5,342 research outputs found

    Electrohydrodynamically induced mixing in immiscible multilayer flows

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    In the present study we investigate electrostatic stabilization mechanisms acting on stratified fluids. Electric fields have been shown to control and even suppress the Rayleigh-Taylor instability when a heavy fluid lies above lighter fluid. From a different perspective, similar techniques can also be used to generate interfacial dynamics in otherwise stable systems. We aim to identify active control protocols in confined geometries that induce time dependent flows in small scale devices without having moving parts. This effect has numerous applications, ranging from mixing phenomena to electric lithography. Two-dimensional computations are carried out and several such protocols are described. We present computational fluid dynamics videos with different underlying mixing strategies, which show promising results.Comment: Video submission for the gallery of fluid motion, as part of the APS DFD 2013 conferenc

    On the dc Magnetization, Spontaneous Vortex State and Specific Heat in the superconducting state of the weakly ferromagnetic superconductor RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8}

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    Magnetic-field changes << 0.2 Oe over the scan length in magnetometers that necessitate sample movement are enough to create artifacts in the dc magnetization measurements of the weakly ferromagnetic superconductor RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8} (Ru1212) below the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} \approx 30 K. The observed features depend on the specific magnetic-field profile in the sample chamber and this explains the variety of reported behaviors for this compound below TcT_{c}. An experimental procedure that combines improvement of the magnetic-field homogeneity with very small scan lengths and leads to artifact-free measurements similar to those on a stationary sample has been developed. This procedure was used to measure the mass magnetization of Ru1212 as a function of the applied magnetic field H (-20 Oe \le H \le 20 Oe) at T<TcT < T_{c} and discuss, in conjunction with resistance and ac susceptibility measurements, the possibility of a spontaneous vortex state (SVS) for this compound. Although the existence of a SVS can not be excluded, an alternative interpretation of the results based on the granular nature of the investigated sample is also possible. Specific-heat measurements of Sr2_{2}GdRuO6_{6} (Sr2116), the precursor for the preparation of Ru1212 and thus a possible impurity phase, show that it is unlikely that Sr2116 is responsible for the specific-heat features observed for Ru1212 at TcT_{c}.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    The route to chaos for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation

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    The results of extensive numerical experiments of the spatially periodic initial value problem for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. This paper is concerned with the asymptotic nonlinear dynamics at the dissipation parameter decreases and spatio-temporal chaos sets in. To this end the initial condition is taken to be the same for all numerical experiments (a single sine wave is used) and the large time evolution of the system is followed numerically. Numerous computations were performed to establish the existence of windows, in parameter space, in which the solution has the following characteristics as the viscosity is decreased: a steady fully modal attractor to a steady bimodal attractor to another steady fully modal attractor to a steady trimodal attractor to a periodic attractor, to another steady fully modal attractor, to another periodic attractor, to a steady tetramodal attractor, to another periodic attractor having a full sequence of period-doublings (in parameter space) to chaos. Numerous solutions are presented which provide conclusive evidence of the period-doubling cascades which precede chaos for this infinite-dimensional dynamical system. These results permit a computation of the length of subwindows which in turn provide an estimate for their successive ratios as the cascade develops. A calculation based on the numerical results is also presented to show that the period doubling sequences found here for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, are in complete agreement with Feigenbaum's universal constant of 4,669201609... . Some preliminary work shows several other windows following the first chaotic one including periodic, chaotic, and a steady octamodal window; however, the windows shrink significantly in size to enable concrete quantitative conclusions to be made

    Falling liquid films with blowing and suction

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    Flow of a thin viscous film down a flat inclined plane becomes unstable to long wave interfacial fluctuations when the Reynolds number based on the mean film thickness becomes larger than a critical value (this value decreases as the angle of inclination with the horizontal increases, and in particular becomes zero when the plate is vertical). Control of these interfacial instabilities is relevant to a wide range of industrial applications including coating processes and heat or mass transfer systems. This study considers the effect of blowing and suction through the substrate in order to construct from first principles physically realistic models that can be used for detailed passive and active control studies of direct relevance to possible experiments. Two different long-wave, thin-film equations are derived to describe this system; these include the imposed blowing/suction as well as inertia, surface tension, gravity and viscosity. The case of spatially periodic blowing and suction is considered in detail and the bifurcation structure of forced steady states is explored numerically to predict that steady states cease to exist for sufficiently large suction speeds since the film locally thins to zero thickness giving way to dry patches on the substrate. The linear stability of the resulting nonuniform steady states is investigated for perturbations of arbitrary wavelengths, and any instabilities are followed into the fully nonlinear regime using time-dependent computations. The case of small amplitude blowing/suction is studied analytically both for steady states and their stability. Finally, the transition between travelling waves and non-uniform steady states is explored as the suction amplitude increases

