24 research outputs found

    Effects of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs on gene expression profiles in the liver of schizophrenia subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although much progress has been made on antipsychotic drug development, precise mechanisms behind the action of typical and atypical antipsychotics are poorly understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed genome-wide expression profiling to study effects of typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics in the postmortem liver of schizophrenia patients using microarrays (Affymetrix U133 plus2.0). We classified the subjects into typical antipsychotics (n = 24) or atypical antipsychotics (n = 26) based on their medication history, and compared gene expression profiles with unaffected controls (n = 34). We further analyzed individual antipsychotic effects on gene expression by sub-classifying the subjects into four major antipsychotic groups including haloperidol, phenothiazines, olanzapine and risperidone.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Typical antipsychotics affected genes associated with nuclear protein, stress responses and phosphorylation, whereas atypical antipsychotics affected genes associated with golgi/endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasm transport. Comparison between typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics further identified genes associated with lipid metabolism and mitochondrial function. Analyses on individual antipsychotics revealed a set of genes (151 transcripts, FDR adjusted p < 0.05) that are differentially regulated by four antipsychotics, particularly by phenothiazines, in the liver of schizophrenia patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics affect different genes and biological function in the liver. Typical antipsychotic phenothiazines exert robust effects on gene expression in the liver that may lead to liver toxicity. The genes found in the current study may benefit antipsychotic drug development with better therapeutic and side effect profiles.</p

    Prediction of emissions of a diesel engine fueled with soybean biodiesel using artificial neural networks

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    Recently, the usage of biodiesel as an alternative energy source instead of fossil-based fuels becomes very popular because biodiesel is totally renewable and has more favorable combustion emission profile, however; to determine exhaust emission values at different loads and engine speeds is an important challenge and requires both time consuming and expensive experiments. Instead of conducting experiments, artificial neural network (ANN) models which are computing systems composed of neurons are used to solve complex functions can be used. Therefore, in this study an ANN model was prepared in order to predict the exhaust emissions values of 100% soybean biodiesel using diesel engine for different engine speeds at varying load conditions. Engine speed, torque and exhaust temperature values were used as input in order to predict CO, CO 2, NO x and NO 2 emissions and coefficient of correlation (R), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) values were calculated in order to define correlation between the target value and output value and identify the convergence between the target and the output values. Calculated R values are in the range of 0,9979-0, 9999 and MAPE values are in the range of 0,69-2,55%. According to results, the usage of ANNs is highly recommended to predict the engine's emissions of a diesel engine fueled with pure soybean biodiesel. © Sila Science

    Effect of nanoparticle additives on NOx emissions of diesel fuelled compression ignition engine

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    The amount of emitted harmful emission gases increases in parallel with increasing energy consumption. This increase has forced many countries to take various precautions and various restrictions on emitted emissions have been carried. In this study, effects of addition of oxygen containing nanoparticle additives on NOx emissions of diesel fuelled test engine were investigated. Nine different nanoparticle additives namely aluminium oxide (Al2O3), magnesium oxide (MgO), titanium oxide (TiO2), zinc oxide (ZnO), silicon oxide (SiO2), iron oxide Fe2O3, nickel oxide (NiO), nickel iron oxide (NiFe2O4) and nickel zinc iron oxide Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 were added to diesel fuel at the dosages of 25, 50 and 100 ppm. As a result, optimum additive and addition dosages were determined. Finally, the results showed that NOx emissions were decreased with the addition of nanoparticles. Copyright © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Free-radical Reactions and Thermal Effects in PE during Pipe Extrusion

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    In this study, various effects on the properties of the material, such as free-radical (FR) processes, oxygen induction time (OIT), melting temperature and melting heat are examined during several stages of the polyethylene (PE) pipe extrusion process. The spectra in the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) are researched between 77-293 K and in a wide range of magnetic fields. At 77 K a triplet signal in ESR is observed. The parameters of the signal are DeltaH(ml) congruent to 1.4 - 1.6 mT; DeltaH(m2) congruent to 1 - 1.2 mT; DeltaH(m3) congruent to 0.6 - 0.8 mT and g(1) congruent to 2.020; g(2) congruent to 2.011; g(3) congruent to 1.99 and Hyper Fine Structure constant DeltaH(12) congruent to 2.1 mT; DeltaH(23) congruent to 5.3 mT. As the temperature increase from 77 K up to 293 K, the signal for g(4) congruent to 2.02 (DeltaH(m4) not congruent to 0.7 - 0.8 mT) appears and intensity of signals increase. It is also thought that the triplet observed at 77 K belongs to macroradicals of alkyl (-CH2-CH-CH2), alyl (similar toCH(2)CHCH = CHCH(2)similar to), carboanions and the acyl (HCO) radicals of the fourth signal. At room temperature, all the FR's transform into peroxide radicals. The total concentration of the FR's is minimum at 463 K and increases at the outlet of the extruder and the pipe sample

