3,876 research outputs found

    System Identification for Small Scale Fisheries Development in Riau Province Waters

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    System identification for small scale fisheries development was designed using System Methodology. This system identification consisted of construction related Causal Loop Diagram and Input-Output Diagram. It was foundthat system approach was an effective tool in identifying an complicated system. It could provide a set of holistic information necessary for solving such intricate problem systematically. The study conclude that beside favorableincentives created by the Government, accurate information along with a synergetic network among the actors involved were the key elements to develop small scale fisheries. Accurate information were needed on business forsmall scale fisheries and industrial capacity on the effectiveness of suitable fisheries and also for the processing technology, on the quality and quantity of accessible raw materials could be on the proper product prices and finallyon the appropriateness of labor wages. The system development should also explore a control subsystem to repress trade monopoly practices, diminution in product quality, excessive payment transaction and damage of theenvironment

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Pada Kantor Dinas Pendapatan Provinsi Jawa Timur (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Nganjuk)

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    Quality have come to the vital topic to all researcher of caused by its is change in this matter service competition go together the global change and change of life style society, service quality frequently in viewing as a[n strategy for organization to reach the difference's service, assess the customer, and customer/ client satisfaction. Pursuant to background hence this research target is to know the influence of Service Quality to Consumer Satisfaction at On Duty Earnings of Province of East Java. This research population is officer which follows the share and playing important role in decision making at On Duty Earnings of Province of East Java Nganjuk amounting to 24 respondents. While to analyze the influence Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy to Consumer Satisfaction of at On Duty Earnings of Province of East Java Nganjuk, statistic test used by is technique analyses the doubled linear regression. Pursuant to hypothesis test got by that Reliability and Empathy have an effect on to consumer satisfaction, Responsiveness and Assurance do not have an effect on to Consumer Satisfaction of at On Duty Earnings of Province of East Java Nganjuk

    The Relationship Between Daytime Serials and Their Viewers

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    This investigation concerns the relationship between the veteran, female, daytime serial viewer and the soap operas she views. More specifically, I will be interested in two general issues: Through the use of open-ended interviews with viewers, I will first be investigating uses and gratifications, i.e., the purposes served by the soap opera .for the viewer. Second, I will examine how the soap opera is treated by viewers as real or fictional. These two main issues, uses and gratifications and the reality/fiction question, will not be considered as being entirely independent of each other. In other words, I will examine whether a viewer\u27s treatment of soap operas as either real or fictional can be related to the purposes served by the serials for her. In connection with these issues, I will explore how the age and educational levels of the viewer relate to her soap opera viewing behavior

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsumsi Functional Food Di Surabaya

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    This article has a purpose to analyse the factors that influence functional food consumption in Surabaya. Based on the data process of 100 respondents using confirmatory factory analysis, there are two factors found, factor1 is 46,649% named as Product awareness and Factor 2 named as Product knowledge 19,149%. Total varians 65,798% less than100 % means that there is another factor unexposed here. The dominant factor is product awareness consists of availability, value and reference variables and the second factor, product knowledge consists of necessity, safety and reward variables is not the dominant factor since the respondents do not really understand the detail function of each food consumed, but they believe the functional food is good for them based on their references. Another unexposed factor could be intensive advertising, publicity, government intervention program in enhancing society health and so on

    Pengaruh Variabel Roa, Bopo, Npl Dan SBI Terhadap Fungsi Intermediasi Bank Pemerintah Dan Bank Asing

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh variable ROA, BOPO, NPL, dan SBI terhadap konsistensi bank pemerintah maupun bank asing dalam menjalankan fungsi intermediasi, serta apakah terdapat kemungkinan adanya indikator lain yang mempengaruhi konsistensi bank dalam menjalankan fungsi intermediasinya selain ROA, NPL, BOPO, dan SBI. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data sekunder. Penggunaan metode ini untuk memperoleh data-data yang berupa perhitungan rasio keuangan (ROA, BOPO, NPL, dan SBI) dan besarnya dana pihak ketiga yang berhasil dihimpun oleh bank, serta besarnya penyaluran kredit bank.Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan operasional bank sebagian besar berasal dari pendapatan fee based, baik pada bank asing maupun pada bank pemerintah. Apabila bank menerapkan fungsi intermediasi maka seharusnya sebagian besar pendapatan operasional bank berasal dari pendapatan bunga kredit. Dari penelitian ini penulis menyimpulkan bahwa bank tidak konsisten dalam menjalankan fungsi intermesianya dikarenakan bank lebih mengutamakan aktivitas fee based yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar walaupun memiliki resiko yang besar. Kata Kunci : ROA, BOPO, NPL, SBI, intermedias

    Potongan Komersial Dan Komponen Karkas Kambing Kacang Jantan Umur 1-1,5 Tahun Dengan Pemeliharaan Tradisional ( Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Wirosari Kabupaten Grobogan ) Commercial Cuts and Carcass Components of Kacang Bucks Aged 1-1.5 Years Old Reared Tradi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji produksi karkas kambing Kacang yang dipelihara peternak secara tradisional di Kecamatan Wirosari, Kabupaten Grobogan. Materi yang digunakan adalah 10 ekor kambing Kacang jantan umur berkisar 1-1,5 tahun, dengan bobot potong antara 10,18-19,11 kg. Ternak didapatkan dari peternak di Kecamatan Wirosari, dengan latar belakang pakan yang sama. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kambing Kacang jantan umur berkisar 1-1,5 tahun, dengan bobot potong antara 10,18-19,11 kg (14,60 + 2,84 kg) menghasilkan bobot karkas panas 5,66 + 1,16 kg (38,79 + 2,41%), dengan potongan komersial yaitu neck 7,11%; shoulder 19,45%; rib 7,60%; loin 8,86%; breast 10,26%; leg 31,61%; flank 1,79% dan fore shank 13,32%.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah karkas kambing Kacang jantan umur 1-1,5 tahun yang dipelihara peternak secara tradisional di Kecamatan Wirosari, Kabupaten Grobogan memiliki produksi rendah, yang dapat dilihat dari potongan komersial dan komponen karkas kambing Kacang jantan
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