59 research outputs found

    Multiple Pathway-Based Genetic Variations Associated with Tobacco Related Multiple Primary Neoplasms

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    BACKGROUND: In order to elucidate a combination of genetic alterations that drive tobacco carcinogenesis we have explored a unique model system and analytical method for an unbiased qualitative and quantitative assessment of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. The objective of this case control study was to assess genetic predisposition in a biologically enriched clinical model system of tobacco related cancers (TRC), occurring as Multiple Primary Neoplasms (MPN). METHODS: Genotyping of 21 candidate Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) from major metabolic pathways was performed in a cohort of 151 MPN cases and 210 cancer-free controls. Statistical analysis using logistic regression and Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) analysis was performed for studying higher order interactions among various SNPs and tobacco habit. RESULTS: Increased risk association was observed for patients with at least one TRC in the upper aero digestive tract (UADT) for variations in SULT1A1 Arg²¹³His, mEH Tyr¹¹³His, hOGG1 Ser³²⁶Cys, XRCC1 Arg²⁸⁰His and BRCA2 Asn³⁷²His. Gene-environment interactions were assessed using MDR analysis. The overall best model by MDR was tobacco habit/p53(Arg/Arg)/XRCC1(Arg³⁹⁹His)/mEH(Tyr¹¹³His) that had highest Cross Validation Consistency (8.3) and test accuracy (0.69). This model also showed significant association using logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSION: This is the first Indian study on a multipathway based approach to study genetic susceptibility to cancer in tobacco associated MPN. This approach could assist in planning additional studies for comprehensive understanding of tobacco carcinogenesis

    Rapid method for determination of DNA repair capacity in human peripheral blood lymphocytes amongst smokers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA repair capacity is an important determinant of susceptibility to cancer. The hOGG1 enzyme is crucial for repairing the 8-oxoguanine lesion that occurs either as a byproduct of oxidative metabolism or as a result of exogenous sources such as exposure to cigarette smoke. It has been previously reported that smokers with low hOGG1 activity had significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer as compared to smokers with high hOGG1 activity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the current study we elucidate the association between plasma levels of 8-OHdG and the OGG1 repair capacity. We used the commercially available 8-OHdG ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), the Comet assay/FLARE hOGG1 (Fragment Length Analysis by Repair Enzymes) assay for quantification of the levels of 8-OHdG and measured the constitutive, induced and unrepaired residual damage, respectively. We compared the DNA repair capacity in peripheral blood lymphocytes following H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>exposure in 30 lung cancer patients, 30 non-, 30 former and 30 current smoker controls matched by age and gender.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that lung cancer cases and current smoker controls have similar levels of 8-OHdG lesions that are significantly higher compared to the non-smokers controls. However, lung cancer cases showed significantly poorer repair capacity compared to all controls tested, including the current smokers controls. After adjustment for age, gender and family history of smoking-related cancer using linear regression, we observed a 5-fold increase in risk of lung cancer associated with high levels of residual damage/reduced repair capacity. Reduced OGG1 activity could be expected to be a risk factor in other smoking-related cancers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study shows that the Comet/FLARE assay is a relatively rapid and useful method for determination of DNA repair capacity. Using this assay we could identify individuals with high levels of residual damage and hence poor repair capacity who would be good candidates for intensive follow-up and screening.</p

    Identification and Characterization of Inhibitors of Human Apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease APE1

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    APE1 is the major nuclease for excising abasic (AP) sites and particular 3′-obstructive termini from DNA, and is an integral participant in the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER capacity plays a prominent role in dictating responsiveness to agents that generate oxidative or alkylation DNA damage, as well as certain chain-terminating nucleoside analogs and 5-fluorouracil. We describe within the development of a robust, 1536-well automated screening assay that employs a deoxyoligonucleotide substrate operating in the red-shifted fluorescence spectral region to identify APE1 endonuclease inhibitors. This AP site incision assay was used in a titration-based high-throughput screen of the Library of Pharmacologically Active Compounds (LOPAC1280), a collection of well-characterized, drug-like molecules representing all major target classes. Prioritized hits were authenticated and characterized via two high-throughput screening assays – a Thiazole Orange fluorophore-DNA displacement test and an E. coli endonuclease IV counterscreen – and a conventional, gel-based radiotracer incision assay. The top, validated compounds, i.e. 6-hydroxy-DL-DOPA, Reactive Blue 2 and myricetin, were shown to inhibit AP site cleavage activity of whole cell protein extracts from HEK 293T and HeLa cell lines, and to enhance the cytotoxic and genotoxic potency of the alkylating agent methylmethane sulfonate. The studies herein report on the identification of novel, small molecule APE1-targeted bioactive inhibitor probes, which represent initial chemotypes towards the development of potential pharmaceuticals

