57 research outputs found

    Myc inhibition impairs autophagosome formation

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    Autophagy, a major clearance route for most long-lived proteins and organelles, has long been implicated in cancer development. Myc is a proto-oncogene often found to be deregulated in many cancers, and thus presents as an attractive target for design of cancer therapy. Therefore, understanding the relationship between anti-Myc strategies and autophagy will be important for development of effective therapy. Here we show that Myc depletion inhibits autophagosome formation and impairs clearance of autophagy substrates. Myc suppression has an inhibitory effect on autophagy via reduction of JNK1 and Bcl2 phosphorylation. Additionally, the decrease in JNK1 phosphorylation observed with Myc knockdown is associated with a reduction in ROS production. Our data suggest that targeting Myc in cancer therapy might have the additional benefit of inhibiting autophagy in the case of therapy resistance associated with chemotherapy-induced autophagy

    Identification of the mitochondrial MSRB2 as a binding partner of LG72

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    Genetic studies have linked the evolutionary novel, anthropoid primate-specific gene locus G72/G30 in the etiology of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. However, the function of the protein encoded by this locus, LG72, is currently controversially discussed. Some studies have suggested that LG72 binds to and regulates the activity of the peroxisomal enzyme D-amino-acid-oxidase, while others proposed an alternative role of this protein due to its mitochondrial location in vitro. Studies with transgenic mice expressing LG72 further suggested that high levels of LG72 lead to an impairment of mitochondrial functions with a concomitant increase in reactive oxygen species production. In the present study, we now performed extensive interaction analyses and identified the mitochondrial methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase B2 (MSRB2) as a specific interaction partner of LG72. MSRB2 belongs to the MSR protein family and functions in mitochondrial oxidative stress defense. Based on our results, we propose that LG72 is involved in the regulation of mitochondrial oxidative stress

    HMGXB4 targets Sleeping Beauty transposition to vertebrate germinal stem sells

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    Transposons are parasitic genetic elements that frequently hijack key cellular processes of the host. HMGXB4 is a Wnt signalling-associated HMG-box protein, previously identified as a transcriptional regulating host factor of Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposition. Here, we establish that HMGXB4 is highly expressed from the zygote stage, and declines after transcriptional genome activation. Nevertheless, HMGXB4 is activated by its own promoter at 4-cell stage, responding to the parental-to-zygotic transition, marks stemness, and maintains its expression during germ cell specification. The HMGXB4 promoter is located at an active chromatin domain boundary. As a vertebrate-specific modulator of SETD1A and NuRF complexes, HMGXB4 links histone H3K4 methyltransferase- and ATP-dependent nucleosome remodelling activities. The expression of HMGXB4 is regulated by the KRAB-ZNF/TRIM28 epigenetic repression machinery. A post-transcriptional modification by SUMOylation diminishes its transcriptional activator function and regulates its nucleolar trafficking. Collectively, HMGXB4 positions SB transposition into an elaborate stem cell-specific transcriptional regulatory mechanism that is active during early embryogenesis and germline development, thereby potentiating heritable transposon insertions in the germline

    Functional indications for transposase domestications - characterization of the human piggyBac transposase derived (PGBD) activities

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    Transposable elements are widespread in all living organisms. In addition to self-reproduction, they are a major source of genetic variation that drives genome evolution but our knowledge of the functions of human genes derived from transposases is limited. There are examples of transposon-derived, domesticated human genes that lost (SETMAR) or retained (THAP9) their transposase activity, however, several remnants in the human genome have not been thoroughly investigated yet. These include the five human piggyBac-derived sequences (PGBD1-5) which share ancestry with the Trichoplusia ni originated piggyBac (PB) transposase. Since PB is widely used in gene delivery applications, the potential activities of endogenous PGBDs are important to address. However, previous data is controversial, especially with the claimed transposition activity of PGBD5, it awaits further investigations. Here, we aimed to systematically analyze all five human PGBD proteins from several aspects, including phylogenetic conservation, potential transposase activity, expression pattern and their regulation in different stress conditions. Among PGBDs, PGBD5 is under the highest purifying selection, and exhibits the most cell type specific expression pattern. In a two-component vector system, none of the human PGBDs could mobilize either the insect PB transposon or the endogenous human PB-like MER75 and MER85 elements with intact terminal sequences. When cells were exposed to various stress conditions, including hypoxia, oxidative or UV stress, the expression profiles of all PGBDs showed different, often cell type specific responses; however, the pattern of PGBD5 in most cases had the opposite tendency than that of the other piggyBac-derived elements. Taken together, our results indicate that human PGBD elements did not retain their mobilizing activity, but their cell type specific, and cellular stress related expression profiles point toward distinct domesticated functions that requires further characterization

    Nuclear inclusions of pathogenic ataxin-1 induce oxidative stress and perturb the protein synthesis machinery

