586 research outputs found

    Aerobic stability of heat and orchardgrass round-bale silage

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    In Arkansas, silage is typically stored as balage in long rows of round bales wrapped in plastic film. It is important to evaluate the aerobic stability of this fermented forage when it is exposed to air, especially during the winter months when most of it is fed to livestock or sold as a cash crop. Two types of forage, orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) and wheat (Triticum aestivum), were harvested in May 2002 and stored as balage. Twenty-one bales of each balage type were unwrapped and exposed to air on 10 Dec. 2002 for 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 d to evaluate aerobic stability. For both orchardgrass and wheat balage, final bale weight, dry matter (DM) content, and pH were not affected (P \u3e 0.05) by exposure time. Across both balage types, DM recoveries were ≥97% for all bales, indicating that both types of balage were very stable when exposed to air. Concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 48-h ruminal in situ digestibility were not affected (P \u3e 0.05) by exposure time for either balage type. Concentrations of N were greater (P = 0.045) for orchardgrass balage exposed to air for 16 d or longer compared to balage sampled at exposure (d 0), but this response was not observed (P \u3e 0.05) for wheat balage. These results suggest that the balage evaluated in this trial was very stable after exposure to air for up to 32 d. This should allow for considerable flexibility with respect to feeding, transport, and marketing of balage during winter months without significant aerobic deterioration

    Inference of Temporally Varying Bayesian Networks

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    When analysing gene expression time series data an often overlooked but crucial aspect of the model is that the regulatory network structure may change over time. Whilst some approaches have addressed this problem previously in the literature, many are not well suited to the sequential nature of the data. Here we present a method that allows us to infer regulatory network structures that may vary between time points, utilising a set of hidden states that describe the network structure at a given time point. To model the distribution of the hidden states we have applied the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hideen Markov Model, a nonparametric extension of the traditional Hidden Markov Model, that does not require us to fix the number of hidden states in advance. We apply our method to exisiting microarray expression data as well as demonstrating is efficacy on simulated test data

    Calcium and magnesium absorption and retention by growing goats offered diets with different calcium sources

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    Calcium addition is necessary in order to balance the high phosphorus concentrations that are characteristic of high-concentrate ruminant diets. However, calcium sources differ in their bioavailability. Our objective was to determine apparent calcium and magnesium absorption and retention in goats offered diets containing different sources of calcium. Spanish-Boer goats (n = 18; 19.6 ± 1.88 kg) were stratified by body weight (BW) and sex and randomized to dietary treatments consisting of Purina Antlermax 16 containing either calcium carbonate (CC), Calmin (CM) or Milk Cal (MC). Goats were adapted to a control, corn-based high-concentrate diet on pasture and then moved to individual 1.0 × 1.5-m pens with plastic coated expanded metal floors, and adjusted to their respective diets along with removal of hay from the diet over a 7-d period. Goats were then offered their respective diets at a total of 2% of BW in equal feedings at 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM for an additional 14-d adaption period to diet and facilities followed by a 7-d collection of total urine and feces. Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED of SAS. Calcium and magnesium intake were not different (P ≥ 0.12) among diets. Calcium and magnesium apparent absorption and retention (g/d and % of intake) were greatest (P \u3c 0.05) in goats offered CC and did not differ (P ≥ 0.20) between goats offered the CM and MC diets. Therefore, calcium and magnesium were more available for goats from the diet containing calcium carbonate compared with diets containing Calmin and Milk Cal

    Is Your Error My Concern? An Event-Related Potential Study on Own and Observed Error Detection in Cooperation and Competition

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    Electroencephalogram studies have identified an error-related event-related potential (ERP) component known as the error-related negativity or ERN, thought to result from the detection of a loss of reward during performance monitoring. However, as own errors are always associated with a loss of reward, disentangling whether the ERN is error- or reward-dependent has proven to be a difficult endeavor. Recently, an ERN has also been demonstrated following the observation of other’s errors. Importantly, other people’s errors can be associated with loss or gain depending on the cooperative or competitive context in which they are made. The aim of the current ERP study was to disentangle the error- or reward-dependency of performance monitoring. Twelve pairs (N = 24) of participants performed and observed a speeded-choice-reaction task in two contexts. Own errors were always associated with a loss of reward. Observed errors in the cooperative context also yielded a loss of reward, but observed errors in the competitive context resulted in a gain. The results showed that the ERN was present following all types of errors independent of who made the error and the outcome of the action. Consequently, the current study demonstrates that performance monitoring as reflected by the ERN is error-specific and not directly dependent on reward

    Penerapan Universal Precuation Dalam Pencegahan Infeksi Nosokomial di RSUD Toto Kabila

