174 research outputs found


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    Klein (1985) believes that appropriate gender-unbiased material mostly gives students the chance to accommodate more compliant mindsets towards gender roles. This study was conducted to observe the way genders are represented in local elementary textbooks in Indonesia, especially the textbook entitled "I Love Jakarta." The method applied in this study was qualitative research that used content analysis. The approach was used to describe the content of the textbook, by using the checklist adapted from Shallaita, et al. (2021), which includes all the texts, illustrations, vocabularies, and exercises, in every chapter of the book. The writers assessed the gender representation in the first grade of an elementary school textbook according to five categories adopted from Amini and Birjandi (2012); Visibility, Firstness, Feminine/Masculine Generic Construction, Activity, Occupation on every text and pictures in the book from unit one until sixteen. The results showed that (1) in terms of visibility, male (54%) was represented more than female (46%), (2) in terms of firstness, male (around nine mentions) in the majority of the cases was mentioned first than female (around five mentions), (3) in the category of feminine/masculine generic construction, there was no case found, (4) regarding the activities portrayed in the book, both male and female characters shared their parts of doing some of the general activities; however, there were cases where some activities were portrayed of being intended mainly for males, such as doing pencak silat and lifting heavy objects. On the other hand, there were portrayals of some of the activities which were mostly intended for females because of their less-aggressive nature, such as dancing and reading a book, (5) in terms of occupations depicted in the book, some of them were represented equally by both male and female characters; however, there were occupations which were considered more manly, such as fisherman and pedicab driver, therefore portrayed by male characters. To sum up, both genders were not represented equally in terms of the five categories

    The Students' Perception on the Use of Picture to Improve Descriptive Paragraph Writing at Christian University of Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the students' perception on the use of picture in writing descriptive paragraph and to investigate whether the students were interested in the use of picture in writing descriptive paragraph. This study was a survey using the qualitative and survey design. It involved 34 students of English Teaching Study Program, Christian University of Indonesia. To achieve the objectives, qualitative and quantitative data concerning the students' perceptions and interest were collected through a questionnaire and interview. The survey was administered to the eight semester students of 2012/2013 academic year. To support this research the data obtained through the open ended questionnaire, interview was conducted toward four students. The quantitative data were analyzed by using Microsoft Excel 2007, while the qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. The result of this study indicated that almost all of the students agreed to use the picture in developing their descriptive paragraph writing. The use of picture in writing also helped them understand the descriptive paragraphs even though they knew there was another media, i.g. realia, which could help them write a descriptive paragraph. Thus it is sugested that the English teachers should use this technique to improve students' descriptive paragraph writing. Keywords: perception, picture, writing, descriptive paragrap

    Pengaruh Mikropartikel Sapindus rarak Terhadap Karkas dan Organ Dalam Ayam Pedaging yang Diinfeksi Eimeria tenella

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    Sapindus rarak adalah tanaman yang memiliki senyawa sekunder saponin yang bersifat antikoksidial, hipokolesteromik, imunostimulan, dan anti-inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi pemberian mikropartikel Sapindus rarak terhadap bobot karkas dan organ (jantung, hati, gizzard, limpa, lemak abdomen, bobot dan panjang usus) relative ayam pedaging. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan, 6 ulangan dengan rancangan P1 (kontrol/tanpa koksidiostat, tanpa, mikropartikel S. rarak), P2 (koksidiostat 2 g/L), P3 (mikropartikel S. rarak 1,25 g/kg ransum), P4 ( mikropartikel S. rarak 2,5 g/kg ransum), P5 (mikropartikel S. rarak 5.0 g/kg ransum). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bobot relative karkas, jantung, hati, gizzard, limpa, lemak abdomen, usus, dan panjang usus relative tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) antara semua perlakuan P1, P2, P3, P4, dan P5. Disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan mikropartikel Sapindus rarak hingga level 5.0 g/kg ransum masih batas aman untuk digunakan pada ayam pedaging yang terinfeksi Eimeria tenella

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Kulit Kayu Raru (Cotylelobium SP.)

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    Penelitian tumbuhan obat terus berkembang seiring dengan minat masyarakat pada bahan obat yang berasal dari alam yang berhubungan dengan keamanannya dibanding dengan obat sintetik. Salah satu kulit kayu yang berasal dari Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah dan Tapanuli Utara yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan raru diidentifikasi sebagai Cotylelobium sp, sudah sangat luas dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di Sumatera Utara. Kulit kayu ini biasanya digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai campuran minuman tuak (minuman tradisional Batak). Masyarakat juga meyakini kulit kayu raru dapat digunakan sebagai obat penurun kadar gula darah (anti diabetes). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data potensi antioksidan dari kulit kayu raru dengan metoda DPPH dan mengetahui toksisitas ekstrak menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen ekstrak Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre adalah 30,11% dan Cotylelobium lanceolatum Craib sebesar 14,50%. Uji fitokimia menunjukkan kedua jenis ekstrak mengandung flavonoid, tanin, saponin, triterpenoid dan hidrokuinon. Ekstrak Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre memiliki aktivitas antioksidan terhadap radikal DPPH dengan nilai IC50sebesar 108,487 ppm dan Cotylelobium lanceolatum Craib memiliki nilai IC50sebesar 77,909 ppm. Selanjutnya, toksisitas Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre memiliki nilai LC50sebesar 643,550 ppm and Cotylelobium lanceolatum memiliki LC50sebesar 767,191 ppm

