1,190 research outputs found

    Database support of detector operation and data analysis in the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter experiment

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    The DEAP-3600 detector searches for dark matter interactions on a 3.3 tonne liquid argon target. Over nearly a decade, from start of detector construction through the end of the data analysis phase, well over 200 scientists will have contributed to the project. The DEAP-3600 detector will amass in excess of 900 TB of data representing more than 1010^{10} particle interactions, a few of which could be from dark matter. At the same time, metadata exceeding 80 GB will be generated. This metadata is crucial for organizing and interpreting the dark matter search data and contains both structured and unstructured information. The scale of the data collected, the important role of metadata in interpreting it, the number of people involved, and the long lifetime of the project necessitate an industrialized approach to metadata management. We describe how the CouchDB and the PostgreSQL database systems were integrated into the DEAP detector operation and analysis workflows. This integration provides unified, distributed access to both structured (PostgreSQL) and unstructured (CouchDB) metadata at runtime of the data analysis software. It also supports operational and reporting requirements

    Pulse shape discrimination studies in a liquid Argon scintillation detector

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    Liquid rare gases have been gaining popularity as detector media in rare event searches, especially dark matter experiments, and one factor driving their adoption is the possibility to recognise different types of ionizing radiation by the pulse shapes they evoke. This work on pulse shape discrimination in a liquid argon scintillation detector was done in the framework of the GERDA experiment, where liquid argon scintillation signals may be used for background suppression purposes. Liquid argon scintillation signals were measured using the LArGe@MPI-K setup and in addition, signals were simulated by Monte Carlo methods. Two discrimination algorithms, the "fast to total" and the Gatti filter, are tested on both experimental and simulated pulse shapes with respect to the discrimination power they afford. The discrimination power between photon and neutron induced events achieved with the "fast to total" filter on simulated pulse shapes with 70 detected photons is 2.5 x106 at over 99% acceptance, while on the measured pulse shapes at a threshold of 72 photo electrons a discrimination power of ≤ 4.3 x 10-4</sup

    Polyethylene naphthalate film as a wavelength shifter in liquid argon detectors

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    Liquid argon-based scintillation detectors are important for dark matter searches and neutrino physics. Argon scintillation light is in the vacuum ultraviolet region, making it hard to be detected by conventional means. Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), an optically transparent thermoplastic polyester commercially available as large area sheets or rolls, is proposed as an alternative wavelength shifter to the commonly-used tetraphenyl butadiene (TPB). By combining the existing literature data and spectrometer measurements relative to TPB, we conclude that the fluorescence yield and timing of both materials may be very close. The evidence collected suggests that PEN is a suitable replacement for TPB in liquid argon neutrino detectors, and is also a promising candidate for dark matter detectors. Advantages of PEN are discussed in the context of scaling-up existing technologies to the next generation of very large ktonne-scale detectors. Its simplicity has a potential to facilitate such scale-ups, revolutionizing the field.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Matrix-Product based Projected Wave Functions Ansatz for Quantum Many-Body Ground States

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    We develop a new projected wave function approach which is based on projection operators in the form of matrix-product operators (MPOs). Our approach allows to variationally improve the short range entanglement of a given trial wave function by optimizing the matrix elements of the MPOs while the long range entanglement is contained in the initial guess of the wave function. The optimization is performed using standard variational Monte Carlo techniques. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach by considering a one-dimension model of interacting spinless fermions. In addition, we indicate how to generalize this approach to higher dimensions using projection operators which are based on tensor products.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    On confined fractional charges: a simple model

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    We address the question whether features known from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) can possibly also show up in solid-state physics. It is shown that spinless fermions of charge ee on a checkerboard lattice with nearest-neighbor repulsion provide for a simple model of confined fractional charges. After defining a proper vacuum the system supports excitations with charges ±e/2\pm e/2 attached to the ends of strings. There is a constant confining force acting between the fractional charges. It results from a reduction of vacuum fluctuations and a polarization of the vacuum in the vicinity of the connecting strings.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Medial temporal lobe-dependent repetition suppression and enhancement due to implicit vs. explicit processing of individual repeated search displays