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type-1 (SCA1) is caused by an abnormally expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in ataxin-1. These expansions are responsible for protein misfolding and self-assembly into intranuclear inclusion bodies (IIBs) that are somehow linked to neuronal death. However, owing to lack of a suitable cellular model, the downstream consequences of IIB formation are yet to be resolved. Here, we describe a nuclear protein aggregation model of pathogenic human ataxin-1 and characterize IIB effects. Using an inducible Sleeping Beauty transposon system, we overexpressed the ATXN1(Q82) gene in human mesenchymal stem cells that are resistant to the early cytotoxic effects caused by the expression of the mutant protein. We characterized the structure and the protein composition of insoluble polyQ IIBs which gradually occupy the nuclei and are responsible for the generation of reactive oxygen species. In response to their formation, our transcriptome analysis reveals a cerebellum-specific perturbed protein interaction network, primarily affecting protein synthesis. We propose that insoluble polyQ IIBs cause oxidative and nucleolar stress and affect the assembly of the ribosome by capturing or down-regulating essential components. The inducible cell system can be utilized to decipher the cellular consequences of polyQ protein aggregation. Our strategy provides a broadly applicable methodology for studying polyQ diseases

    SUMO-2 and PIAS1 modulate insoluble mutant Huntingtin protein accumulation

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    A key feature in Huntington disease (HD) is the accumulation of mutant Huntingtin (HTT) protein, which may be regulated by posttranslational modifications. Here, we define the primary sites of SUMO modification in the amino-terminal domain of HTT, show modification downstream of this domain, and demonstrate that HTT is modified by the stress-inducible SUMO-2. A systematic study of E3 SUMO ligases demonstrates that PIAS1 is an E3 SUMO ligase for both HTT SUMO-1 and SUMO-2 modification and that reduction of dPIAS in a mutant HTT Drosophila model is protective. SUMO-2 modification regulates accumulation of insoluble HTT in HeLa cells in a manner that mimics proteasome inhibition and can be modulated by overexpression and acute knockdown of PIAS1. Finally, the accumulation of SUMO-2-modified proteins in the insoluble fraction of HD postmortem striata implicates SUMO-2 modification in the age-related pathogenic accumulation of mutant HTT and other cellular proteins that occurs during HD progression

    Safe and efficient in vivo hematopoietic stem cell transduction in nonhuman primates using HDAd5/35++ vectors

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    We tested a new in vivo hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transduction/selection approach in rhesus macaques using HSC-tropic, integrating, helper-dependent adenovirus vectors (HDAd5/35++) designed for expression of human γ−globin in red blood cells (RBCs) to treat hemoglobinopathies. We show that HDAd5/35++ vectors preferentially transduce HSCs in vivo after intravenous injection into G-CSF/AMD3100-mobilized animals, and that transduced cells return to the bone marrow and spleen. The approach was well tolerated and activation of proinflammatory cytokines that is usually associated with intravenous adenovirus vector injection, was successfully blunted by pre-treatment with dexamethasone in combination with IL-1 and IL-6 receptor blockers. Using our MGMT(P140K)-based in vivo selection approach, γ-globin(+) RBCs increased in all animals with levels up to 90%. After selection, the percentage of γ-globin(+) RBCs declined most likely due to an immune response against human transgene products. Our biodistribution data indicate that γ-globin(+) RBCs in the periphery were mostly derived from mobilized HSCs that homed to the spleen. Integration site analysis revealed a polyclonal pattern and no genotoxicity related to transgene integrations. This is the first proof-of-concept study in nonhuman primates that in vivo HSC gene therapy could be feasible in humans without the need for high-dose chemotherapy conditioning and HSC transplantation

    A novel gene controls a new structure: piggyBac transposable element-derived 1, unique to mammals, controls mammal-specific neuronal paraspeckles

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    Although new genes can arrive from modes other than duplication, few examples are well characterized. Given high expression in some human brain subregions and a putative link to psychological disorders [e.g., schizophrenia (SCZ)], suggestive of brain functionality, here we characterize piggyBac transposable element-derived 1 (PGBD1). PGBD1 is nonmonotreme mammal-specific and under purifying selection, consistent with functionality. The gene body of human PGBD1 retains much of the original DNA transposon but has additionally captured SCAN and KRAB domains. Despite gene body retention, PGBD1 has lost transposition abilities, thus transposase functionality is absent. PGBD1 no longer recognizes piggyBac transposon-like inverted repeats, nonetheless PGBD1 has DNA binding activity. Genome scale analysis identifies enrichment of binding sites in and around genes involved in neuronal development, with association with both histone activating and repressing marks. We focus on one of the repressed genes, the long noncoding RNA NEAT1, also dysregulated in SCZ, the core structural RNA of paraspeckles. DNA binding assays confirm specific binding of PGBD1 both in the NEAT1 promoter and in the gene body. Depletion of PGBD1 in neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) results in increased NEAT1/paraspeckles and differentiation. We conclude that PGBD1 has evolved core regulatory functionality for the maintenance of NPCs. As paraspeckles are a mammal-specific structure, the results presented here show a rare example of the evolution of a novel gene coupled to the evolution of a contemporaneous new structure

    Revising mtDNA haplotypes of the ancient Hungarian conquerors with next generation sequencing

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    As part of the effort to create a high resolution representative sequence database of the medieval Hungarian conquerors we have resequenced the entire mtDNA genome of 24 published ancient samples with Next Generation Sequencing, whose haplotypes had been previously determined with traditional PCR based methods. We show that PCR based methods are prone to erroneous haplotype or haplogroup determination due to ambiguous sequence reads, and many of the resequenced samples had been classified inaccurately. The SNaPshot method applied with published ancient DNA authenticity criteria is the most straightforward and cheapest PCR based approach for testing a large number of coding region SNP-s, which greatly facilitates correct haplogroup determination