228 research outputs found

    Phyllosilicate Transitions in Ferromagnesian Soils: Short-Range Order Materials and Smectites Dominate Secondary Phases

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    Analyses of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns taken by the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity Rover in Gale crater have documented the presence of clay minerals interpreted as smectites and a suite of amorphous to short-range order materials termed X-ray amorphous materials. These X-ray amorphous materials are commonly ironrich and aluminum poor and likely some of them are weathering products rather than primary glasses due to the presence of volatiles. Outstanding questions remain regarding the chemical composition and mineral structure of these X-ray amorphous materials and the smectites present at Gale crater and what they indicate about environmental conditions during their formation. To gain a better understanding of the mineral transitions that occur within ferromagnesian parent materials, we have investigated the development of secondary clay minerals and shortrange order materials in two soil chronosequences with varying climates developing on ultramafic bedrock. Field Sites: We investigated soil weathering within two field locations, the Klamath Mountains of Northern California, and the Tablelands of Newfoundland, Canada. Both sites possess age dated or correlated recently deglaciated soils and undated but substantially older soils. In the Klamath mountains the Trinity Ultramafic Body was deglaciated roughly 15,000 years bp while in the Tablelands a moraine was dated to about 17,600 years bp. The Klamath Mountains feature a seasonally wet and dry climate while the Tablelands are wet year-round with saturated soil conditions observed during sampling and standing water observed within 3 of 4 soil pit sampling locations

    Ekstraksi dan Identifikasi Komponen Utama Pasir Putih dari Desa Marinsow Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dengan Pengujian XRF dan XRD

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    North Sulawesi is one of the regions in Indonesia which has a wealth of natural resources which is quite abundant, one of the natural potential that can be utilized is White sand. White sand has a composition that is SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, TiO2, MgO. This study aims to identify the composition of the main components of white sand through XRF testing and the results of extraction of white sand from Marinsow village using the alkaline fusion method, NaOH solution for extracting and crystallizing the formation of silica crystals and tested using XRD testing to determine the crystal characteristics. Extraction and testing processes have been carried out using XRF and XRD on white sand samples taken in Marinsow Village, North Minahasa Regency. The results of the identification of the components of the white sand constituents through XRF testing namely CaO is the largest main component of the white sand compilers in the village of Marinsow which is as much as 89.97%. The content of SiO2 compounds in white sand (Marinsow) is as much as 1.41%. Other components found in white sand from Marinsow village, North Minahasa Regency include MgO as much as 5.85%, SrO as much as 2.31%, Fe2O3 as much as 0.277 %, TiO2 is 0.079%, Cr2O3 is 0.032%, Nb2O5 is 0.0238%, MoO3 is 0.0159%, SnO2 is 0.0082%, Sb2O3 is 0.0079% and RuO4 is 0.0074%. The results of XRD testing on white sand taken in the village of Marinsow give results that white sand has a calcite crystal structure (CaO) and for the SiO2 silica component is quartz

    Interpreting Aqueous Alteration in the Murray Formation Using Reactive Transport Modeling

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    Abundant evidence for liquid water exists at Gale crater, Mars. However, the characteristics of past water remain an area of active research. The first exposures of the Murray formation in Gale crater, Mars (Fig. 1) were studied with four samples analyzed using CheMin: Buckskin, Telegraph Peak, Mojave, and Confidence Hills. Analyses indicate differences in mineralogy and chemistry between the samples which have been attributed to changes in pH and oxidation state of depositional and diagenetic environments. Recent work also suggests that hydrothermal fluids may have been present based on the presence of Se, Zn, Pb, and other elements

    Reaction of Akaganeite with Mars-Relevant Anions

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    Akaganeite has been identified by the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) and Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instruments onboard the Curiosity rover in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars. Akaganeite was also detected by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in Robert Sharp Crater and Antoniadi basin. Akaganeite is an iron(III) hydroxide with a hollandite-like tunnel structure with tunnels usually occupied by Cl-. Chloride in tunnels is not immobile and can be replaced by other anions in solution. Identification of tunnel composition with Mars-like instruments can help to characterize composition of ancient aqueous environments where akaganeite is present on Mars

    X-Ray Diffraction on Mars: Scientific Discoveries Made by the CheMin Instrument

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    The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity landed in Gale crater in August 2012 with the goal to identify and characterize habitable environments on Mars. Curiosity has been studying a series of sedimentary rocks primarily deposited in fluviolacustrine environments approximately 3.5 Ga. Minerals in the rocks and soils on Mars can help place further constraints on these ancient aqueous environments, including pH, salinity, and relative duration of liquid water. The Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence instrument on Curiosity uses a Co X-ray source and charge-coupled device detector in transmission geometry to collect 2D Debye-Scherrer ring patterns of the less than 150 micron size fraction of drilled rock powders or scooped sediments. With an angular range of approximately 2.52deg 20 and a 20 resolution of approximately 0.3deg, mineral abundances can be quantified with a detection limit of approximately 1-2 wt. %. CheMin has returned quantitative mineral abundances from 16 mudstone, sandstone, and aeolian sand samples so far. The mineralogy of these samples is incredibly diverse, suggesting a variety of depositional and diagenetic environments and different source regions for the sediments. Results from CheMin have been essential for reconstructing the geologic history of Gale crater and addressing the question of habitability on ancient Mars