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    Infeksi nosokomial merupakan masalah yang besar di setiap rumah sakit. Infeksi dapat terjadi antar pasien, dari pasien ke petugas, dari petugas ke petugas, dari petugas ke pasien dan antar petugas. Infeksi di rumah sakit lebih dikenal sebagai infeksi nosokomial. Kasus infeksi nosokomial terjadi hampir di seluruh negara terutama di negara miskin dan berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian Mengetahui Penerapan Universal Precaution dalam mencegah Infeksi Nosokomial di RSUD Toto Kabila. Desain yang digunakan studi deskriptif. Jumlah sampel 130 responden dengan tehnik sampel yang di gunakan adalah Total Sampling. umur responden lebih banyak yang berusia 31-40 tahun yaitu 54.6%, berjenis kelamin perempuan sebesar 98 responden. berpendidikan Ners sebanyak 67 responden. Lama kerja 5 tahun sebesar 79 responden . Yang tidak melakukan cuci tangan handwash 89 responden. menggunakan cuci tangan memakai hundrub sebanyak 70 responden. Saran: seluruh perawat mencuci tangan sesuai SOP dalam rangka mencegah infeksi nosokomial

    Use of mefloquine in children - a review of dosage, pharmacokinetics and tolerability data

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    Currently available data provide a scientific basis for the use of mefloquine in small children in the chemoprophylaxis setting and as a part of treatment regimens for children living in endemic areas

    Sensitivity of the Southern Ocean to enhanced regional Antarctic ice sheet meltwater input

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    Despite advances in our understanding of the processes driving contemporary sea level rise, the stability of the Antarctic ice sheets and their contribution to sea level under projected future warming remains uncertain due to the influence of strong ice-climate feedbacks. Disentangling these feedbacks is key to reducing uncertainty. Here we present a series of climate system model simulations that explore the potential effects of increased West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) meltwater flux on Southern Ocean dynamics. We project future changes driven by sectors of the WAIS, delivering spatially and temporally variable meltwater flux into the Amundsen, Ross and Weddell embayments over future centuries. Focusing on the Amundsen Sea sector of the WAIS over the next 200 years, we demonstrate that the enhanced meltwater flux rapidly stratifies surface waters, resulting in a significant decrease in the rate of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) formation. This triggers rapid pervasive ocean warming (>1°C) at depth due to advection from the original site(s) of meltwater input. The greatest warming predicted along sectors of the ice sheet that are highly sensitized to ocean forcing, creating a feedback loop that could enhance basal ice shelf melting and grounding line retreat. Given that we do not include the effects of rising CO2 - predicted to further reduce AABW formation - our experiments highlight the urgent need to develop a new generation of fully-coupled ice sheet climate models, that include feedback mechanisms such as this, to reduce uncertainty in climate and sea level projections

    Rapid dispersal of a hydrothermal plume by turbulent mixing

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 57 (2010): 931-945, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.04.010.The water column imprint of the hydrothermal plume observed at the Nibelungen field (8°18' S 13°30' W) is highly variable in space and time. The off-axis location of the site, along the southern boundary of a non-transform ridge offset at the joint between two segments of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is characterized by complex, rugged topography, and thus favorable for the generation of internal tides, subsequent internal wave breaking, and associated vertical mixing in the water column. We have used towed transects and vertical profiles of stratification, turbidity, and direct current measurements to investigate the strength of turbulent mixing in the vicinity of the vent site and the adjacent rift valley, and its temporal and spatial variability in relation to the plume dispersal. Turbulent diffusivities Kp were calculated from temperature inversions via Thorpe scales. Heightened mixing (compared to open ocean values) was observed in the whole rift valley within an order of Kp around 10-3 m2 s-1. The mixing close to the vent site was even more elevated, with an average of Kp = 4 x 10-2 m2 s-1. The mixing, as well as the flow field, exhibited a strong tidal cycle, with strong currents and mixing at the non-buoyant plume level during ebb flow. Periods of strong mixing were associated with increased internal wave activity and frequent occurrence of turbulent overturns. Additional effects of mixing on plume dispersal include bifurcation of the particle plume, likely as a result of the interplay between the modulated mixing strength and current speed, as well as high frequency internal waves in the effluent plume layer, possibly triggered by the buoyant plume via nonlinear interaction with the elevated background turbulence or penetrative convection.This work was supported by the Priority Program SPP1144 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; this is SPP 1144 contribution number 51. Funding for the ABE team from WHOI was provided by Grant # OE-2006-218 from NOAA's Ocean Exploration Program; funding for the MAPR work was provided by NOAA's Vents Program