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    Using visual search, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and patient studies have demonstrated that medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures differentiate repeated from novel displays—even when observers are unaware of display repetitions. This suggests a role for MTL in both explicit and, importantly, implicit learning of repeated sensory information (Greene et al., 2007). However, recent behavioral studies suggest, by examining visual search and recognition performance concurrently, that observers have explicit knowledge of at least some of the repeated displays (Geyer et al., 2010). The aim of the present fMRI study was thus to contribute new evidence regarding the contribution of MTL structures to explicit vs. implicit learning in visual search. It was found that MTL activation was increased for explicit and, respectively, decreased for implicit relative to baseline displays. These activation differences were most pronounced in left anterior parahippocampal cortex (aPHC), especially when observers were highly trained on the repeated displays. The data are taken to suggest that explicit and implicit memory processes are linked within MTL structures, but expressed via functionally separable mechanisms (repetition-enhancement vs. -suppression). They further show that repetition effects in visual search would have to be investigated at the display level

    Loschmidt Echo and the Many-Body Orthogonality Catastrophe in a Qubit-Coupled Luttinger Liquid

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    We investigate the many-body generalization of the orthogonality catastrophe by studying the generalized Loschmidt echo of Luttinger liquids (LLs) after a global change of interaction. It decays exponentially with system size and exhibits universal behavior: the steady state exponent after quenching back and forth n times between 2 LLs (bang-bang protocol) is 2n times bigger than that of the adiabatic overlap and depends only on the initial and final LL parameters. These are corroborated numerically by matrix-product state based methods of the XXZ Heisenberg model. An experimental setup consisting of a hybrid system containing cold atoms and a flux qubit coupled to a Feshbach resonance is proposed to measure the Loschmidt echo using rf spectroscopy or Ramsey interferometry

    The Misprediction of emotions in Track Athletics.: Is experience the teacher of all things?

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    People commonly overestimate the intensity of their emotions toward future events. In other words, they display an impact bias. This research addresses the question whether people learn from their experiences and correct for the impact bias. We hypothesize that athletes display an impact bias and, counterintuitively, that increased experience with an event increases this impact bias. A field study in the context of competitive track athletics supported our hypotheses by showing that athletes clearly overestimated their emotions toward the outcome of a track event and that this impact bias was more pronounced for negative events than for positive events. Moreover, with increased athletic experience this impact bias became larger. This effect could not be explained by athletes’ forecasted emotions, but it could be explained by the emotions they actually felt following the race. The more experience athletes had with athletics, the less they felt negative emotions after unsuccessful goal attainment. These findings are discussed in relation to possible underlying emotion regulation processes

    How to distinguish the Haldane/Large-D state and the intermediate-D state in an S=2 quantum spin chain with the XXZ and on-site anisotropies

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    We numerically investigate the ground-state phase diagram of an S=2 quantum spin chain with the XXZXXZ and on-site anisotropies described by H=j(SjxSj+1x+SjySj+1y+ΔSjzSj+1z)+Dj(Sjz)2{\mathcal H}=\sum_j (S_j^x S_{j+1}^x+S_j^y S_{j+1}^y+\Delta S_j^z S_{j+1}^z) + D \sum_j (S_j^z)^2, where Δ\Delta denotes the XXZ anisotropy parameter of the nearest-neighbor interactions and DD the on-site anisotropy parameter. We restrict ourselves to the Δ>0\Delta>0 and D>0D>0 case for simplicity. Our main purpose is to obtain the definite conclusion whether there exists or not the intermediate-DD (ID) phase, which was proposed by Oshikawa in 1992 and has been believed to be absent since the DMRG studies in the latter half of 1990's. In the phase diagram with Δ>0\Delta>0 and D>0D>0 there appear the XY state, the Haldane state, the ID state, the large-DD (LD) state and the N\'eel state. In the analysis of the numerical data it is important to distinguish three gapped states; the Haldane state, the ID state and the LD state. We give a physical and intuitive explanation for our level spectroscopy method how to distinguish these three phases.Comment: Proceedings of "International Conference on Frustration in Condensed Matter (ICFCM)" (Jan. 11-14, 2011, Sendai, Japan