1,197 research outputs found

    Productivity of Florida Springs: First annual (3rd semi-annual) report to Biology Branch, Office of Naval Research progress from January 1 to December 31, 1953

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    By means of new methods it has been possible to measure the overall community metabolism as well as the standing state community in Silver Springs. Photosynthetic rates have been determined by downstream gradient methods, transplantation growth plots, and bell jars diurnally and annually. Respiration rates have been estimated with bell jars. The downstream losses of particulate, and dissolved organic matter have been found to balance, the excess of photosynthesis over respiration. The community has thus been demonstrated to be in a constant temperature, steady state, somewhat comparable to a climax on land. Nitrate, phosphate, and major chemical constituents are essentially constant. There is an approximate constancy of standing crop of organisms although the production rates in summer are three times those in the winter. Some evidence suggests that there, are photoperiodic changes in reproduction rates in spite of constant temperature. Rates of protein syntehsis estimated from nitrate uptake downstream agree (1) with photosynthetic quotients obtained from carbon dioxide and oxygen uptake downstream and (2) with the nitrogen content of the community. The overall annual production of 50,000 lbs/acre is the greatest productivity we know of on land or sea. Such high figures seem reasonable with the flow of high nutrient, warm water and high light intensity over a dense periphyton community. Theoretical concepts of steady state thermodynamics have been applied to show that self maintaining open systems tend to adjust to high power and low efficiency output. The 3% photosynthetic efficiency observed in Silver Springs is in agreement with this principle. Pyramids of weight and pyramids of number have been determined including bacteria. These pyramids are similar to some in the literature. The contribution of an acre of a fertile stream annually is readily inferred from data obtained on downstream increase of bacteria, chlorophyll, and organic matter. In other springs, Mr. Sloan has related stability of insect populations to chlorinity and to gradients of stability of environmental factors. Dr. L.S. Whitford during the summer made an ecological and taxonomic study of the distribution of algae in 26 contrasting springs. From this lists and from analytical data on the chemostatic water in these springs one can infer culture conditions necessary for many species. (27 pages

    The value of twins in dental research

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the Australian Dental Association. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Due to recent advances in molecular genetics, studies of twins will continue to provide important insights into how genetic and environmental factors contribute to variation in human physical and behavioural traits and disorders. This review emphasizes that biometrical genetic studies of twins are particularly valuable in complementing and directing molecular approaches to facilitate the detection of quantitative trait loci. It also describes several other research models involving twins, apart from the traditional comparison of similarities in monozygotic (identical) and dizygotic (nonidentical) pairs, that have the potential to provide new information in the future. Current knowledge about the genetic bases of common dental problems is summarized and future directions in dental research involving twins are outlined.GC Townsend, L Richards, T Hughes, S Pinkerton, W Schwerd

    Graphical programming: A systems approach for telerobotic servicing of space assets

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    Satellite servicing is in many ways analogous to subsea robotic servicing in the late 1970's. A cost effective, reliable, telerobotic capability had to be demonstrated before the oil companies invested money in deep water robot serviceable production facilities. In the same sense, aeronautic engineers will not design satellites for telerobotic servicing until such a quantifiable capability has been demonstrated. New space servicing systems will be markedly different than existing space robot systems. Past space manipulator systems, including the Space Shuttle's robot arm, have used master/slave technologies with poor fidelity, slow operating speeds and most importantly, in-orbit human operators. In contrast, new systems will be capable of precision operations, conducted at higher rates of speed, and be commanded via ground-control communication links. Challenge presented by this environment include achieving a mandated level of robustness and dependability, radiation hardening, minimum weight and power consumption, and a system which accommodates the inherent communication delay between the ground station and the satellite. There is also a need for a user interface which is easy to use, ensures collision free motions, and is capable of adjusting to an unknown workcell (for repair operations the condition of the satellite may not be known in advance). This paper describes the novel technologies required to deliver such a capability

    Rapid VAC high dose melphalan regimen, a novel chemotherapy approach in childhood soft tissue sarcomas.

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    Forty-three children with malignant soft tissue sarcomas (IRS Groups II-IV) were treated with rapid dose delivery chemotherapy protocol comprising six courses of vincristine, adriamycin and cyclophosphamide, given in most cases within 8 weeks (Rapid VAC). This was followed in 36 patients by high dose melphalan with autologous bone marrow rescue. Twenty-six patients also received irradiation to the site of primary tumour. The Rapid VAC regimen was well tolerated and largely administered as an out-patient. There was one toxic death which occurred 2 months after high dose melphalan due to a combination of infection and possible anthracycline cardiomyopathy. Stages were, (Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study (IRS) system) Group, Group II--four patients. Group III--27 patients and Group IV--12 patients; International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) staging, Stage I--11, Stage II--13, Stage III--7, Stage IV--12. Actuarial survival at 5 years for all stages is 57% and event free survival 44%. For patients with non-metastatic diseases, 62% and 53% respectively. This treatment strategy utilises the philosophy of rapid drug delivery with high dose consolidation and enables all chemotherapy to be finished within a 4 month period. In general, a conservative approach was applied to both radiation and surgery to minimise late sequelae related to these treatment modalities. Although the small number of high risk patients in this study limits conclusions regarding efficacy in these subgroups the overall results with this regimen appear to be comparable to that with other approaches

    Lava channel formation during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna: evidence for mechanical erosion

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    We report the direct observation of a peculiar lava channel that was formed near the base of a parasitic cone during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna. Erosive processes by flowing lava are commonly attributed to thermal erosion. However, field evidence strongly suggests that models of thermal erosion cannot explain the formation of this channel. Here, we put forward the idea that the essential erosion mechanism was abrasive wear. By applying a simple model from tribology we demonstrate that the available data agree favorably with our hypothesis. Consequently, we propose that erosional processes resembling the wear phenomena in glacial erosion are possible in a volcanic environment.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter
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