    Sediment Sorting and Rounding in a Basaltic Glacio-Fluvio-Aeolian Environment: hrisjkull Glacier, Iceland

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    Sediments and sedimentary rocks preserve a rich history of environment and climate. Identifying these signals requires an understanding of the physical and chemical processes that have affected sedimentary deposits [1]. Such processes include sorting and rounding during transport and chemical alteration through weathering and diagenesis. Although these processes have long been studied in quartz-dominated sedimentary systems [2], a lack of studies of basaltic sedimentary systems limits our interpretations of the environment and climate where mafic source rocks dominate, such as on Mars [3,4]. As part of the SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments project [5], which uses robotic operations to examine physical and chemical changes to sediments in basaltic glacio-fluvialaeolian environments, this research studies changes in sorting and rounding of fluvial-aeolian sediments along a glacier-proximal-to-glacier-distal transect in the outwash-plain of the risjkull glacier in SW Iceland (Fig. 1

    Differentiating Hydrothermal, Pedogenic, and Glacial Weathering in a Cold Volcanic Mars-Analog Environment

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    Although the current cold, dry environment of Mars extends back through much of its history, its earliest periods experienced significant water- related surface activity. Both geomorphic features (e.g., paleolakes, deltas, and river valleys) and hydrous mineral detections (e.g., clays and salts) have historically been interpreted to imply a "warm and wet" early Mars climate. More recently, atmospheric modeling studies have struggled to produce early climate conditions with temperatures above 0degC, leading some studies to propose a "cold and icy" early Mars dominated by widespread glaciation with transient melting. However, the alteration mineralogy produced in subglacial environments is not well understood, so the extent to which cold climate glacial weathering can produce the diverse alteration mineralogy observed on Mars is unknown. This summer, we will be conducting a field campaign in a glacial weathering environment in the Cascade Range, OR in order to determine the types of minerals that these environments produce. However, we must first disentangle the effects of glacial weathering from other significant alteration processes. Here we attempt a first understanding of glacial weathering by differentiating rocks and sediments weathered by hydrothermal, pedogenic, and glacial weathering processes in the Cascades volcanic range

    Characterizing Nanophase Materials on Mars: Spectroscopic Studies of Allophane and Imogolite

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    The presence of allophane and other nanophase materials on Mars indicates a time when water was intermittent and short lived. These materials likely represent partially altered or leached basaltic ash and therefore, could represent a geologic marker for where water was present on the Martian surface. Further, they may indicate regions of climate change, where surface water was not present long enough to form clays. Characterization of these materials is important for increasing spectral recognition capacities of our current Martian science array. Ongoing work suggests that variability in the Al:Si ratio of allophane can dictate the amount of both structural and adsorbed water in the crystalline structure

    Thermal Infrared Emission Spectroscopy of Synthetic Allophane and its Potential Formation on Mars

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    Allophane is a poorly-crystalline, hydrous aluminosilicate with variable Si/Al ratios approx.0.5-1 and a metastable precursor of clay minerals. On Earth, it forms rapidly by aqueous alteration of volcanic glass under neutral to slightly acidic conditions [1]. Based on in situ chemical measurements and the identification of alteration phases [2-4], the Martian surface is interpreted to have been chemically weathered on local to regional scales. Chemical models of altered surfaces detected by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit in Gusev crater suggest the presence of an allophane-like alteration product [3]. Thermal infrared (TIR) spectroscopy and spectral deconvolution models are primary tools for determining the mineralogy of the Martian surface [5]. Spectral models of data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) indicate a global compositional dichotomy, where high latitudes tend to be enriched in a high-silica material [6,7], interpreted as high-silica, K-rich volcanic glass [6,8]. However, later interpretations proposed that the high-silica material may be an alteration product (such as amorphous silica, clay minerals, or allophane) and that high latitude surfaces are chemically weathered [9-11]. A TIR spectral library of pure minerals is available for the public [12], but it does not contain allophane spectra. The identification of allophane on the Martian surface would indicate high water activity at the time of its formation and would help constrain the aqueous alteration environment [13,14]. The addition of allophane to the spectral library is necessary to address the global compositional dichotomy. In this study, we characterize a synthetic allophane by IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to create an IR emission spectrum of pure allophane for the Mars science community to use in Martian spectral models

    Detection of Allophane on Mars Through Orbital and In-Situ Thermal-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    We have collected laboratory thermal IR spectra of the mineraloid allophane and aluminosilicate gels. Using those spectra to model regional TES spectra, we suggest that several areas of Mars contain significant amounts of allophane-like weathering products. The presence of allophane on Mars indicates that 1) significant Al sources, such as feldspar or glass, were weathered; 2) weathering on Mars produced poorly-crystalline aluminosilicates, rather than easily identifiable crystalline minerals; and 3) some Martian weathering proceeded under moderate pH environments, suggesting acid weathering is not the only major alteration mechanism on Mars
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