    Instability and dripping of electrified liquid films flowing down inverted substrates

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    We consider the gravity-driven flow of a perfect dielectric, viscous, thin liquid film, wetting a flat substrate inclined at a nonzero angle to the horizontal. The dynamics of the thin film is influenced by an electric field which is set up parallel to the substrate surface—this nonlocal physical mechanism has a linearly stabilizing effect on the interfacial dynamics. Our particular interest is in fluid films that are hanging from the underside of the substrate; these films may drip depending on physical parameters, and we investigate whether a sufficiently strong electric field can suppress such nonlinear phenomena. For a non-electrified flow, it was observed by Brun et al. [Phys. Fluids 27, 084107 (2015)] that the thresholds of linear absolute instability and dripping are reasonably close. In the present study, we incorporate an electric field and analyze the absolute and convective instabilities of a hierarchy of reduced-order models to predict the dripping limit in parameter space. The spatial stability results for the reduced-order models are verified by performing an impulse-response analysis with direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the Navier–Stokes equations coupled to the appropriate electrical equations. Guided by the results of the linear theory, we perform DNS on extended domains with inflow and outflow conditions (mimicking an experimental setup) to investigate the dripping limit for both non-electrified and electrified liquid films. For the latter, we find that the absolute instability threshold provides an order-of-magnitude estimate for the electric-field strength required to suppress dripping; the linear theory may thus be used to determine the feasibility of dripping suppression given a set of geometrical, fluid, and electrical parameters

    Linear instability of supersonic plane wakes

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    In this paper we present a theoretical and numerical study of the growth of linear disturbances in the high-Reynolds-number and laminar compressible wake behind a flat plate which is aligned with a uniform stream. No ad hoc assumptions are made as to the nature of the undisturbed flow (in contrast to previous investigations) but instead the theory is developed rationally by use of proper wake-profiles which satisfy the steady equations of motion. The initial growth of near wake perturbation is governed by the compressible Rayleigh equation which is studied analytically for long- and short-waves. These solutions emphasize the asymptotic structures involved and provide a rational basis for a nonlinear development. The evolution of arbitrary wavelength perturbations is addressed numerically and spatial stability solutions are presented that account for the relative importance of the different physical mechanisms present, such as three-dimensionality, increasing Mach numbers enough (subsonic) Mach numbers, there exists a region of absolute instability very close to the trailing-edge with the majority of the wake being convectively unstable. At higher Mach numbers (but still not large-hypersonic) the absolute instability region seems to disappear and the maximum available growth-rates decrease considerably. Three-dimensional perturbations provide the highest spatial growth-rates

    On the breakup of viscous liquid threads

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    A one-dimensional model evolution equation is used to describe the nonlinear dynamics that can lead to the breakup of a cylindrical thread of Newtonian fluid when capillary forces drive the motion. The model is derived from the Stokes equations by use of rational asymptotic expansions and under a slender jet approximation. The equations are solved numerically and the jet radius is found to vanish after a finite time yielding breakup. The slender jet approximation is valid throughout the evolution leading to pinching. The model admits self-similar pinching solutions which yield symmetric shapes at breakup. These solutions are shown to be the ones selected by the initial boundary value problem, for general initial conditions. Further more, the terminal state of the model equation is shown to be identical to that predicted by a theory which looks for singular pinching solutions directly from the Stokes equations without invoking the slender jet approximation throughout the evolution. It is shown quantitatively, therefore, that the one-dimensional model gives a consistent terminal state with the jet shape being locally symmetric at breakup. The asymptotic expansion scheme is also extended to include unsteady and inerticial forces in the momentum equations to derive an evolution system modelling the breakup of Navier-Stokes jets. The model is employed in extensive simulations to compute breakup times for different initial conditions; satellite drop formation is also supported by the model and the dependence of satellite drop volumes on initial conditions is studied