    Nutritive value of palm oil sludge fermentation by some incubation process

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    An experiment was conducted to study the effect of fermented palm oil sludge (PaS) incubated with different ways towards metabolic digestibility on dry matter,true metabolizable energy (TME) and protein digestibilities. A completely randomized design was used. Treatments consisted of unfermented pas (control) and fermented pas with and without enzymatic incubation proces, two levels of incubation temperatures (28°C and 32°C) and three levels of incubation times (3, 4 and 5 days). The digestibility studies were carried out in 46 layer. The results showed that the dry matter digestibility of P_S was not significantly affected by fermentation process neither by incubation times. TME was not affected by fermentation process and incubation times, but it was significantly affected by incubation temperatures during fennentation (P0,05). Incubation temperatures at 3rC more significant than 28°C. Enzimatic process was more significant than without enzimatic process. True metabolizable energy was highly significantly affected by enzimatic process (PO,OI). Protein digestibility was highly significantly affected by time and incubation process (PO,Ol), but not significantly affected by temperatures incubation. It was concluded that fermentation process could improve the digestibility of palm oil sludge (paS). The best result obtained from incubation at 32°C for 3 days and continued by enzimatic process.   Key words: Fennentation, nutritive value, palm oil sludg

    Aktifitas Antioksidan Dan Antikoagulasi Resin Jernang

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    Jernang adalah resin berwarna merah hasil sekresi buah tanaman rotan. Di pasar Internasional Jernang asal Indonesia umumnya dikenal dari jenis Daemonorops spp. Jernang telah banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat dalam pengobatan tradisional. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengujian fitokimia, uji aktifitas antioxidant dan antikoagulasi resin jernang yang berasal dari 3 jenis tanaman rotan yaitu Daemonorops longipes Mart, Daemonorops draco BL. dan Daemonorops melanochaetes BL. Penapisan fitokimia ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa-senyawa yang terkandung dalam resin, uji aktifitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikril-hidrazil) dan uji aktifitas antikoagulasi secara in-vitro menggunakan darah kelinci. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga jenis jernang yang diekstrak menggunakaan pelarut polar (metanol) dan semi-polar (etil asetat) mengandung golongan senyawa yang dikenal Peruntukkannya sebagai obat-obatan yaitu flavonoid, triterpenoid dan tanin serta berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Potensi tertinggi sebagai antioksidan adalah jernang kalamuai (Daemonorops longipes Mart) yang diindikasikan dengan nilai IC50 terendah (71,89±3,89 mgL-1). Ekstrak etil asetat jernang berpotensi sebagai prokoagulasi darah, terutama ekstrak etil asetat jernang kalamuai (Daemonorops longipes Mart.) dengan waktu pembekuan tercepat

    Analisis Permintaan Impor Bawang Merah di Indonesia

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    This research has a purpose to know the development of import demand of shallot in Indonesia and what influence national consumption of shallot, national income, production of shallot, price of import shallot, exchange rate and volume of shallot import have of import demand of shallot in Indonesia. This research uses time series data from 2002 to 2012 by using linier equation. Analysis method that is used in this research is multiple regression by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The regression result shows that National Consumption of shallot has positive influence but does not significantly influence import demand of shallot while income has positive influence and significantlyinfluence import demand of shallot. Price of import shallot has positive influence and significantly influence import demand of shallot while the increasing of shallot's price does not decrease the amount of import demand of shallot because other factors beside price have bigger influence of import demand of shallot. National production has negative influence and significantly influence import demand of shallot while exchange rate and the volume of shallot import one year prior to current year have negative influence but do not significantly influence import demand of shallot

    Penentuan Metode Peramalan sebagai Dasar Penentuan Tingkat Kebutuhan Persediaan Pengaman pada Produk Karet Remah Sir 20

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    Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah PT. Way Kandis belum menggunakanmetode peramalan yang tepat untuk memprediksi permintaan akan karetremah SIR 20 yang terus berfluktuasi. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalampenelitian ini adalah menentukan metode peramalan terbaik untukmemproyeksikan permintaan karet remah SIR 20 untuk periode jangkamenengah yaitu bulan Maret 2014 sampai dengan Agustus 2014. Metodeperamalan yang tepilih nantinya akan digunakan untuk mengetahuipersediaan pengaman (safety stock) pada Perusahaan. Hasil dari peramalanakan dibandingkan dengan permintaan aktualnya dan dihitung nilai kesalahanperamalannya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer dansekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan wawancara langsung dengan pihakterkait, sedangkan data sekunder berupa data permintaan karet remah SIR 20dari Januari 2009 sampai dengan Februari 2014 yang diperoleh dari PT. WayKandis serta pengolahan data dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif. Metodeperamalan terbaik yaitu metode kombinasi antara metode winter dandekomposisi, dengan persentase kesalahan peramalan sebesar 29.019%.Tingkat kesalahan peramalan dibandingkan dengan permintaan aktual padabulan Maret 2014 sampai dengan Juni 2014 adalah 18.81%
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