/SDS and of (small) reduction of the dielectric constant for the other systems

    Mechanistic aspects of thioflavin-T self-aggregation and DNA binding: evidence for dimer attack on DNA grooves

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    Thioflavin-T (TFT) is a fluorescent marker widely employed in biomedical research but the mechanism of its binding to polynucleotides has been poorly understood. This paper presents a study of the mechanisms of TFT self-aggregation and binding to DNA. Relaxation kinetics of TFT solutions show that the cyanine undergoes dimerization followed by dimer isomerisation. The interaction of TFT with DNA has been investigated using static methods, such as spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric titrations under different conditions (salt content, temperature), fluorescence quenching, viscometric experiments and the T-jump relaxation method. The combined use of these techniques enabled us to show that the TFT monomer undergoes intercalation between the DNA base pairs and external binding according to a branched mechanism. Moreover, it has also been observed that, under dye excess conditions, the TFT dimer binds to the DNA grooves. The molecular structures of intercalated TFT and the groove-bound TFT dimer are obtained by performing QM/MM MD simulations

    Toward Understanding the origin of the Fundamental Plane for Early-Type Galaxies

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    We present a panoramic review of several observational and theoretical aspects of the modern astrophysical research about the origin of the Fundamental Plane (FP) relation for Early-Type Galaxies (ETGs). The discussion is focused on the problem of the tilt and the tightness of the FP, and on the attempts to derive the luminosity evolution of ETGs with redshift. Finally, a number of observed features in the FP are interpreted from the standpoint of a new theoretical approach based on the two-component tensor virial theorem.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Bispecific antibodies targeting tumor-associated antigens and neutralizing complement regulators increase the efficacy of antibody-based immunotherapy in mice.

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    The efficacy of antibody-based immunotherapy is due to the activation of apoptosis, the engagement of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). We developed a novel strategy to enhance CDC using bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) that neutralize the C-regulators CD55 and CD59 to enhance C-mediated functions. Two bsAbs (MB20/55 and MB20/59) were designed to recognize CD20 on one side. The other side neutralizes CD55 or CD59. Analysis of CDC revealed that bsAbs could kill 4 to 25 times more cells than anti-CD20 recombinant antibody in cell lines or cells isolated from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pharmacokinetics of the bsAbs was evaluated in a human-SCID model of Burkitt lymphoma. The distribution profile of bsAbs mimics the data obtained by studying the pharmacokinetics of anti-CD20 antibodies, showing a peak in the tumor mass 3-4 days after injection. The treatment with bsAbs completely prevented the development of human/SCID lymphoma. The tumor growth was blocked by the activation of the C cascade and by the recruitment of macrophages, PMN and NK cells. This strategy can easily be applied to the other anti-tumor C-fixing antibodies currently used in the clinic or tested in preclinical studies using the same vector with the appropriate modifications

    Cathepsin G activity lowers plasma LDL and reduces atherosclerosis

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    AbstractCathepsin G (CatG), a serine protease present in mast cells and neutrophils, can produce angiotensin-II (Ang-II) and degrade elastin. Here we demonstrate increased CatG expression in smooth muscle cells (SMCs), endothelial cells (ECs), macrophages, and T cells from human atherosclerotic lesions. In low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-deficient (Ldlr–/–) mice, the absence of CatG reduces arterial wall elastin degradation and attenuates early atherosclerosis when mice consume a Western diet for 3months. When mice consume this diet for 6months, however, CatG deficiency exacerbates atherosclerosis in aortic arch without affecting lesion inflammatory cell content or extracellular matrix accumulation, but raises plasma total cholesterol and LDL levels without affecting high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or triglyceride levels. Patients with atherosclerosis also have significantly reduced plasma CatG levels that correlate inversely with total cholesterol (r=–0.535, P<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (r=–0.559, P<0.0001), but not with HDL cholesterol (P=0.901) or triglycerides (P=0.186). Such inverse correlations with total cholesterol (r=–0.504, P<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (r=–0.502, P<0.0001) remain significant after adjusting for lipid lowering treatments among this patient population. Human CatG degrades purified human LDL, but not HDL. This study suggests that CatG promotes early atherogenesis through its elastinolytic activity, but suppresses late progression of atherosclerosis by degrading LDL without affecting HDL or triglycerides