21 research outputs found

    Growth Responses of Acacia Mangium and Paraserianthes Falcataria Seedlings on Different Soil Origin Under Nursery Condition

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    The objective of the present study was to examine the growth responses of Acacia mangium (mangium) and Paraserianthes falcataria (sengon) seedlings growing on different soil origin under nursery condition. This study was started in September 2012 and terminated in March 2013. The seedlings were grown from seeds sown in a plastic box filled with sterilized sands. One week after sowing, the seedlings were transplanted into polybags contained sterilized soils originated from secondary forest, Imperata cylindrica grassland and ex-coal mining. The number of all seedlings were 180 seedlings consisted of 3 different soils, 2 species of seedlings with 10 seedlings replicated 3 times. Assessment was conducted one week after transplanting, then subsequently monitored every 2 weeks, except dry weighing and counting nodules were performed at the end of the study. A completely randomized design was used in this study. The data was analyzed using Costat software. The study resulted that the different of soil origin influenced on all growth variables of mangium and sengon of 4.5 months old. The survival rate of seedlings, height and diameter increments, dry weight and root nodules were better in both species of seedlings growing on soil originated from secondary forest and Imperata grassland compared with the soil from ex-coal mining. But the survival rates of sengon seedlings were higher than that of mangium on these three soils. The highest dry weight of sengon seedlings was achieved on soil originated from secondary forest. In the present study, soil originated from secondary forest increased more in weight of shoot than root, so that the shoot-root ratio was unbalanced more than one. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that soil from secondary forest and Imperata grassland can be used as growing media for mangium and sengon seedlings in the nursery

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Keuangan pada Lembaga Manajemen Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah

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    Lembaga Manajemen Infaq dan shadaqah (LMZIS) is an institution which is engaged in social and propagation, such as collecting Zakat, Sadaqah infaq and Muslims in the ITS, alumni and the surrounding communities. In the implementation LMZIS notimplement a system of financial accounting information is good, one of which was not reported for managerial accountability to the public. In addition the management has not been able to evaluate the performance of the activity in each month. Given the existing problems in LMZIS, it is necessary to the existence of a financialaccounting information systems that produce financial information that is derived fromactivity data per period and the data resulting in donor funds that are transparentmanagerial reports such as financial reports, evaluation reports and other reports. It can facilitate the directors, muzzaki and donors to get clear information. Based on the results of experiments performed can be concluded that, the system of financial accounting information on LMZIS can help existing business processes incurrent LMZIS start of the process of recording transactions, financial reporting, andevaluation. So that the output generated by the system are made to solve the problems faced by LMZIS today

    Pemodelan Regresi 3-level Dengan Metode Iterative Generalized Least Square (Igls) (Studi Kasus: Lamanya Pendidikan Anak Di Kabupaten Semarang)

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    In a research, data was used often hierarchical structure. Hierarchical data is data obtained through multistage sampling from a population with independent variables can be defined within each level and dependent variable can be defined at the lowest level. One analysis that can be used for data with a hierarchical structure is a multilevel regression analysis. The purpose of this final three-level regression analyzes to establish regression models about the length of a child\u27s education in the District of Semarang where the individual level-1 with a factor of gender, lodged at the family level-2 by a factor of the length of father\u27s education and duration of maternal education and nesting on the environment level-3 with factor of residence, number of elementary school the large number of junior high school and the large number of high school. Parameter estimation in 3-level regression models can use several methods, one of which is a method of Iterative Generalized Least Square (IGLS). Of cases the length of education in the district of Semarang indicate that factors influencing factor is the length of father\u27s education and the duration of the mother\u27s education

    Evaluasi Kelapa Sawit (Elaesis Guineensis) Sebagai Pohon Tepi Jalan Di Universitas Brawijaya

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    Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) sangat diperlukan keberadaannya dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas Kenyamanan lingkungan misalnya di dalam kampus. Salah satu bentuk ruang terbuka hijau adalah jalur hijau jalan dengan elemen utama pohon tepi jalan. Kelapa sawit adalah salah satu contoh pohon tepi jalan yang ditanam untuk menunjukkan identitas pada suatu jalur hijau jalan raya di kampus Universitas Brawijaya. Metode penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah metode survei dan studi pustaka. Metode survei dilakukan dengan mengetahui kondisi fungsional pohon kelapa sawit di kampus Universitas Brawijaya, sedangkan studi pustaka dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai standar pemeliharaan pohon. Selain itu juga dilakukan penilaian evaluasi masyarakat sebagai pengguna jalan terhadap tanaman kelapa sawit dengan kuesioner dan wawancara. Kemudian akan didapatkan hasil evaluasi dan pemberian rekomendasi terhadap pengelolaan yang akan dilakukan

    Morfologi Spasial Fasilitas Penginapan PTPN XII Kebun Blawan Dan Kalisat Jampit – Bondowoso

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    PTPN XII memiliki salah satu Objek Wisata Agro yang sedang berkembang, diantaranya adalah Kebun Blawan dan Kalisat Jampit di Kabupaten Bondowosodengan komoditas utama kopi arabika. Masing-masing kebun memiliki fasilitaspenginapan yaitu Catimor Homestay di Kebun Blawan dan Arabica Homestay diKalisat Jampit. Pada kedua fasilitas penginapan tersebut perkembangan yang terjadidi spasial tapak maupun bangunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui morfologi spasial tapak dan bangunan pada fasilitas penginapanCatimor Homestay dan Arabica Homestay. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatifdengan pendekatan sinkronik. Variabel yang dikaji meliputi morfologi spasial tapakberupa tata guna lahan, tata letak massa, dan sirkulasi serta morfologi spasialbangunan berupa tata letak ruang dan sirkulasi. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalahbahwa tiap-tiap indikator dalam variabel saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain dankondisi spasial kedua penginapan memiliki karakteristik yang hampir sama

    The role of oral vitamin D in several skin diseases

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    Vitamin D has many benefits for body and skin health. One of them is to regulate the immune system, both cellular and humoral. The pathogenesis of many skin diseases is associated with disturbance in regulation of cellular immune system. Research on the relationship between blood level of vitamin D and several diseases in dermatology is currently very advanced. Oral vitamin D is known to have many functions that play a role in the pathogenesis of several diseases of the skin. Therefore, its current use as a primary or supplemental therapy has been widely studied. Knowledge on various skin diseases with indication of oral vitamin D use is important to be understood, especially in association with some chronic diseases requiring long-term therapy. The effects of using oral vitamin D analogues are minimal, but hypervitaminosis D might cause uncomfortable symptoms for patients. Therefore, it is important to understand and regulate the amount of doses of oral vitamin D supplements prescribed