44 research outputs found

    Warpage Behavior of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Extrusions

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    Extruded I sections of 7075-T6 aluminum were machined into four different sections shapes: L, short depth L, T, and short depth 7. The furnace was preheated to 416 degrees C (780 degrees F) and the samples were placed inside. The temperature was raised to 471 degrees C (880 degrees F) and then the samples were quenched in either a 30% polyalkylene Glycol solution or water, both at 15 degrees C (59 degrees F). Points on the distorted samples were recorded before and after the solution treatment; the difference between the measurements indicated the extent of warpage


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    © The Author(s) 2019. Brief introduction to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and its main goals, followed by the project background, motivation and objectives. Presentation of the specific research questions for the energy and climate scenario development. Short overview of published 100% renewable energy scenarios and the main differences between those scenarios and the newly developed 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios presented in the book. Overview about the basic assumptions in regard to technology preferences in future energy pathways. Discussion of the advantages and limitations of scenarios in the energy and climate debate

    Sources of PMx_x emissions in Germany

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    Identification of major emission sources is essential for clean air policy. A detailed emission inventory of primary PM, PM10_{10} and PM2.5_{2.5} has therefore been developed in Germany. In this chapter the used methodology and data sources for emission calculations are described and resulting emission data are presented. As major sources diesel engines, solid fuel combustion and several production processes in primary industry have been identified. This work can be a basis for the analysis of further reduction options for a future air pollution control strategy. It can also provide essential input data for atmospheric dispersion modelling and emission calculations of toxic substances by combining PM emission data with information on the chemical composition of emitted particles

    Energy scenario results

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    © The Author(s) 2019. Results for the 5.0 C, 2.0 C and 1.5 C scenarios for ten world regions in regard to energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions, final-, primary-, transport- and heating demand and the deployment of various supply technologies to meet the demand. Furthermore, the electricity demand and generation scenarios are provided. The key results of a power sector analysis which simulates further electricity supply with high shares of solar- and wind power in one hour steps is provided. The ten world regions are divided into eight sub-regions and the expected development of loads, capacity-factors for various power plant types and storage demands are provided. This chapter contains more than 100 figures and tables

    High renewable energy penetration scenarios and their implications for urban energy and transport systems

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. To meet the terms of the 2015 Paris Agreement, the global energy system must be entirely decarbonized by the end of this century. Two scenarios have been developed: a reference case (REF) and an advanced 100% renewable energy scenario (ADV). ADV reflects the trends in global energy systems and will decarbonize the entire energy system by 2050. Those results are compared with the IPCC AR5 450 ppm scenarios, in terms of the 2050 energy demand projections — primary and final energy — and the demands for the transport and building sectors because they are important in urban environments. The results are further discussed with regard to the impact on urban infrastructures and the role of megacities in the global energy consumption pattern. Under the assumption that urbanization rates will remain at the 2015 level until 2050, the annual energy demand for buildings in urban areas is expected to increase by 27 EJ under the reference scenario (REF), from 57 EJ to 84 EJ per year, whereas ADV would lead to an overall reduction to 46 EJ per year by 2050, while the population and GDP continue to grow. Overall, the global energy demand in the transport sector is expected to increase by over 60% by 2050 under REF, whereas the deep mitigation pathway (ADV) reduces the transport energy demand below that of the base year, to 70 EJ per year. This is a significant reduction, even compared with other 450 ppm scenarios, and can be achieved by a drastic shift to electric mobility in response to vehicle efficiency standards, a phasing-out of combustion engines in the transport sector by 2030, and a modal shift in favor of urban public transport. The global energy demand for the building sector in ADV shows a smaller deviation in comparison to other 450 ppm scenarios than that for the transport sector

    Energy [R]evolution 2010-a sustainable world energy outlook

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    The Energy [R]evolution 2010 scenario is an update of the Energy [R]evolution scenarios published in 2007 and 2008. It takes up recent trends in global energy demand and production and analyses to which extent this affects chances for achieving climate protection targets. The main target is to reduce global CO2 emissions to 3.7 Gt/a in 2050, thus limiting global average temperature increase to below 2°C and preventing dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. A ten-region energy system model is used for simulating global energy supply strategies. A review of sector and region specific energy efficiency measures resulted in the specification of a global energy demand scenario incorporating strong energy efficiency measures. The corresponding supply scenario has been developed in an iterative process in close cooperation with stakeholders and regional counterparts from academia, NGOs and the renewable energy industry. The Energy [R]evolution scenario shows that renewable energy can provide more than 80% of the world's energy needs by 2050. Developing countries can virtually stabilise their CO2 emissions by 2025 and reduce afterwards, whilst at the same time increasing energy consumption due to economic growth. OECD countries will be able to reduce their emissions by up to 90% by 2050. However, without a comprehensive energy efficiency implementation strategy across all sectors, the renewable energy development alone will not be enough to make these drastic emissions cuts. © 2010 The Author(s)

    A pathway for the German energy sector compatible with a 1.5 °C carbon budget

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    We present an energy transition pathway constrained by a total CO2 budget of 7 Gt allocated to the German energy system after 2020, the Budget Scenario (BS). We apply a normative backcasting approach for scenario building based on historical data and assumptions from existing scenario studies. The modeling approach combines a comprehensive energy system model (ESM) with REMix-a cost optimization model for power and heat that explicitly incorporates sector coupling. To achieve the necessary CO2 reduction, the scenario focuses on electrifying all end use sectors until 2030, adding 1.5-2 million electric vehicles to the road per year. In buildings, 400,000-500,000 heat pumps would be installed annually by 2030, and the share of district heating would double until 2050. In the scenario, coal needs to be phased out by 2030. Wind and Photovoltaic (PV) capacities would need to more than double to 290 GW by 2030 and reach 500 GW by 2050. The BS results indicate that a significant acceleration of the energy transition is necessary before 2030 and that this higher pace must be maintained thereafter until 2050.Industrial Ecolog