    Free-radical reactions and thermal effects in PE during pipe extrusion

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    In this study, various effects on the properties of the material, such as free-radical (FR) processes, oxygen induction time (OIT), melting temperature and melting heat are examined during several stages of the polyethylene (PE) pipe extrusion process. The spectra in the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) are researched between 77-293 K and in a wide range of magnetic fields. At 77 K a triplet signal in ESR is observed. The parameters of the signal are DeltaH(ml) congruent to 1.4 - 1.6 mT; DeltaH(m2) congruent to 1 - 1.2 mT; DeltaH(m3) congruent to 0.6 - 0.8 mT and g(1) congruent to 2.020; g(2) congruent to 2.011; g(3) congruent to 1.99 and Hyper Fine Structure constant DeltaH(12) congruent to 2.1 mT; DeltaH(23) congruent to 5.3 mT. As the temperature increase from 77 K up to 293 K, the signal for g(4) congruent to 2.02 (DeltaH(m4) not congruent to 0.7 - 0.8 mT) appears and intensity of signals increase. It is also thought that the triplet observed at 77 K belongs to macroradicals of alkyl (-CH2-CH-CH2), alyl (similar toCH(2)CHCH = CHCH(2)similar to), carboanions and the acyl (HCO) radicals of the fourth signal. At room temperature, all the FR's transform into peroxide radicals. The total concentration of the FR's is minimum at 463 K and increases at the outlet of the extruder and the pipe sample

    Metástase cutânea rara de provável carcinoma basaloide de cólon simulando granuloma piogênico Rare cutaneous metastasis from a probable basaloid carcinoma of the colon mimicking pyogenic granuloma

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    As acrometástases, principalmente para as mãos, são incomuns e representam cerca de 0,0070,2% de todas as lesões metastáticas. O pulmão é o sítio de origem mais comum, colaborando com 4050% dos casos relatados na literatura. Os rins e mamas são outras localizações também relacionadas a neoplasias que metastatizam para as mãos, além de, mais raramente, trato gastrointestinal, outros tumores sistêmicos e sarcomas. Seu diagnóstico precoce é difícil, pois pode ser assintomático, se assemelhar a tenossinovite, artrite, paroníquia, granuloma piogênico ou infecção local. No presente relato, os autores apresentam paciente com diagnóstico de acrometástase, em ambos os quartos quirodáctilos, oriunda de carcinoma basaloide de canal anal, com pobre resposta à radioterapia<br>Acrometastasis is a rare occurrence, especially when affecting the hands. It represents around 0.007-0.2% of all metastatic lesions. The most common site of origin is the lung, accounting for 40-50% of all cases reported in the literature. Kidneys and breasts are other sites also associated with neoplastic lesions that disseminate to the hands. More rarely, the site of origin may be the gastrointestinal tract or other systemic tumors or sarcomas. Early diagnosis is difficult, since the condition may be asymptomatic or may mimic tenosynovitis, arthritis, paronychia, pyogenic granuloma or a local infection. In the present paper, the authors report on a patient with the diagnosis of acrometastasis on both hands originating from a basaloid carcinoma of the anal canal. Response to radiotherapy was poo

    Varicella-Zoster Virus ORF47 Protein Serine Kinase: Characterization of a Cloned, Biologically Active Phosphotransferase and Two Viral Substrates, ORF62 and ORF63

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    Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) codes for a protein serine kinase called ORF47; the herpes simplex virus (HSV) homolog is UL13. No recombinant alphaherpesvirus serine kinase has been biologically active in vitro. We discovered that preservation of the intrinsic kinase activity of recombinant VZV ORF47 required unusually stringent in vitro conditions, including physiological concentrations of polyamines. In this assay, ORF47 phosphorylated two VZV regulatory proteins: the ORF62 protein (homolog of HSV ICP4) and the ORF63 protein (homolog of HSV ICP22). Of interest, ORF47 kinase also coprecipitated ORF63 protein from the kinase assay supernatant