    Increased mRNA expression levels of ERCC1, OGG1 and RAI in colorectal adenomas and carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of colorectal cancer (CRC) cases develop through the adenoma-carcinoma pathway. If an increase in DNA repair expression is detected in both early adenomas and carcinomas it may indicate that low repair capacity in the normal mucosa is a risk factor for adenoma formation. METHODS: We have examined mRNA expression of two DNA repair genes, ERCC1 and OGG1 as well as the putative apoptosis controlling gene RAI, in normal tissues and lesions from 36 cases with adenomas (mild/moderat n = 21 and severe n = 15, dysplasia) and 9 with carcinomas. RESULTS: Comparing expression levels of ERCC1, OGG1 and RAI between normal tissue and all lesions combined yielded higher expression levels in lesions, 3.3-fold higher (P = 0.005), 5.6-fold higher(P < 3·10(-5)) and 7.7-fold higher (P = 0.0005), respectively. The levels of ERCC1, OGG1 and RAI expressions when comparing lesions, did not differ between adenomas and CRC cases, P = 0.836, P = 0.341 and P = 0.909, respectively. When comparing expression levels in normal tissue, the levels for OGG1 and RAI from CRC cases were significantly lower compared to the cases with adenomas, P = 0.012 and P = 0.011, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that increased expression of defense genes is an early event in the progression of colorectal adenomas to carcinomas

    Unexpected Role for Helicobacter pylori DNA Polymerase I As a Source of Genetic Variability

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    Helicobacter pylori, a human pathogen infecting about half of the world population, is characterised by its large intraspecies variability. Its genome plasticity has been invoked as the basis for its high adaptation capacity. Consistent with its small genome, H. pylori possesses only two bona fide DNA polymerases, Pol I and the replicative Pol III, lacking homologues of translesion synthesis DNA polymerases. Bacterial DNA polymerases I are implicated both in normal DNA replication and in DNA repair. We report that H. pylori DNA Pol I 5′- 3′ exonuclease domain is essential for viability, probably through its involvement in DNA replication. We show here that, despite the fact that it also plays crucial roles in DNA repair, Pol I contributes to genomic instability. Indeed, strains defective in the DNA polymerase activity of the protein, although sensitive to genotoxic agents, display reduced mutation frequencies. Conversely, overexpression of Pol I leads to a hypermutator phenotype. Although the purified protein displays an intrinsic fidelity during replication of undamaged DNA, it lacks a proofreading activity, allowing it to efficiently elongate mismatched primers and perform mutagenic translesion synthesis. In agreement with this finding, we show that the spontaneous mutator phenotype of a strain deficient in the removal of oxidised pyrimidines from the genome is in part dependent on the presence of an active DNA Pol I. This study provides evidence for an unexpected role of DNA polymerase I in generating genomic plasticity

    Sequence variations in DNA repair gene XPC is associated with lung cancer risk in a Chinese population: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The nucleotide excision repair (NER) protein, xeroderma pigmentosum C (XPC), participates in recognizing DNA lesions and initiating DNA repair in response to DNA damage. Because mutations in <it>XPC </it>cause a high risk of cancer in XP patients, we hypothesized that inherited sequence variations in <it>XPC </it>may alter DNA repair and thus susceptibility to cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this hospital-based case-control study, we investigated five <it>XPC </it>tagging, common single nucleotide polymorphisms (tagging SNPs) in 1,010 patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer and 1,011 matched cancer free controls in a Chinese population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In individual tagging SNP analysis, we found that rs3731055<it>AG+AA </it>variant genotypes were associated with a significantly decreased risk of lung adenocarcinoma [adjusted odds ratio (OR), 0.71; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.56–0.90] but an increased risk of small cell carcinomas [adjusted OR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.05–3.07]. Furthermore, we found that haplotype <it>ACCCA </it>was associated with a decreased risk of lung adenocarcinoma [OR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.62–0.97] but an increased risk of small cell carcinomas [OR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.04–2.71], which reflected the presence of rs3731055<it>A </it>allele in this haplotype. Further stratified analysis revealed that the protective effect of rs3731055<it>AG+AA </it>on risk of lung adenocarcinoma was more evident among young subjects (age ≤ 60) and never smokers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that inherited sequence variations in <it>XPC </it>may modulate risk of lung cancer, especially lung adenocarcinoma, in Chinese populations. However, these findings need to be verified in larger confirmatory studies with more comprehensively selected tagging SNPs.</p

    Moult cycle specific differential gene expression profiling of the crab Portunus pelagicus

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    Background: Crustacean moulting is a complex process involving many regulatory pathways. A holistic approach to examine differential gene expression profiles of transcripts relevant to the moulting process, across all moult cycle stages, was used in this study. Custom cDNA microarrays were constructed for Portunus pelagicus. The printed arrays contained 5000 transcripts derived from both the whole organism, and from individual organs such as the brain, eyestalk, mandibular organ and Y-organ from all moult cycle stages.Results: A total of 556 clones were sequenced from the cDNA libraries used to construct the arrays. These cDNAs represented 175 singletons and 62 contigs, resulting in 237 unique putative genes. The gene sequences were classified into the following biological functions: cuticular proteins associated with arthropod exoskeletons, farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase (FaMeT), proteins belonging to the hemocyanin gene family, lectins, proteins relevant to lipid metabolism, mitochondrial proteins, muscle related proteins, phenoloxidase activators and ribosomal proteins. Moult cycle-related differential expression patterns were observed for many transcripts. Of particular interest were those relating to the formation and hardening of the exoskeleton, and genes associated with cell respiration and energy metabolism.Conclusions: The expression data presented here provide a chronological depiction of the molecular events associated with the biological changes that occur during the crustacean moult cycle. Tracing the temporal expression patterns of a large variety of transcripts involved in the moult cycle of P. pelagicus can provide a greater understanding of gene function, interaction, and regulation of both known and new genes with respect to the moulting process

    DNA Repair Activity for Oxidative Damage and Risk of Lung Cancer

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